Upon beating it I immediately fell into an hour long orgasm. No cut scenes at all, yet it feels like a movie. Every time you do anything theatrical, such as watch a man get interrogated or a helicopter exploding and crashing into the ground sliding through the snow like a meteor with spinning blades of doom attached only to slow to a halt right in front of you (or on you if you are retarded), YOU CAN WALK AROUND. Say you prefer not to see a man get beaten to death, then you can turn around and walk away. Only two things I have to gripe about, the story is to short (understandable seeing how awesome it is) and that helicopters always crash the same exact way. The multiplayer is more awesome than Gilgamesh and Arlen combined. Every aspect of it is realistic, dying from jumping out a window on a two story building (or at least getting hurt pretty bad), the camera twisting when you reload certain guns, bullets piercing cover and killing you leaving a nice splotch of blood on the wall behind you. This isnt like Halo where you can confront people with guns blazing, two to three shots and you are a dead son of a bitch. The camouflage in this game is remarkable, it is impossible to see some snipers until they start shooting at you. The bullet through wall thing is the highlight of the game, nothing is more satisfying than filling the house with bullets you saw that sad little man run into after sniping your buddy. And finally the pistols actually do something, in other games you would be retarded to bring a pistol to a machine gun fight, but now if you have good accuracy you can kill them before you get so much as a scraped knee. So now I tell you all, buy this game, now.