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Requesting a Key Binding Script

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Rep: +0/-0Level 86
I would like a script that will allow me to call events such as $scene = Scene_Menu2.new.

Or something as simple as a print("You pressed some key.") inside of a function, something that will detect what key is pressed so that I can bind menus to different keys.

Level 87

Posting the same request in 10 areas will not get you the answer any faster, but it WILL put a few noses out of joint.

On the second page of the Scripts forum, had you looked, you might have found a topic called Keyboard Script (allows you to use any key).

The comments in the script tell you how to use it, but I modified it and set up a call in Scene_Map (in the Update function - around where it checks for the F9 key to be pressed when debugging) to check for particular keys being pressed and call new functions.

This should get you somewhere.
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