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Party stories?

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Level 91
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Hey guys been to any parties recently?

There is bound to be good stories from them.

Here is your chance to post us some kick ass stories to make us laugh, cry or feel like going to another party.

Well I geuss I will start...

Umm good party stories.

Well A few months ago the first XV rugby team had a end of season party, So I was invited and I only went with a 1.5 litre coke bottle with a mixture of rum and coke. So to get drunk enough to have a good time, I dunk it as fast as I can...

I am now missing three hours of my life. I got so drunk that I Cant remember what happned.

But I got told I started to bounce on the tramp till I threw up, I fell asleep in a bush, I was flirting with my mates mum. And then I got everybody together and made us yell "PRAISE JESUS, HALLELUJAH!!!"

Soo I was pretty wasted, any other stories?

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I have a lot, lol.

I was at a party in Oakland one time with a bunch of my friends, and some people I didn't know. One of these kids had a birthmark on his neck, and my friend June Bug, in his infinite ignorance, said, "Why do you have a mark on your neck that looks like someone tried to suck your face off?"
Needless to say, this kid wasn't too happy, and I was feeling pretty awkward. I went downstairs, only to see another of my friends come flying down the steps into the courtyard minutes later. His shoe flew off, and he was disoriented from hitting his head. My friend Andy and I were helping him up, and these kids were trying to come down to leave. Everyone was tearing to get at them, since it was obvious that someone had pushed our friend down.
One of the kids, on his way out, said to me, "Yeah, yeah. We're leaving."
I was helping hold people back, and casually said, "Yeah you are."
Anyway, the kid didn't like that, and he went to swing at me so I tackled him. After that it gets to be kind of a blur that I only remember snippets of.
My friend Matt screaming for my old bass player, "Dan! Dandermine!"
Seeing Dan jump on the picnic table and start kicking people in the face.
A marine holding someone on the ground, repeatedly slamming their head and saying, "You're nothing. You're nothing."
A kid patting me on the back and saying, "Best party I've been to in a while," and me noticing that he had brass knuckles on.
It was pretty crazy, and on our way out, we saw the marine still beating the shit out of some kid on the way to his car. The neighbor, some old lady, came out to tell us she called the police, and the marine picked the kid up like he was his friend and said, "Hi, how are you doing tonight?" to the old lady.


Then another time, after a show, I was sitting in the van with one of my exes, and I drank half a bottle of Jager in like 10 minutes because I didn't want to pay for drinks at the bar. My ex was on some kind of anti-depressant, and I was hammered, so I asked for one. I didn't take it though, I snorted it. (I know, I was out of control for a while.) I sneezed for like a half hour. We got to our hotel room, and I remember laying on the floor, and then I blacked out. When I woke up the next morning, I was in bed and people were telling me about things I did that I still can't remember.


In 2005, my old band-mates rented this odd house in Southside, where all the lightswitches were in weird places, and there was a little green room for us to smoke pot and play nintendo in. On New Year's Eve, I can remember girls dancing on tables, Matt sitting on this cut-off tree and pouring liquor in people's mouths, all the stoners, (I was one, too,) in the green room playing Jackal, and some things that I forget about. I went to the little store up the street to get some stuff, (with my first serious girlfriend, which was kind of cool because this was like 10 years after we dated,) and they didn't have the "Munchos" my friend Todd (Toodles) wanted. I got back to the house and told him, and he was all pissed and threw the Doritos I got him across the room. They hit my friend Mike in the face, which after some arguing resulted in my friend Andy punching Toodles in the face, and Toodles walking away for the night, only to be found the next day.


My favorite place, though, was my friend John's farm in Portersville. We used to go there every weekend in highschool and have these huge parties. There was nobody around for at least 5 miles in any direction, and we could pretty much do whatever we wanted. I have so many good stories from up there, so maybe I'll post some at a later time~

Level 91
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HOLK you are my new Idol...

another party story from me...

I went to my mates seventeenth on the intent of getting drunk.

Well I certainly got drunk. I tried to do it as fast as possible, so i drunk my entire stach of aclahol in 10 mins... so fast, thanks to the help of funnels though....

and Within half an hour the amount of alcahol so fast put me to sleep...

I arived at 10 and was comad at 10 40... best time ever lol....

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
I'm 13 and my life is mundane. ;9