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Adding a money option on Ring Menu(Kypep)

Started by elfyelf, December 02, 2007, 03:16:49 PM

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First i would say for you to copy the ring menu posted by Kypep, and read to what it says to do
with the lines 16 - 21, here is the link.,8998.msg118066.html#msg118066

1. Go to line 21 and press "Enter" to add a free line, type this into it:

ICON_GOLD = RPG::Cache.icon("040-Item09") # Adds a money icon on it

2A. Go to line 47 and press enter to add a new line, type this into it:

s7 = "Money"

2B. Go to line 49 and at the end of s6 put s7,.

2C. Go to line 50 and put 7 instead of 6.

2D. Go to line 52 and at the end of ICON_EXIT, add this:


2E. Go to line 53 and add another false right after the last one.

3. Go to line 396 and press "Enter" to make a new line, add this to the the line:

when 6 # when the money icon is clicked.
    @gold_window = #makes a new gold window.
    @gold_window.x = 0 #the x cordinate of window.
    @gold_window.y = 0 #the y cordinate of window.
        Graphics.freeze # when out of menu.
    @gold_window.dispose #exits out of money window.

3A. This whole thing should go from line 397 - 404, also include the spaces.

Yes I know you can browse through the other things but just cancel everything after clicking the money icon or browse throught
what ever you where doing.

Here's a screenshot from my game.

Money Window Opened.

Yes this is the same game as the aegis demo in the new projects.

Hope you understood and thank you for reading this.


I do my best!!!