I think that I have the errors situation all calmed. The solution is not exactly tollerable to me right now. The game gets boost up to 37 MB. Which for my games that is beyond huge. I have unlimited abuse of a server (thanks to my friend), but I have dialup and I need to upload it! I would find the unneeded files and remove them.
I would also remove the intro for various reasons.
Four weeks ago I left the first region for the second. A shard of the second continent. The southern most region of the massive second continent. This region is a wild and overtaken region with one town and a sprawling farm village. The region has been overtaken by the wilderness because there are no soldiers or guards here. It is a haven for lawbreakers, creatures, and other foes.
The second region (Shanagrad) consists of 10 areas, 1 port, 1 farm village, 1 lighthouse, 1 bridge, 1 giant marsh, 1 church 1 giant mountain pass, 1 tunnel to the 3rd region, 1 large forest and 1 network of tunnels in the mountain pass. The marsh is so massive that you do not even come back the same way that you go in, just so the map can be used twice and still be fresh. The mountain pass (Preston Pass) is a labrynth of rocks, tiers and levels.
With these new areas, the game now has over 200 maps. To counter act that fact... I have started doubling maps up. If I do not. I will quickly run out of maps by the limit of 999.
Iiiiiii love it! All of the little nooks and crannies in caves, on mountain passes or pretty much anywhere in the wilderness now has some reward for entering them. Like if you see a cliff with a stairway, but there is nothing on the cliff... why would you go up the cliff? Now there is a treasure or some point of interest. A reward.
There are several tiny use your intelligence to get treasures... treasures. Like slice down a bush or flower to get to a treasure. Push a treasure to open it. There are areas where you can CLEARLY see there is nothing there, making it pointless to see what there is... until you take a walk of faith and a treasure appears. These are all SMALL ways that improve the game. There are still grand puzzles though. These are just the simple ones.
There are now an additional 5 episodes that run quicker than the first 5. In a way at least. These take longer to walk to, more enemies to wade through (assuming that you do not smart or stealth your way out of them). The characters get deeper, and those that might hate you... are needed.
I have more effectively streamlined each episode into 3 completable forms. Strength, Smarts, and Stealth. Each quest already had multiple ways to complete it, but now I have just given it a catchy phrase. Strength, Smarts, and Stealth. Sometimes the answers are not as obvious as they seem.
The first 5 episodes were very character driven, these new 5 are very thick in story, content and interest, just like the original 5 episodes on the first content. I would say more, but that would spoil it... maybe I will post in the writing forum.
For a portion of the second region, you will have 5 in your party, but you will not be the slaughtering machine that you think you would be with 5 in the party.
So far I have placed 5 of 100 tokens into the game world. These tokens are used for a giant game board. Ala Maia 2K3 and Dragon Warrior 3. The only trick is finding the tokens and finding where to use them for a fun and danger filled board.