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Final Evangeline: Tales of Angelia

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Rep: +0/-0Level 86
Emokashi, Uber p00nage 1337z0r noobzo0r. WTFz0rs?
A current project I'm actually getting ahead in.


The angels watch below as the Anti-Wakers took the Angelian Refractors 1 by 1.
Although there were Protecters for these Refractors, The Anti- Wakers traveled
in groups, and were VERY overpowered. They take these Refractors for 1 reason:
To engulf the 8 Refractor Kingdoms in Darkness. This Kingdom is called Angelia.
And is the first to be attacked by the Anti- Wakers.

But, One day, An Anti-Waker Slayer, A Re-Waker, Name Nokori, Slayed the last
BELIEVED (Remember that word, Lol) Anti-Waker. But he was wrong. There were
many more groups to come. That group, The Symphonian 5 attacked the Angelian
Kingdom and Stole many Refractors. But they haven't gotten the last 3. Nokori
believes that his small son, Can be the only one in his Bloodline, That should finish
this nonsence in the Angelian Kingdom.


Dante Suzuki - The son of Nokori Suzuki, The main char. and also
the Re-Waker of the Refractors, He has an Alternative Demon side.

Nokori Suzuki - Father of Dante, He is a retired Re-Waker. He used to have
his Demon SIde stuck on him, Due to using it too much, But that's gone

Symphonian 5 -

Enichi: The man in the Cloak. He leads S5, and is the most powered one of them all.

Hayato: The right hand man of Enichi, and born and raised in the Dragula Clan.
He has Vampire blood flowing in him.

Daichi: A spear master, He is the fastest of the group, And uses
Tactics that most people don't live to tell of.

Kira: She is a Fallen Angel, And is pretty evil. She uses the most Brutal
tactics later on in the game.

Hikaru: A peaceful and calm one. She is a water elemental from Atlantis.
She is really a beast in battle, Although she remains clam during that time.


The game should have a Demo, By maybe December 15.

Hope you looking foward to it!

Edit: Final - Thanks for pointing this out -  This game is made in XP, With a ABS (Mr.Mo's Pimpness) To make it more interesting  ;8
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 02:02:13 AM by Emokashi »
Current Project:

Tales of Angelia - 3% Complete. 1% Database, 2% Maps.

Emokashi: Why does people always make Fangames?
Some guy: Cause their n00bs.
Emokashi: Does that mean I'm n00b? I'm making KH ownz0r game.
Some guy: Hell yes, Uber n00b.
Emokashi: Uber 1337 n00b! :)

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Good luck.
Post screenshots.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Rep: +0/-0Level 86
Emokashi, Uber p00nage 1337z0r noobzo0r. WTFz0rs?
I will, And thanks. I'm just to lazy. o.0  :bean:
Current Project:

Tales of Angelia - 3% Complete. 1% Database, 2% Maps.

Emokashi: Why does people always make Fangames?
Some guy: Cause their n00bs.
Emokashi: Does that mean I'm n00b? I'm making KH ownz0r game.
Some guy: Hell yes, Uber n00b.
Emokashi: Uber 1337 n00b! :)

Level 88
Nice, your story is pretty good so far. One thing I noticed...

Nokori Suzuki - Father of Dante, He is a retired Re-Waker. He used to have
a PERMANANT Demon side to him, Due to using it too much, But that's gone
Permanent things are forever. Just like diamonds. :P They don't just disappear.

Oh, and is this made in RMXP or what? You should tell in case you ever need help.

Level 87
"Dear diary, jack pot"
I have to agree with Final-Knight, nice storyline.
Can't wait to see screenshots & a demo.
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Rep: +0/-0Level 86
Emokashi, Uber p00nage 1337z0r noobzo0r. WTFz0rs?
Zomg, Thanks guys! And thanks Final for pointing that out, (I'll change it  :bean:

Screenshots and a Trailer should be out in a week or so.

And I've actually maken use of my common events (Not like before) And established
a Demon Side Skill.

Ex: You have a skill called Demonic Trasition which acutally transforms you Into a Demon. But it takes 1000 SP.
      Then you have a Skill thats called Demonic Relenquish which Transforms you back.

(I can't wait for people to try it out! Lol)

Oh yeah, And if you think this is gonna be on that S**tty RTP Battle System. It's not.

I'm gonna let you guys play my game with Mr.Mo's Super Ownage Action Battle System!

And I'm at the point of the game where I'm just about to make Grassland Maze, Leading into

Radlia, The Trader's Town. (It's also a port to leave to some Island (I haven't decided yet) that is a main area of the game)

Well, That's it for now. I'll update as soon as I get more into the game

Edit: I can't belive it. My game just died. Unexpected File Format. NO!
        Maybe I have a plan. Dunno. But all that work FOR NOTHING, Lol.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2007, 09:28:03 PM by Emokashi »
Current Project:

Tales of Angelia - 3% Complete. 1% Database, 2% Maps.

Emokashi: Why does people always make Fangames?
Some guy: Cause their n00bs.
Emokashi: Does that mean I'm n00b? I'm making KH ownz0r game.
Some guy: Hell yes, Uber n00b.
Emokashi: Uber 1337 n00b! :)

Level 88
That error comes every now and then... Not too often though.

And I'm gonna assume this is RMXP since you said you were using Mr. Moo's ABS.

I think that the error might fix itself. I'm not sure... It's only happened once to me. Just try it again later.

Rep: +0/-0Level 86
Emokashi, Uber p00nage 1337z0r noobzo0r. WTFz0rs?
Zomg, Noz0rs! Well, It doesn't matter I speed map most of the time, Since all the time I memorize the way people map. I'm made a Word
Document to help me remember all the Common Events I made and all the Skills I input. I should be finished after the weekend. And the Demo should come out later that week.  ;D I promise that i'll finish this game guys! Btw, If you hate Kingdom hearts... Its got a crapload of KH music in it.

Current Project:

Tales of Angelia - 3% Complete. 1% Database, 2% Maps.

Emokashi: Why does people always make Fangames?
Some guy: Cause their n00bs.
Emokashi: Does that mean I'm n00b? I'm making KH ownz0r game.
Some guy: Hell yes, Uber n00b.
Emokashi: Uber 1337 n00b! :)

Level 88
Speed mapping? Reminds me, I'd like to see some screenshots before I'll play a demo. And keeping track of that stuff is a good idea. Wish I would have thought of that... ;9

Rep: +0/-0Level 86
Emokashi, Uber p00nage 1337z0r noobzo0r. WTFz0rs?
Yeah, I'll post some maps up.  :o But, don't be suprised if my maps aren't that great.  :blizj: Most of the time, I draft, THEN i get to the finishing up, but doesn't matter! I'm also not that kind of super l33t ownage crazy sup3r dup3r mapper, So if you don't like them (Or if anyone else doesn't) I'll go recruting for a mapper. Basically everything in the Database and Materialbase is layed out. I just need someone to revised and help me out with my maps. o.0 Well, Peace Final!

       ~ Emokashi (Damn, That sounds weird, lol)
Current Project:

Tales of Angelia - 3% Complete. 1% Database, 2% Maps.

Emokashi: Why does people always make Fangames?
Some guy: Cause their n00bs.
Emokashi: Does that mean I'm n00b? I'm making KH ownz0r game.
Some guy: Hell yes, Uber n00b.
Emokashi: Uber 1337 n00b! :)