I'm perfecting my open ended gameplay for a Maia 2K8 game. I have this idea... let me run it by everyone to see if it's a good idea or not. The game adapts and changes to conform to you the player character. Originally with Maia 2K7 you could do as you pleased with the use of 3 characters you could modify throughout the game. My new idea is having one player character and along the way you recruit and have other members join for quests.
- known there is a mother to the player
- known there is a sister to the player
- known there is a brother to the player
- mother has a baby
- asked what gender the newborn is
- asked what the name is
- mother is asked where the father is
--- fishing
--- drunk
--- in war
--- on a quest
- brother is asked how he feels about a new brother / sister
--- posative response the brother's like toward the player goes up 50
--- negavie response the brother's like toward the player stays at 0
- sister is asked how he feels about a new brother / sister
--- posative response the sister's like toward the player goes up 50
--- negavie response the sister's like toward the player stays at 0
- player can wander around the house and either get in trouble or do good things
--- like from brother, sister, mother and father go up or down.
--- the like other characters have for one another goes up or down based on the actions too.
IF player gets parents to hate the sister or brother...
- random: brother / sister runs away
- random: brother / sister kills themself
- random: brother / sister dies mysteriously
IF player gets parents to love the sister or brother...
- random: brother / sister does grand things, maybe even king or queen
- random: brother / sister ends up married with a family
- random: brother / sister uncoveres strange things
IF player gets the mother to hate the player
- random: mother physically abusive / mentally abusive toward player
- random: mother runs away
- random: mother dies mysteriously
IF father's job is drinking
- random: let's not go there yet
IF father's job is fishing
- random: father gets eaten by a giant fish
- random: father is actually there and a mentor throughout the game
- random: can see relationship blossom or dwindle between the mother and father
- player's cooking of fish and fishing skills rise
IF father's job is being on quests
- random: father dies on a quest
- random: father is actually there and a mentor throughout the game
- random: can see relationship blossom or dwindle between the mother and father
- random: father comes across strange things
- random: father leaves on strange missions and player can join him
IF father's job is being at war
- random: father dies in battle
- random: father is captured
- random: can see the isolation of the mother and how she copes
- random: father is a grizzled vet
- random: father leaves on combat missions and player can join him
That's how your tasks as a toddler will affect the game.
Daytime Schedules!
- join classes to learn skills for a price
- get jobs to learn skills and earn money
Night time Schedules!
- do chores at home
- study up for stats!
- go on dates
All of this was just to create a story for the player. The graduation I would assume would be anywhere from 10-60 minutes of the game. By the end of the player's graduation... the player could have a story / back story like this.
- Player becomes great and swords, eh at magic, but good at being a thief
- Father died in combat
- Mother didn't take that well, killed herself
- Brother became isolated and needs help
- Brother hates the player
- Sister is supportive of the player
- Player has a girlfriend
- Player's rep went down in society from skipping too many classes.
OR something like this
- Player is an excellent mage, but clumsy at stealth and not so good with the weapons
- Father is a fisherman and mentor
- Mother is happy and good at healing
- Brother and player are unseparable (or however it's spelled)
- Sister has turned to the dark side and hates the player
- Player has a boyfriend
- Mother, brother and player join up in a fighting force with the player's boyfriend
- Sister is jealous and has vowed to kill them all!
Anyway. What does everyone think? This is just a back story that will come into play.