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Final Fantasy: Oblivion

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Level 88
This is a fan game... hope that clears some things up. Ha.
This game takes place withen a final fantasy world with moggles, chocobos, you know, the works.

*I'm sorry I have not disclosed a lot of info but the demo is coming soon! Don't want to spoil it for you guys*

*NEW!!! I just want to reconfirm that the name final fantasy was used because this is a fan game, and has final fantasy references. The story however, is original. More screens coming tommorow.

*Here are the first screens in my new Final Fantasy game. This isn't going to be a cheezy knock off of the other ff's. The story plot is original, and there are many varibles that can even change the story plot, and how it ends! This is going to be done with a friendship and romance system. Another thing I did was edit the sprits to pose differently, so the cut scenes are more intense. I'll post more up tommorow!

*First set of screenshots*

Spoiler for:

This is a shot of the main character, Kairo. The women below is currently undisclosed.

 For the world map, I shrunk the characters down for a more classy Final Fantasy taste. Also you might have noticed the chocobo running around up on the screen. Chocobo raising will be included in the game. That is all I am going to say about that for now. :) P.S the world map is going to be 1000X by 1000y in size!!

 You can literally befriend everyone in this pub, even the moogle to the bottom you could hardly see. Befriend people and you will get many great rewards such as quests, items, gold, cut scenes, etc.

See everyone soon.

Looking for contributers:
-Someone to make a CMS.
-Map makers.
-Quest Makers
-Chipsets &/or classic FF chara sets redone to look newer.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 07:41:11 PM by warski »
What the?

House of Nostalgia
Level 87
You loved it.
Heheh, looks cool although you managed to steal Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion's names :D Good luck.


Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Heheh, looks cool although you managed to steal Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion's names :D Good luck.

Good point.

Good Luck with that.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 88
Ahah, this is supposed to be a final fantasy fan game. Obviously I took the name for that reason. However, Oblivion, didn't mean to take that :S I fix it up don't worry.
What the?