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Forge: A collaborative project

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Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Heeey, I recently got an epic idea. If multiple people contributed towards one game, the game would be huge. So if everybody could contribute that would be awesome.

Main Character: (your name)
A stalwart fighter, he may have been drafted into the whole hero buisness, but he enjoys it.  He has a good heart and is always willing to lend a helping hand towards others.

You have been chosen out of all the young men in the world to save Queen Crystal from the Abyss. The Overlord of the Abyss has captured her for himself and plans to keep her for eternity. You are too weak to fight him, but the Eldars have opened portals to alternate dimensions where you can gain power. Save the Queen from the Overlord!

I am looking for people to contribute worlds to the game. Rule for contributing are as follows.

Rules for contributing
Custom Resources are allowed, but try to stick to a fantasy setting
Each area needs to be large, and can be as many maps as nescesary
Need help thinking of a map? Ask me, I got plenty of ideas written down.
Not only can you contribute maps, but you can contribute smaller things like songs or character or scripts
Event Based Battles
Best work please
Each level needs to have 6 quests incorperated

Completed Maps (with screenies)
Spoiler for:
Tutorial Town

The Plains of the Vedt

Maps in progress
Spoiler for:
Main Lobby-Forcystus

Your name here
Land of Shadows (resource pack)
Irock (ripped runescape music)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 03:46:55 PM by Forcystus »

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
If you are planning on making it into an MMORPG, I could use Elysium Diamond and get the server all set up. Then whoever is going to host it can just tweak a few small things for their computer and run the server. Ta Da! ^_^

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Can you be the server?

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Sadly I can't. I originally tried to make an MMORPG for RMRK but it fell apart as I couldn't be the server. :(

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
mmk, will you make a world?

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I'll start by getting the server and everything set up. Once that's ready and someone hosts it, people can just log in and start mapping.

House of Nostalgia
Level 87
You loved it.
:( Im using Elysium, I sad-scripted over 15+ things. Has no-one cared about poor lil' kitten? and her single made no help MMORPG?

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
:( Im using Elysium, I sad-scripted over 15+ things. Has no-one cared about poor lil' kitten? and her single made no help MMORPG?

I would help, but I have no skills.

House of Nostalgia
Level 87
You loved it.
once I finish the page, I'll link the jobs we have many many many open to the public

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
:( Im using Elysium, I sad-scripted over 15+ things. Has no-one cared about poor lil' kitten? and her single made no help MMORPG?

I would help, but I have no skills.

You must be able to something, anything?

once I finish the page, I'll link the jobs we have many many many open to the public

You mean your game or mine?

House of Nostalgia
Level 87
You loved it.
My game hehe, it's much like this except I started on it quite the while ago. :) good luck to you.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I'll start by getting the server and everything set up. Once that's ready and someone hosts it, people can just log in and start mapping.
If anyone does eventualy join me or this project we could use my server Mc'Skills and such.

By this I'm assuming I don't have to get the server ready for you to use? You're already familiar with Elysium so you could do it all yourself correct?

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
You think we could have both of our games on your website Kitten?

House of Nostalgia
Level 87
You loved it.
I think we could incorperate them, out idea's are preacticaly the same, except I've done so much bloody work on mine already, but I'm happy to make you a wordpress, if you give me the info :)

Level 91
Sexual Deviant

Sorry, I don't speak html

So you want to put the two games together? Or just on the same site?

House of Nostalgia
Level 87
You loved it.
Either, up to you.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I would prefer seperate, and if a bandwith issue ever arises, I could find someone else

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Help from Nouman?
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
If you're talking about bandwith issues with the actual HOSTING of the game server, that won't really be a problem. Bandwith is never (almost never) and issue with Elysium unless you're hosting a few hundred people at the same time (which I have yet to see happen on an Elysium game).

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Whats so terrible about Elysium?
And is there something better?

A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.
Don't use Elysium...  Use XtremeWorlds.  It's proven to be better than Elysium.  Less buggy, more features, nice and active developer.  http://www.xtremeworlds.com

Another option is X-Realms by New World Dynasty.

And if you want to go advanced, use VBGore.  It uses MySQL for the database.  Most Mirage-based engines are flat-file, however.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2007, 04:28:48 PM by Arwym »

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I'll use xtreme worlds
Looks good. I'll update you'll on it every now and then

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Whats so terrible about Elysium?
Elysium isn't normally used for large games for the main reason that it's easy to hack into. I've never heard of XtremeWorlds or X-Realms so I can't comment on those. VBGore is a rather nice way to make MMORPGs. It uses Visual Basic (hense the name VBGore) and is quite a powerful program.

Which one you should use all depends on what you're planning to do with the game. If you just want to have RMRK members using it, use Elysium as it's easy to learn and not "really" professional. If you want to go all out, use VBGore. I'm not sure about the other two mentioned but I'm assuming they're somewhere in between the two.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I have decided to keep it off-line, but Im going with something like Super Mario 64 or something

You know with different worlds and one main lobby

If anyone would like to contribute just ask

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I will glady design a level once you get the main things figured out.

~ Main Character Sprite
~ Main Character Name
~ Main Character Personality
~ Storyline
~ Size of Levels
~ How to Beat Each Level