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Dragon Riders (Quest for the Dark Rider Demo) Quick test game

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Level 86
The same thing we do evernight
Used a tutorial to make my first game(stage 1) with GM. Getting ready to unload demo to the net and will have a link shortly. 2.5 Mb size.

LINK: [url href="http://savefile.com/files/1170584"]Dragon_Rider_1.zip - Hosted on SaveFile.com[/url]

Controls( up,left,down,right arrows to move
                Space bar to shoot fireballs)

Artwork created by: LostNSpace
Everything else, GM & LostNSpace
with additional help from: YoYo games tutorial
at:  http://www.yoyogames.com/make/tutorials

Main Character: Dragon Rider on his green dragon
                          able to shoot fireballs as they soar
                          the skies.
Spoiler for:
Enemies: Evil Dragon Riders(So far)
Spoiler for:
one of the Evil Dragon Riders
Goal: Reach the end of the stage and defeat the boss.
Stats: (On screen stats)
           Life Guage
           3 Lives to Start
           Scoring system
           (Off screen Stats)
            Boss Life
Screen Shot:
Spoiler for:

Well hope you enjoy. I will update with more stages soon hopefully, and I'm going to try to make some power ups.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 09:21:28 AM by LostNSpace »

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Just want to say your image on this topic is broken, and I tried the game.
It's good for the basics; and it should have more features with it!

Keep going, it's gonna be an awesome game!
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.