[SIZE=8]Follow The Leader (Evented)[/SIZE]
By Shaz - Version 1.2
Follow the Leader event system has been made by shaz.
This is an experimental system that requires fine-tuning.
This system allows you to have any number of NPCs "following" the main character.
- they are not always in the same order
- they do not follow in the exact steps (they walk more as a "group")
- the demo shows how you can cater for the player going into buildings and have some/all of the group "follow"
- in the demo, the cat always follows, but the girl only follows once you have agreed to help her
- SHIFT makes a follower take a step backwards (if possible) in case you get stuck in a tight spot
ModificationsVersion 1.1Added ability to interact with followers
Version 1.2Complete revamp of "follow" common event to follow PINEDAXP's MUCH simpler method
Removed use of variables to avoid one event interfering with another
ScreenshotsInto a building, nobody following yet
Leaving the building, girl not following, still in her default position
To have the girl follow, talk to her and agree to help her find her dog.
Once she starts following you, she will follow you into buildings (these ARE separate events on each map)
Leaving the building, she is there and waiting to follow you.
Followers' order is not always the same.
Copy the cat and duplicate it a few times (change the graphic) and you will see they don't always walk in a straight line either.
IssuesAs NPCs don't follow in a straight line and duplicate the player's footsteps exactly, they CAN get caught in places and left behind - you have to go back and collect them.
Events could probably be made more efficient
Sometimes events seem to get stuck in limbo - they do nothing when they should be following. I'm still trying to nut this one out.
Credits & ThanksWritten by shaz
Thanks to PINEDAXP - for his much simpler "follow" process
Am happy to hear any ideas for improvement/enhancement.