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Retribution: A Rogue's Story (RPGXP)

Started by agemennon, November 04, 2007, 02:56:10 AM

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Retribution: A Rogue's Story

A long time ago...
something...something really bad happened! Ya!
Now go do something about it!

If your still reading, you got my crude attempt at humor  ;D

The Real Story:
In the town of Jord, all has been long peaceful. This coastal town has been long isolated from the ravages across the mountain range that seperates it from the rest of the island, but this was about to change.

The hunters of Jord leave on a routine hunting party to gather food for the town's annual feast, and while they are out, everything changes. An army of the <name pending> kingdom descended upon the town, setting it alight and killing its inhabitants. The hunting band returned to their burning home, their commander killed, and the other two captured, and forced to join the army of the kingdom that had destroyed their lives.

Will they gain revenge? Or will they become what they hate most?

Name: You decide.
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Special Qualities: The Main Character is a RPG!!! (That is not called Tomb cool *wiseknod*)

Name: Jack
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Special Qualities: Witty, very witty...very witty indeed!

Name: The Commander
Gender: Male
Age: ??? (appears to be in his late thirties, early forties)
Special Qualities: May have a dark past..*shifty eyes*. Army Number, Spartan 118 (JUST KIDDING! Btw, the Master Chief is 117)

Name: Shandra
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Special Qualities: Incredibly loyal, smiles too much, looks very young for her age. Commander of the <Name pending> Kingdom.

Name: King Brand
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Special Qualities: Hes Jack's DADDY! (Not really, but he could be, lol) King of the <Name Pending> Kingdom.

Name: Aluxes
Gender: Male
Age: 21ish
Special Qualities: If you are reading this, I put this in as a joke!


Part of the Opening Scene

Some Random Villager in Jord Village (seriously, she has no real importance)

The first real cutscene that has its own map, mainly because of number of events.

The World Map, Jord Village is on the left.

-Custom Spell Animations/Spell Names (I use RTP Animations, but the individual Animations for each spell has been redone, as well as CUSTOM Spell Names, those of you who know German, I have no intention of this being acurate whatsoever) Spells (not sword skills), are not affected by armor, and have incantations that go with them.
-Slipknot's Message System
-Leon's Crafting System
-A Few Custom Graphics, and Graphics Edits (yes, I am so pro, no?)


500 years ago....
Something really bad happened!
Really bad!
And uh...
You have to..
Do something about it!
There'll be swords!
You'll like it!

<.< >.> *Runs away*
The message below is false.
The message above is true.

modern algebra

It sounds interesting enough. Good luck.


Added 4 screenis, Demo Intro to ocme sometime this weekend.


You suffer from empty map syndrome. Try reading one of Zhuge Liangs tutorials.


My only complaint is that some of your tilesets don't match in style. Your world map looks nothing like the town, stylistically.

The Shadow

Quote from: Firerain on November 18, 2007, 01:46:47 AM
You suffer from empty map syndrome. Try reading one of Zhuge Liangs tutorials.

I agree with him. Your mapping is to empty, and the facesets dosen't fit in the window.
read these.,19429.0.html


Looks pretty good. You just need to add more stuff lying around like the others said. The game might have a good story, but how it looks it =ly important. I think anyway. But keep it up and good luck.
What the?


IT IS DONE! The Playable Intro is out there (Without RTP attached, that will come with next version, I promise!!!!)

A few other things:
-I merged several tilesets to create a tileset for Jord Village so it looks like the one on the world map (it does!)
-The beach was abolished and redone as a seperate map (YAY!!!!)
-None of the current screenies show true works (everything in them has been changed some way)
-I will add some more people to Jord..eventually
-The demo is supposed to end when you meet the King...THIS IS NOT A BUG
-The Intro is roughly 3+ minutes long (Thats with me skipping most messages and using ctrl-move)
-I am open to critizim, but flames will be burnt with my flamethrower (which is apropriate, lol)