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RMRK.net has nothing to do with Blockchains, Cryptocurrency or NFTs. We have been around since the early 2000s, but there is a new group using the RMRK name that deals with those things. We have nothing to do with them.
NFTs are a scam, and if somebody is trying to persuade you to buy or invest in crypto/blockchain/NFT content, please turn them down and save your money. See this video for more information.
The first thing you EVER posted!

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Well, thank you. That made me feel warm inside.  :tpg:

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
No that warm feeling inside you right now is just m.... nevermind. >_>

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
I found this script a long time ago and I cananot recall who authored it or where I got it from. However, I would like to use it and so if anybody knows who the author is, I would really appreciate it if they could tell me so I could ask permission. Thanks, I am posting a screenshot below.

I still haven't gotten an answer  :P

Art Master
Level 90
This is the storyline to the game i am creating with RPG Maker 2000.I just wanted to see how good it was  :D

700 years ago: the world lay in a state of darkness and ruin,ruled by the self proclaimed 'God of Despair' Trancetti who slaughtered any living creature which stood in his way.The emperor of a rebel army had put togeather the remains of every last kingdom and commenced the final assault on trancetti.It had taken almost all of the soldiers lives but they had finally managed to defeat trancetti and day by day after the light,slowly,but surely started to return to the world and the people settled back in and started their normal livesa once again not having to worry about the attacks on thier villages anymore now that trancetti was defeated.

18 Years ago: The seal upon which was laid on trancetti has been weakened and he was able to send a portion of his soul into the world of the living which possessed the body of a man by the name of Zeeram,a doctor who had been studying on how to produce false lifeforms.Trancetti got hold of this information that the doctor possessed and started to produce his own collection of mindless human puppets to do his bidding.Trancetti knew that if he could cause a wave of darkness and despair to sweep through the lands he could finally break the seal and be released once again to take hold of his world and no one would be able to stand against him,so using his great knowldge of magic he infused each lifeform with a demon soul which made them a half demon,resulting in a massive inhancement of power in the lifeforms body.Yet one project lifeform came to be a full demon and started to develop a mind and will of it's own so Trancetti seperated it making the one being into two seperate beings,one a human and the other a demon and banished the two into the far reaches of the continent.The demon was sent down the great Aruzumi Falls and the human was laid in the dark forest.
The demon child was found upon the shores by a beautiful woman as she took him in as her own but later was driven from her village for raising a demon child and took up in a home within the great forest where she would care for and look after the child untill he had grown.The name the woman had picked for the child had been Zeph .The human on the other hand was also founded by a couple of humans who raised him as thier own and named him Lance.

7 Years Ago:Seeing what was happening to his two creations he was sickened by the act of humans.Trancetti,while Zeph was away, slaughtered his mother and disguised himself as her and when he returned fooled him into beliving that the villagers had killed her.
While Lance was sleeping trancetti slaughtered his parents and convinced Lance that a demon had slain his parents.Doing these unforgivable acts of violence Trancetti had led each child down a path into hateing each other,Lance into hateing demons and Zeph into hateing Humans.

Present:Still having no clue he was made by human hands,lance sets out on a quest to avenge his family's death not knowing anything about his demonic brother or the vile trancetti.

Summary:basically Lance is the main character who goes to take revenge on whjat happened to his family but slowly starts to solve the true puzzle and meets new people on the way and all that.

it's called Eclipse Legend,please tell me what you think of the story line.


Level 88
I have been an RPGXP tinkerer for a while, and I have quite a bit of expreience in thaat field. Having recently revived my obsession with the program, I decided to join a forum, so that I could actively express my fanaticness over this nifty program. (Yes, my brain is mangled right now; I keep writing 1770's English, while slipping in the odd extremely modern word.)

... *tries to get himself together*

So, I hope I can contribute to this community! Hello, everyone!

From the Welcome Forum. For ssome reson, I actually thought I was good at RMXP. Man, was I wrong...

Level 90
Hello everyone, Lei dei how ma  :D?

Some people might remember the noob who sucked up to blizzard alot  :P (well he is a god after all...a pika-rat one atleast)...after saying that some people might remember me..

Well I have some scripts from other forums and I will post them once my notebook's internet starts working again >:( (I'm using my sis's comp). The only thing I can give back to the community would be scripts..... I will be trying to contribute to the community as much as possiable.

Anyway, some info about me..



Saving scripts I find useful...

Current Project:
Island Crusaders

Likes  ;D:
Anime, Manga, Video Games, DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), Sushi and RPG Maker XP game making.

Dislikes  >:(:
Racist people, vegimite, people who determine how someone else acts by their apperance and milk/cheese.

Well I hope to be posting alot and till them, cyas and look out for scripts from the previoud forum (once my bloody net works again!!)


Gawd why did I ever think there were any Chinese people on this forum  :tpg:


You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
mine was a thread in spam where i think i was insulting blizzard and someone else, i cant remember what was said  :=: