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The first thing you EVER posted!

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
something about...something extermeley stupid on RM2k3...lol. dleted nwof course

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I've been her long enough where I'm 99.9% sure it doesn't exsist any more.

I asked a really dumb question like.....

I have this scene in my game where people are talking then you have an enemy enounter, how do you make it so that some of the people look dead after the fight? Becase I'm n00b and I'm so stupid I don't know what switches are.

It's not an exact quote... But it was something stupid like that.

Mine was me argueing with Blue.

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
Lol, my first post got deleted as well, but the oldest 3 posts that the forum has stored are these. (Oldest -> Newest) The oldest is when I was still really newbish. However the fourth one was my first released tutorial. A working banking system. Yay for me lol.

I got this error:

File Graphics/Windowskins/WhiteTies not found.

when I loaded my game after installing the advanced message script. what in the world is the WhiteTies Windowskin...


there seems to be a pattern here, it says...

||\/\||||||||||||||||||||||||||/\/|||||0000 ||||||||||||||| 0000||||
|||\/\||||||||||||||||||||||||/\/||||||0000 ||||||||||||||| 0000||||
||||\/\||||||||||||||||||||||/\/|||||||0000 ||||||||||||||| 0000||||
|||||\/\||||||||||||||||||||/\/||||||||0000 ||||||||||||||| 0000||||
||||||\/\||||||||||||||||||/\/|||||||||0000 ||||||||||||||| 0000||||
|||||||\/\||||||||||||||||/\/||||||||||0000 ||||||||||||||| 0000||||
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
Mine was a topic that no body posted: How come Game Cam doesn't work with XP?

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
This was my first post at this forum.

Quote from: me
I found another bug. If you enter a map, the BGM of the new map won
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Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
This was my first post at this forum.

Quote from: me
I found another bug. If you enter a map, the BGM of the new map won
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Training Wheels
Level 89
Well, my account disappeared when Crankeye went weird, so i have to start all over again. But at least I get to say 'btw, my first post! woo!' again.
  • Web designer
  • Music producer/DJ
  • Graphic Designer
Why am I 'training wheels'??

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
My first post was the topic for my game, Earthbound (The Totally Awesome Sequel).

The title is still under discussion...

Level 91
Personal Text
My first post was...
Umm i would like some .hack Charsets please. :shock:
For Rpg maker Xp or 2003 please. 
Umm preferably from legend of the twiglight :whoa:  and of shougo and reina.
Then some of the rando people walking around.
Much appreciated. :^^:
Thats if this offer is stil open

Training Wheels
Level 89
I thought it was asking about that title screen which you didnt even thank me for
  • Web designer
  • Music producer/DJ
  • Graphic Designer
Why am I 'training wheels'??

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Velton I just realised.... You weren't the dude who said tose quotes first. I've seen them on shirts.

Any ways, I wish I could find my first post. It was so noobish that I'd laugh at myself.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
I havent said much at all in my time on this forum the but the first thing i posted was:

Yeah im kinda new to this and ive been messing around with the RPG Maker XP. And when im making a map i choose the tilset for it, but say it dosent have something in it that i need, like a door, ill try and change the tileset to something which dose have a door but then everything on the map will change to random things on that new tileset i put up. I was wondering how i could solve this problem?

Level 91
Personal Text
I thought it was asking about that title screen which you didnt even thank me for
What title scrren was that?

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
My GW Character. Hes cool
Mine was in the welcome board. I cant be arsed finding it and pastin it here but it was the usual thing. "Hi, Im new please dont casll me a noob etc."

Rep: +0/-0Level 88

Training Wheels
Level 89
  • Web designer
  • Music producer/DJ
  • Graphic Designer
Why am I 'training wheels'??

I love Firerain
Level 97
WE ALLL Know that..
Arlen is hot.

Training Wheels
Level 89
  • Web designer
  • Music producer/DJ
  • Graphic Designer
Why am I 'training wheels'??

I love Firerain
Level 97
Arlen is hot.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
any way to make the battle screen behind your hero's facing the monsters?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Fuck mandarines, I'm the real thing.
Level 88
The characters are..erm.
Put a twist in their personalities or something....somewhere.
Other than that, not too bad.

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Best Non-RM Creator2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)2013 Best IRC ChatterboxParticipant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Mine was to Halo. It was after Roph had told me to stop by, and I decided to make an account and tell Halo that I thought he was a great composer. Then I left for about 2 months, and then I came back.

Level 91
Personal Text
And Im glad you returned.
It would not be the same without you.