Here's my honest opinion:
I think you have talent. You know how to build chords. It's definitely catchy, until around 45 seconds in. That progression is good for a bit, but grates after a while. Mess around with it and I think you'll have something cool. Second, distorted midi guitars sound shitty. This is not fault of your own, and I'm sure you know that already. Try mixing it up a bit. Lastly, (and this is just an observation, don't read too much into it) the beginning sounds a bit like the final boss of Earthbound's music.
I'm just throwing some stuff out there, because I know how annoying it is when not many people reply to a musician's song threads. Also, I hope you don't think I'm being an asshole or whatever. I'm really not. You can discard this message if you want, lol.