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What is it with people who think drugs are bad but drinking is okay?

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Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Also, I'd like to clarify that I'm not arguing for or against alcohol, or any drug for that matter. My making of this thread was based on my annoyance with hypocritical idiots who claim to "hate drugs" but exclude drinking just because "it doesn't count." If you like drinking then you don't hate drugs.

Level 97
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Well, I guess that can be considered hypocritical, but only if you take 'drug' in the literal sense. I.e. fully inclusive, so drug refers to Tylenol, Advil, etc... But in the way it is being used when people say they "hate drugs", they are referring to the common conception of a drug as an illegal narcotic, and it is not hypocritical to make that claim.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I have heard stories where kids go into shocks if they don't drink caffine, and I came VERY close to being there, I drank over like fifteen sodas in a weekend. That could have been ugly. And also...
Well, I guess that can be considered hypocritical, but only if you take 'drug' in the literal sense. I.e. fully inclusive, so drug refers to Tylenol, Advil, etc... But in the way it is being used when people say they "hate drugs", they are referring to the common conception of a drug as an illegal narcotic, and it is not hypocritical to make that claim.

Very good point

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Well, I guess that can be considered hypocritical, but only if you take 'drug' in the literal sense. I.e. fully inclusive, so drug refers to Tylenol, Advil, etc... But in the way it is being used when people say they "hate drugs", they are referring to the common conception of a drug as an illegal narcotic, and it is not hypocritical to make that claim.

Yes, but the difference is Tylenol and Advil exist for medical purposes. Using it for any other reason is abuse of the drug. Since alcohol isn't used for medical purposes (in generally most cases), it is therefore abused.

When people say they think drugs are bad, they are saying abusing the drugs are bad, which of course excludes the use of drugs such as Tylenol which have medical purposes. So why would abusing alcohol be acceptable? That's what I'm getting at by remarking on the hypocrisy of the situation.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Many things are bad for you... And some things are only illeagle as the Government can't tax it.

If the Government could tax Marijuana then there would be bars opening every darn place.

It's like cigarette:-

Acetone            Cyanide
Aluminum           DDT/Dieldrin
Ammonia            Ethenol
Arsenic              Formaldehyde
Benzene             Hydrogen cyanide
Butane               Lead
Cadmium             Methanol
Carbon monoxide  Nicotine
Carbon dioxide     Tar
Chloroform          Vinyl Chloride

Now most of those Chemicals have been used in chemical War bombs and such like, there toxic and are known to do SERIOUS damage, yet we can Tax them so there fine !!!

Drinking is considered as fine as it can be taxed...

I like to drink, and I have experimented with Legal Drugs like Salvia...

I think as long as you know your self and are happy with your self no harm will come of being sensible with any of these substances.

If Anything should be looked at and banned it's cigarette... Oh and Nesquick Milkshake straws... They contain Aspartame (But then again most kids foods do...) Aspartame = Ant Posion.

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I'm here to put all of you in your place on this issue.

First off, alcohol is absolutely a drug. It effects the opiate receptors in your brain, just like heroin and Oxys and other opiates. Second, alcohol addiction is not rare, in fact it is very common. People who say it isn't are just ignorant of the facts.

For the people that need scientific proof on the subject, I'll tell you about a little thing called THIQ:

THIQ is a chemical that is created in your brain when you do heroin. It is a highly addictive chemical, and once it is in you, it never goes away. A doctor was doing studies on the brains of dead homeless people, and discovered that they all had THIQ in them. She was wondering how all these homeless drunks could afford heroin, but it turns out that in a percentage of the population, the process in which the body metabolizes alcohol is a little different.

In normal people, alcohol is turned to acetaldehyde. This is then broken down into carbon and water, which is expelled through sweat and urine.

In the alcoholic, however, there is another step. Part of the acetaldehyde is kept behind, and is made into THIQ.

Also, props to Zypher for knowing that alcohol withdrawals are deadly. Actually, the only chemical withdrawals that you can die from are alchohol and benzos. These both can lead to severe seizures.

I'm a firm believer that were alcohol invented today, it would be illegal.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
The only problem is that this isn't known by many people, and that where is the line between it as well.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I'll give you an example test about the correlation between opiates and alcohol.

A rat was placed in a cage with a bowl of water, and a bowl containing a weak mixture of vodka and water. The rat would not drink the alcohol at all. A small amount of THIQ was injected into its brain, and after that, not only did the rat drink the mixture, but favored it over the pure water.

Addiction is not simply about one chemical or another. It is about using something to alter your mood or mind. Many people who have the disease of alcoholism are also addicted to other substances. This is called substitution.

Level 97
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I'm here to put all of you in your place on this issue.

First off, alcohol is absolutely a drug. It effects the opiate receptors in your brain, just like heroin and Oxys and other opiates. Second, alcohol addiction is not rare, in fact it is very common. People who say it isn't are just ignorant of the facts.

For the people that need scientific proof on the subject, I'll tell you about a little thing called THIQ:

THIQ is a chemical that is created in your brain when you do heroin. It is a highly addictive chemical, and once it is in you, it never goes away. A doctor was doing studies on the brains of dead homeless people, and discovered that they all had THIQ in them. She was wondering how all these homeless drunks could afford heroin, but it turns out that in a percentage of the population, the process in which the body metabolizes alcohol is a little different.

In normal people, alcohol is turned to acetaldehyde. This is then broken down into carbon and water, which is expelled through sweat and urine.

In the alcoholic, however, there is another step. Part of the acetaldehyde is kept behind, and is made into THIQ.

Also, props to Zypher for knowing that alcohol withdrawals are deadly. Actually, the only chemical withdrawals that you can die from are alchohol and benzos. These both can lead to severe seizures.

I'm a firm believer that were alcohol invented today, it would be illegal.

But alcohol addiction really is not that common statistically. There are a lot of alcoholics yes, but the percentage of addicted people to people who use alcohol is lower then pretty much any other illegal drug. Secondly, I'm pretty sure the addiction you are talking about is related to genetics. There is still nothing in the alcohol which causes addiction in a regular person, unlike heroin (which is a much worse addiction to have; I remember reading that it costs an average addict $150 - $200 a day to satisfy their addiction)

I am not trying to say that alcohol isn't bad, and I have not said that. I'm saying it is not hypocritical to state that cocaine and heroin is worse. It is a fact that they are much much worse. I think lumping alcohol in with heroin is just as ridiculous as lumping advil in with alcohol. Just because they are all drugs does not mean they are all equally bad. Some are worse then others, and it's not hypocritical to state that.

And also, why would it matter if alcohol was invented recently. Remember, alcohol was illegal. It was called the Prohibition, and it didn't work out.

Addiction is not simply about one chemical or another. It is about using something to alter your mood or mind. Many people who have the disease of alcoholism are also addicted to other substances. This is called substitution.

Psychological addiction doesn't even have to be to drugs though. It can be to T.V. or chocolate or really, anything else. I am not sure what you are getting at by bringing this up since it is not specific to alcohol, or even to drugs.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
You're preaching to someone who knows what addiction is first hand. To say that heroin or cocaine addiction is worse is just naivety. The first and most important thing to know about being an addict is that people who aren't addicts will never understand what it is like. You should probably keep your false opinions to yourself, or do some research on the subject.

Level 97
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Well, I'm sorry to hear that you were addicted to something, but I have done research. Perhaps the feeling of the addiction itself is not worse, but it is a fact that people who use heroin or cocaine are more likely to get addicted to it then people who drink alcohol. And they are more likely to get addicted to it faster, and with less use of the shit. So fine, I don't know what it's like to be an addict, and I probably never will since I don't drink and I don't do drugs, but drinking alcohol regularly is not as likely to get you addicted to it as using heroin regularly is, and that alone makes it a worse substance to abuse. That's a fact, it's not an opinion.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Well, I'm sorry to hear that you were addicted to something, but I have done research. Perhaps the feeling of the addiction itself is not worse, but it is a fact that people who use heroin or cocaine are more likely to get addicted to it then people who drink alcohol. And they are more likely to get addicted to it faster, and with less use of the shit. So fine, I don't know what it's like to be an addict, and I probably never will since I don't drink and I don't do drugs, but drinking alcohol regularly is not as likely to get you addicted to it as using heroin regularly is, and that alone makes it a worse substance to abuse. That's a fact, it's not an opinion.

I agree, drinking wine at dinner is not an addiction, same goes for beer, and unless you're a hard core alcoholic, drug addiction is a lot worse.
Hell, God even talks about drinking wine in the bible :D

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Doing heroin once is also not an addiction. The only difference between alcohol and "hard" drugs, is that these drugs make a person not pre-disposed to an addiction spiral into one quicker. I agree with you on that, but to say that drug addiction is more common or whatever is just ignorant. Stop into a local AA meeting sometime and say that.

Meet me in the middle
Level 89
or left of the dial.
For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam botsSecret Santa 2012 Participant
You know these people. The ones who claim they're "straightedge" and hate drugs of all sorts. The ones who claim this, and then go get drunk at some party because "drinking is fun." I ask, what the hell's the difference? It's like they're oblivious to the fact that alcohol is a drug. That alcohol alters your mental and physical processes just as any other drug would. So why exclude it? It can be just as damaging, it can be abused just as badly, and it can be addictive just like any other drug. So why say it's okay when other drugs aren't?

I ask this because there are several people I know with this mindset, and it just seems retarded to me.
Someone obliviously doesn't know what straightedge ACTUALLY is. Straightedge is not drinking, smoking, doing drugs AND casual sex.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
SxE is for fuckwads. If you're clean, then fine. Most Edge kids are assholes anyway.

I am dushbag
Level 86
heh my dad smokes and he stop drinking for 17 years drunk one went home stop drinking for another 17 years he did this abot 2 and a half times :D

i dont know your right drinking is just away of killing yourself quicker or killing someone else quicker

i noticed most of the native population does drugs and alot of drinking going on at young age its sad only 40% of aboriganals pass unversity heh im going to be part of that 40% even though im almost 2 thirds white :D(french scottish)

i dont know other people have reasons (like a family member dies)and all they can do is bottle things up

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 King of RMRK2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Writer2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best IRC Chatterbox2010 Funniest Member
heh my dad smokes and he stop drinking for 17 years drunk one went home stop drinking for another 17 years he did this abot 2 and a half times :D

i dont know your right drinking is just away of killing yourself quicker or killing someone else quicker

i noticed most of the native population does drugs and alot of drinking going on at young age its sad only 40% of aboriganals pass unversity heh im going to be part of that 40% even though im almost 2 thirds white :D(french scottish)

i dont know other people have reasons (like a family member dies)and all they can do is bottle things up








you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

I am dushbag
Level 86
How did they end up in the new messages section eh:D I should remove my messages because i found out half these places are Elitist which a mod pointed out yesterday.

Level 91
Well, I hate drugs and I don't think alcohol is bad. And a true straightedger doesn't drink (ahem, I was straight edge, but i couldn't be a vegetarian for long). When someone uses the term "drug" they aren't refering to alcohol most of the time, that's too much political correctness for me.

Secondly, marijuana CAN lead to using other drugs, any drug can. Saying marijuana is "not a bad drug" is just ridiculous. Half the people I know that have done marijuana, and lots, not just a joint or something, eventually "try" something else. I can agree that it isn't as bad as most, and I can agree that high school and college kids can prove that alcohol is worse at times, but one has to use a scientific premise about these things. And no, I'm not saying "weed is so bad oh my God!" Anyways... banning Alcohol will just lead to another issue like prohibition here in the United States. Remember that I'm not saying alcohol isn't bad, jsut going out and partying can have some bad side-effects.

About: "What is it with people who think drugs are bad but drinking is okay?" - it's just the use of the term and the object in discussion. Casual alcohol use isn't bad, and I can guarentee you that most drugs, and I'm including marijuana, have some bad side effects when used casually (everyone knows the weezing weed guy?). I remember Mad TV making fun of the issue and how people are always saying marijuana isn't all bad.

That's just me though, take it for what it's worth.

"If someone tries to debate you into changing your mind about your belief in God, that's not indicative of atheism in its truest form. It's just the work of an asshole who refuses to have the same respect for you that he demands you have of him. When one takes it to the point of debating your religion (or worse), they're overthinking it, and it becomes something similar to doctrine - the very thing atheists supposedly reject." - Mullis Lives!

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
You know these people. The ones who claim they're "straightedge" and hate drugs of all sorts. The ones who claim this, and then go get drunk at some party because "drinking is fun." I ask, what the hell's the difference? It's like they're oblivious to the fact that alcohol is a drug. That alcohol alters your mental and physical processes just as any other drug would. So why exclude it? It can be just as damaging, it can be abused just as badly, and it can be addictive just like any other drug. So why say it's okay when other drugs aren't?

I ask this because there are several people I know with this mindset, and it just seems retarded to me.

I'm semi guilty of this Mindset, I think Alchohol and Pot are okay but harder drugs are something to be avoided.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician

Alcohol? Or Heroin?

I think one of those is significantly worse than the other...

Actually, that's not even entirely true, Heroin has a huge stigmata about it, but it's really only as bad as some other hard drugs, like LSD or mushrooms or acid.

But yeah, come on, alcohol doesn't even approach the same level as heroin, or mushrooms.
Alcohol doesn't make you trip and eat people. You might fight people, though, lol.

I think the issue is that people group all drugs into one set, and then say it's not as bad as alcohol. Softer drugs aren't as bad as alcohol, that's absolutely true. Weed just makes you hungry and happy, OC just makes you itchy and happy, vicoden just makes you happy and not pee. But the hard stuff is fucking dangerous, because it alters your perception of things, and detaches your actions from your thoughts.

You wouldn't really understand if you haven't done any hard drugs.
Having a bad experience with alcohol means you throw up and immediately feel better, and then feel like shit the next day. Or maybe you sleep with someone you regret LOL.
Having a bad trip is fucking terrifying. Trust me. It can do permanent damage to your brain, which is much worse than just doing damage to your body.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 03:45:26 PM by Arlen »


Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I'll say it once more: this was never an argument about which drugs are worse than others. The point is that people say they hate drugs, but then go and drink as if they think alcohol is not a drug, which is utterly retarded. It IS a drug, and it IS capable of harming you if you abuse it.

Level 91
I'll say it once more: this was never an argument about which drugs are worse than others. The point is that people say they hate drugs, but then go and drink as if they think alcohol is not a drug, which is utterly retarded. It IS a drug, and it IS capable of harming you if you abuse it.

We know, we're just pointing out that they are in a seperate category most of the time. You have to go beyond a question to help yourself explain it better sometimes. People generally don't care about political correctness when it comes to this topic. I don't consider alcohol is the same league as "drugs" mainly because I just don't. Is it a drug by definition? Yes. Most people don't generally get "addicted" to alcohol. Though it is addictive in itself, some people I guess are not as prone to it. My family ruinion had about 100 people, less than half of whom actually drank at the reuinion, with about 4 or 5 trash cans full of beer cas, trash cans the size of the ones used in some schools, the big blue ones. You get your occasional drunk or alcoholic, but normally, aside from college kids and such, you get people who may have a drink every now and then.

So when people say they hate drugs but think alcohol is ok, they expect one to use common sense in their case. Not saying you aren't or anything, it's just that people assume you know what they are talking about, and don't care for an argument.

"If someone tries to debate you into changing your mind about your belief in God, that's not indicative of atheism in its truest form. It's just the work of an asshole who refuses to have the same respect for you that he demands you have of him. When one takes it to the point of debating your religion (or worse), they're overthinking it, and it becomes something similar to doctrine - the very thing atheists supposedly reject." - Mullis Lives!

Level 85
Everythings a paradigm....
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