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Animation Help

Started by godlock2006, October 10, 2007, 06:27:14 PM

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Hey im here wondering how animation works on RPGMAKERXP like if you have a character set or basically animation
what would you do
the character set i have is on of a robot swing a sword and an animation i have is an explosion how would i exactly make the animated on the game?
You think so?

The Shadow

I don't understand what you really are asking for, because you have some problems with your english here. If I understood what you mean, I would try to help.


Im saying like say if you had a sprite set that had a guy with a sword and some other pictures on the set showing the guy strting to then slashing the sword how would you show that animation?
You think so?


If you are talking about charactersets,,then you would have to use SET MOVE ROUTE command.

If you are talking about battle animations,,then u'd have to create your own battle animation before u can use it.
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other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."