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[RESOLVED] Is this commen event right?

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Level 86

is this right for a summon
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 03:31:45 PM by Zeriab »
Bleach is bangin

Level 87
Things we fear the most have already happened 2 us
1) If your summon does not level up,,then it's right.

2) You need another common event that will replace the summoner with the summoned entity after the battle is over (or if the summoned entity dies)
"If u'r about to die,,then think of how good ur life has treated u up to this point.  On the
other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."

Level 86
actully i do want it to
Bleach is bangin

Level 87
In my own little world...
1) If your summon does not level up,,then it's right.

2) You need another common event that will replace the summoner with the summoned entity after the battle is over (or if the summoned entity dies)

Tried making that system.
It's more complicated than it sound when you get right down to it.
Due to the systems limitations.
And I even caused a glitch, that was the first time I caused a glitch in RMXP with my mad eventing skillz.

Btw, this is common events, shouldn't it go under events and not scripts?
Or did I not look carefully.

Level 97
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It should be under events, yes. Unless you are looking for a script?

If you want to stick with events, and you want the summon to level, the easiest way to do it is make the monster's level a multiple of the caster's and use variables to calculate it inside the event you posted. I've never been impressed by an evented summon myself, but that's just because I don't really like the 'logic' of switching party members out. It's never made sense to me why you and your summon can't fight together, or at least that you can't get hit while you are summoning. That, however, is just a problem I have with the idea. The event is easy, more or less, but it has the unfortunate aspect that it involves event code in every troop. It's copy paste though, so it is just something I dislike in general, rather then a problem with the event itself. If you want a clue, it will involve checking summon's health and doing the switch if the summon dies. You should also make another common event which switches the hero back in and call it in two ways: through an ability the summon has to unsummon itself, and at the end of each battle.

Level 87
In my own little world...
Replacing main character with a summon is difficult because it means you screw up the hero formation (Assuming you have more than one main hero).
I agree with modern algebra, your not going to be impressed with a summon system in Xp via events.

Best bet is a script.

Level 87
Things we fear the most have already happened 2 us
Do parallel processes under common event run even during a battle?

If yes,,then it's easy to do a full summonning system with events,,if not,,then it's gonna be harder,,but still doable.

1) If you want your summons to level up,,then "Change Party Member: add[DeathReaper], Initialize" should become: "Change Party Member: add[DeathReaper]"....
followed by RECOVER ALL: [DeathReaper]

*Note* By initialzing a party member,,you reduce his/her level to the initial value (most like level 1). 
"If u'r about to die,,then think of how good ur life has treated u up to this point.  On the
other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."

Level 97
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No, Parallel Process Common Events do not run in battle.

For retaining party order, you can keep track of party members using variables, like so:

or it to work properly it needs to ‘know’ the ID of the member being added. Therefore, we can do it by setting a variable to the ID, then calling our slightly modified event. They would now look like this:


Code: [Select]
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [2: 1st Party Member] == 0
     @>Control Variable [2: 1st Party Member] = Variable [5: Member Selected]
   @>Conditional Branch: Variable [3: 2nd Party Member] == 0
      @> Control Variable [3: 2nd Party Member] =  = Variable [5: Member Selected]
       @>Conditional Branch: Variable [4: 3rd Party Member] == 0
           @> Control Variable [4: 3rd Party Member] =  = Variable [5: Member Selected]
       @>Branch END
  @> Branch END
@>Branch END


Code: [Select]
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [2: 1st Party Member] == Variable [5: Member Selected]
    @>Control Variable [2: 1st Party Member] = Variable [3: 2nd Party Member]
    @>Control Variable [3: 2nd Party Member] = Variable [4: 3rd Party Member]
   @>Conditional Branch: Variable [3: 2nd Party Member] == Variable [5: Member Selected]
       @>Control Variable [3: 2nd Party Member] = Variable [4: 3rd Party Member]
   @>Branch END
@>Branch END
@>Control Variable [4: 3rd Party Member] = 0

Then, whenever you added or removed a member, all you'd need to do is this:

Code: [Select]
@>Change Party Member: Add or Remove actor
@>Control Variables: [0005: Member Selected] = <ID of Actor being added or removed>
@>Call Common Event (Add or Remove)

That would be a good way of keeping track of party order, and with that you could retain party order by shifting all party members out then adding them back in in order (you would need to write the event to do that, but it is not difficult).

Level 86
thanks just one more wuestion
on the last part how do you get the id of the charcter(i know what a charcter is)
Bleach is bangin

Level 97
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The ID is the number of the hero in the database. So when you open up the Actorss tab of the database, you see a list like this:

001: Aluxes
002: Basil
003: Cyrus
007: Gloria
008: Hilda

So the ID of Aluxes is 1, the ID of Basil is 2, the ID of Cyrus is 3, the ID of Gloria is 7, the ID of Hilda is 8.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Or, couldn't you just find out a tiny piece of script that you can send a variable named maybe "PartyTEMP" and set it to the party that you have so you can just call that back?

Level 86
uh i dont know.if there isn one i dont people going through trouble just for me
Bleach is bangin

Level 97
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@Inferno what? Also, you can ignore what I am about to say as it has no relevance to the eventing solution I have partially provided.

@Moo: Essentially, the event does that, however arrays do not exist so it just uses 4 variables. If you were to do it with the script, you should do something the same. You would save the ids over the actual array. In other words, don't do this:

Code: [Select]
party_temp = $game_party.actors.dup

but do this:

Code: [Select]
party_temp = []
for actor in $game_party.actors
    party_temp.push (actor.id)

Be cautious though. You obviously would not want that scriptlet running at any time you have a summon active, as that would permanently store a summon in your party. And the reason you don't do the first option is that it stores too much useless information. To restore the party, you would just need to remove everyone from the party, then add them all back in that order.

Level 86
i dont get it...if its too much trouble i could  just do it basic like just make the summons characters.i thought it be cooler and the gameplay would be better with this
Bleach is bangin

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Code: [Select]
party_temp = []
for actor in $game_party.actors
    party_temp.push (actor.id)

Be cautious though. You obviously would not want that scriptlet running at any time you have a summon active, as that would permanently store a summon in your party.
Why not just activate it when the skill is being activated (actually, the common event) before the summon is released? XD

Level 86
so...how i do this the script
Bleach is bangin

Level 97
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Code: [Select]
party_temp = []
for actor in $game_party.actors
    party_temp.push (actor.id)

Be cautious though. You obviously would not want that scriptlet running at any time you have a summon active, as that would permanently store a summon in your party.
Why not just activate it when the skill is being activated (actually, the common event) before the summon is released? XD

Because if there are two members who have a summon ability, then when the second member uses the summon ability it will record the first summon as a regular party member.

@Inferno:  The scriptlet is unusable. At this point, it does nothing whatsoever, I was just demonstrating to moo an acceptable way of recording party order prior to a summon ability. Keep trying with the event, or else I believe SephirothSpawn wrote a Summoning script. It could probably be found on either creationasylum or hbgames.org

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
But the summoning script needs SDK so I never used that. XD Also, would it work if by summoning you removed all but the summon?

Level 97
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err... yes, as long as the summon can't summon another monster. And if there are no other actors that can summon one that does not remove the entire party.

Level 86
Code: [Select]
party_temp = []
for actor in $game_party.actors
    party_temp.push (actor.id)

Be cautious though. You obviously would not want that scriptlet running at any time you have a summon active, as that would permanently store a summon in your party.
Why not just activate it when the skill is being activated (actually, the common event) before the summon is released? XD

Because if there are two members who have a summon ability, then when the second member uses the summon ability it will record the first summon as a regular party member.

@Inferno:  The scriptlet is unusable. At this point, it does nothing whatsoever, I was just demonstrating to moo an acceptable way of recording party order prior to a summon ability. Keep trying with the event, or else I believe SephirothSpawn wrote a Summoning script. It could probably be found on either creationasylum or hbgames.org

please that would be really helpful
Bleach is bangin

Level 97
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I don't have the script. I was suggesting that you look for it on CA or .org.

Level 86
i found the script.its pretty easy to use to
Bleach is bangin