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What Made Man ? God, Evolution or Aliens...? (Or Add your own if you wish)

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel

1). Then you must be Jewish or Muslim or something, they believe in one God, but no Jesus

2). I have seen videos and videos on how the Bible must be true

1. Why do I have to be "something"? Why do my beliefs have to follow the set guidelines of a pre-existing institution? If more people would take a few minutes and actually think about what they really believe, instead of choosing a default religion, then this world would be a far better place. Your attempts to box me into something that you can understand further lifts my theory that people are, for the most part, sheep.

2. I have seen videos and videos on how 9-11 was enacted by the US. Is that true too?

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
1. Then what are you?

2. No, but I can see where you come from

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
1. Then what are you?

2. No, but I can see where you come from

I am what I am.

Rep: +0/-0Level 86
I stand at a curious position, I am a catholic and thus I believe in God, but as someone who fancies himself as well-educated and progressive I cannot accept the idea that God went Bewitched and create us all in an Abracadabra. I find it unfeasible and incorrect.

I believe Darwin was correct, we come from unicellular beings that trough natural selection evolved to what we are know, the top of the chain. I also believe life originated in the primordial sea. So far, so similar to a Darwinist, but where do I differ? In how that life was created, I find it that it was indeed God that exhaled the breath of life to the Chaotic Universe and from there he allowed it to evolve on its own, not creating life from nothing, not forcing anything, only exhaling and gifting life to that that was before the Big Bang. At least that is my opinion.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I stand at a curious position, I am a catholic and thus I believe in God, but as someone who fancies himself as well-educated and progressive I cannot accept the idea that God went Bewitched and create us all in an Abracadabra. I find it unfeasible and incorrect.

I believe Darwin was correct, we come from unicellular beings that trough natural selection evolved to what we are know, the top of the chain. I also believe life originated in the primordial sea. So far, so similar to a Darwinist, but where do I differ? In how that life was created, I find it that it was indeed God that exhaled the breath of life to the Chaotic Universe and from there he allowed it to evolve on its own, not creating life from nothing, not forcing anything, only exhaling and gifting life to that that was before the Big Bang. At least that is my opinion.

I think out of everyone in this topic, I would have to agree with you the most. I don't think of god as s being though, but rather a force or energy. I also don't think that one life form is better or worse than any other life form, thereby making all of us important, while simultaneously rendering none of us important.

Rep: +0/-0Level 86
I make you words my own, It's hardly devised to think God is a antropomorphic entinty, because as Epicurus said and I quote

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

That describes a flawed God, a God that feels the same emotions than us and thus I cannot accept it, God is far better then us, he is the ultimate good and thus and because he teaches us each day I find it awfully wrong that he would just "use his magic wand".

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
hm...sorry, to lazy to read through the topic, but I've scanned the beggining and the end. before I begin, cuz I really do enjoy these topics, I've always thought you were a kid LoA O_O

it surprised me more than a little, but ah well, you sound smart enough XD

anyways, moving on.

God has flaws, like Yotaka stated, but he is only a concept after all. Something that was drawn and put there so human beings can have some satisfaction with their being.

As for me, I'm a agnostic as in I usually just tell people I don't give a crap, but debates are different.

The creation of man is leaning far more towards the scientific theorys of evolution. It is highly possible as well as explainable withing reason. However, there are still many factors that seem to be impossible without some kind of, supernatrual, or simply stronger froce than what we have discovered to get involved.

Then it would come down to weather this fantasic force came from a alain, or a God.

a God would be abandoning all reason, it is simply saying, I'm tired of thinking, so heres a painting of the thing responsible. As for aliens, I believe that here are definetly intelligent life forms out there. I also beleive that they have a good chance of looking similar to out structure.

To think that they put us here? it's a bit of a far stretched idea. They would've come back by now.

but then again, I quote an brit I once played devil's advocate with, "Jesus could've been a alien."

Alien or not, I geuss an "evolved" human would be more reasonable. His resurrection, since I do go to a catholic school (go figure), is pretty much undeniable. Yeah, alot of consipiracys are around about it, but if you really put your self in their shoes, it just seems impossible for any of the consipiracys to have been true.

So yeah, maybe he was an alien, that was either sent purposely into Mary's womb to fck up human life, or accendentally, Jesus might've been that second alien contact.