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Kitten's Tutorial Compendium! (11 Tutorials Now!)

Started by Kitten, September 13, 2007, 06:38:14 AM

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Kitten's Tutorial Compendium!
I can't belive it's not butter!

Visual Encounters! 2003RPG!
Unique, Limited 2K3 Tutorial Time!

Hey! For those of you who want to eliminate that random encounter
system that RM2k(3) uses, then this tutorial is for you. It will teach
you how to create an encounter system in where you can see the monster
on the screen before you engage in battle with it.

Things you need to know about;
- Switches
Fork Conditions
Proper Use of Enemy Encounter
Your imagination!

Step 1: Getting Started
Let's get started.

First off, since this is a visible encounter system, we won't need to
use the options for the random encounter system. So first thing you
should do is to go to your map and right click on Map Properties.
Make sure that no monster groups are in the enemy encounters box.
You also don't need to worry about the battle background box, as we
will choose them for each and every event. Now make your monster
event. We need two pages for this.

Page 1
Set this page to the following;

Trigger Condition: Parallel Process
Event Layer: Same Layer as Hero
Animation Type: Continuous
Movement Frequency: 2: (1/4 Normal)
Movement Type: Random
Speed: 5
Event Graphic: Set it to a monster graphic, like Monster1 from the
RTP or whatever you desire.

What this setting does is make it so that your monster moves about the
map randomly, not too fast so that it would be impossible to avoid,
and not too slow that you could avoid it easily. Now the coding. This
part requires you to make 7 different variables. I'll explain each.
In this tutorial, we'll use variables 0001 - 0007; of course, you
can use any seven variables you wish to suit your game's needs, as
long as there is seven. Now go to Variable Operations and set the
first one to Single Variable (we'll use 0001 for this tutorial as
an example)
. Name this first one, "Hero X Pos" For the operation, set
it to Set "Equal". For the operand, set it to Sprite. "Choose Hero", and
change the second drop-down box to "X Coordinate" Then click OK. Still
with me? Here's what it should look like if you hit OK;

<>Variable Oper: [0001:Hero X pos] Set, Hero X Coord.

Now under that, create another variable. For this tut's purpose, we'll
use 0002. Do the exact same thing for this one as you did for the
first one, except change it's name to Hero Y pos, and set it to Y
coordinate. Here's what it should look like;

<>Variable Oper: [0002:Hero Y pos] Set, Hero Y Coord.

Ok. Now you have X/Y coordinates for your hero. But we also need X/Y
coordinates for the monster. So, make two more variables (0003 and
0004 for this tut)
, and place them under 0001 and 0002. Same thing
here; name 0003 Monster X pos, and 0004 Monster Y pos. Set 0003 to
'This Event' and choose X coordinate. Set 0004 to 'This Event' and
choose Y coordinate. Then hit OK. Afterwards, it should look like the

<>Variable Oper: [0003:Monster X pos] Set, This Event X Coord.
<>Variable Oper: [0004:Monster Y pos] Set, This Event Y Coord.

Now, we don't want the monster to just walk around. Let's give him
some AI. When the hero strays too close, the monster will start to
chase him down. If they meet, then a battle starts. That's common
sense. So, the next two variables need to determine how close the
hero has to be in order for the monster to begin to chase him.
Set Variable 0005 to the value of Variable 0001, and Variable 0006 to
be the value of Variable 0002. These two will always check the X/Y
coordinates of the hero. Under that, set Variable 0005 to subtract
the value of Variable 0003, and Variable 0006 to subtract the value
of Variable 0004. Confused? Here's how it should look:

<>Variable Oper: [0005: X distance] Set, Var [0001]'s Value
<>Variable Oper: [0006: Y distance] Set, Var [0002]'s Value
<>Variable Oper: [0005: X distance] - , Var [0003]'s Value
<>Variable Oper: [0006: X distance] - , Var [0004]'s Value

When you set your variables, use the 'Value of Variable' operand
to set it up. Like when you set up Variable 0005, choose 'Value of
then choose 0001. Do the same for 0006, and set that to
'Value of Variable' 0002. This, as I said earlier, constantly checks
the hero's position. For the next two, choose Variable 0005, and
select the Subtract operation, then choose 'Value of Variable' and
choose 0003. Then select 0006, select Subtract, then choose 'Value
of Variable' 0004. This subtracts the difference of the monster's
position to the hero's. Now under all this, make a fork condition
with NO ELSE CASE. Choose Variable, and select Variable 0005.
Choose Number, and set it to -4. In the drop down box below, choose
Greater Than or Equal To. Then under that, make another fork.
Choose 0005 again (remember that 0005 should be your X variable) and
then make the number 4, and have it say Less Than or Equal To.
Under that, make another fork. Choose 0006 this time (this should be
your Y variable)
and have it set to -4, then choose Greater Than or
Equal To. Under that, make one last fork. Choose 0006 again and
then make that number 4, and make it say Less Than or Equal To.
Then under those four forks, make a switch turn on. In this tut,
I'll use Switch 0001. Call this switch 'Follow'. Here's the coding:

<>Branch if Var [0005: X distance] is -4 or more
<>Branch if Var [0005: X distance] is 4 Less/Equal
  <>Branch if Var [0006: Y distance] is -4 or more
   <>Branch if Var [0006: Y distance] is 4 Less/Equal
    <>Switch Operation: [0001:Follow] ON
  : End
: End
: End
: End

Explanation: If the hero's X/Y position and the monster's X/Yposition are within a range between 4 and -4, the monster will start
chasing the hero. If the hero is outside of this range, the monster
will not chase him.

Alright. The First Page is done. On to the second page.

Page 2
Set this page to the following;

-Preconditions: Switch 0001 is ON. Check this to make sure this is on.
-Trigger Condition: Collision with Hero
-Event Layer: Same Layer as Hero (Forbid Event Overlap should not be
-Animation Type: Continuous
-Movement Frequency: 6: (4x Normal)
Movement Type: Toward Hero
Speed: 5 (Again, this is neither too slow, nor too fast)

What happens? When your hero comes within the -4 to 4 range of the
monster, this page triggers and thus the monster starts to chase you.
Now comes the fun part: Making your monster battles. First thing
you should do is to set your seventh and final Variable. We'll use
0007 in this case as an example. This variable determines how many
monster groups the hero can fight, and which ones appear in a fight
randomly. In my game, I typically  used 5 different groups, but you can have less or more. Use your
imagination. You can have as little as two, or as many as 50, but
keep in mind that the more your value, the more monster groups
you'll have to make, and that means more coding. So, let's stick with
5 groups for this tutorial's purpose.

Ok. Setting the seventh variable. Set 0007 to Set Equal and under
Operand, choose 'Random number Between'. Make the first number 1
and the second number 5. It should look like this:

<>Variable Oper: [0007:Random Monster] Set, Rnd [1-5]

What happens is that when the monster comes into contact with the
hero, this variable randomly picks a number between 1 and 5, and
selects the monster group under that number, which we'll set now.
Make a fork for each possible monster encounter. In this case,
since I used 5 possibilities, that means we'll need 5 fork conditions.
Each fork needs to have an ELSE CASE checked, except for the final

For this next part, I'm gonna use monsters from my game for an
example. I'll use Puffballs, Ice Gargoyles, Ice Manglers, and Wing
. Let's set a fork for the first option.
If the game picks 1 from the variable 0007, then the hero will
fight a party of two Puffballs and an Ice Gargoyle (again, using my
game as an example here)
. Before you move on, check to see if your
monster groups are there and they're set up to how you want them
set up. Ok, so go to Fork Conditions, and choose Variable. Select
0007 as the variable, and make the number 1. Check the box for
else case. After that, go to Enemy Encounter (page 2). Select
'No Special Conditions' (unless you want something specific to happen
here, but it just wouldn't look right if the heroes get first
strike or a back attack every single time they run into this
monster event)
. Select your monster group next, in this case it would
be Puffballx2, Ice Gargoyle. Next, select your battle background.
Since the monsters in this example are from a snow area in my game,
we'll use Snowy Forest (or whatever background you want). Make
sure you select 'Use Background Associated'. Your Escape Handler
should be set to 'End Event Processing', and your Defeat Handler needs
to be set to 'Execute Custom Handler'. Click OK. Check below to see
if you're doing this right:

<>Enemy Encounter: Normal, Puffballx2,Ice Garg-, Snowy Forest

This causes two options to show up: Victory Handler and Defeat
. Under Defeat Handler, you can either put a Game Over
command, or have something happen - depending on your game. Under
Victory handler, put this code:

: Victory Handler
   <>Play Sound: Monster2
   <>Wait: 0.5 Sec
   <>Flash Sprite: This Event, 0.2 Sec (Wait)
   <>Switch Operation: [0001: Follow] OFF
   <>Erase Event
*You may also put anything you wish to add, as well, as long as it
doesn't screw up the process.

What happens here is when the heroes defeat the monster, the monster
makes a screeching noise, flashes, and disappears. Erase Event makes
sure that the monster doesn't come back until the hero leaves the
map. If the hero returns to the map, the monster will return, so
that opens up an opportunity to level up your heroes by exiting
and re-entering the map. Under the Else Case, set up the second
fork condition, with the same properties, only thing different here
is your monster groups. Your code for each one should look like this:

<>Variable Oper: [0007:Random monster] Set [1-5]
<>Branch if Var [0007:Random monster] is 1
<>Enemy Encounter: Normal, (Insert monster group, backgrounds here)
: Victory Handler
   <>Play Sound: Monster2
   <>Wait 0.5 Sec
   <>Flash Spriter: This Event, 0.2 Sec (Wait)
   <>Switch Operation: [0001:Follow] OFF
   <>Erase Event
: Defeat Handler
   <>Game Over (or whatever else you want here)
: End
: Else Handler
  <>Branch if Var [0007:Random monster] is 2
<>Enemy Encounter: Normal, (Insert monster group, backgrounds here)
: Victory Handler
   <>Play Sound: Monster2
   <>Wait 0.5 Sec
   <>Flash Spriter: This Event, 0.2 Sec (Wait)
   <>Switch Operation: [0001:Follow] OFF
   <>Erase Event
: Defeat Handler
   <>Game Over (or whatever else you want here)
: End
: Else Handler
  <>Branch if Var [0007:Random monster] is 3
<>Enemy Encounter: Normal, (Insert monster group, backgrounds here)
: Victory Handler
   <>Play Sound: Monster2
   <>Wait 0.5 Sec
   <>Flash Spriter: This Event, 0.2 Sec (Wait)
   <>Switch Operation: [0001:Follow] OFF
   <>Erase Event
: Defeat Handler
   <>Game Over (or whatever else you want here)
: End
: Else Handler
  <>Branch if Var [0007:Random monster] is 4
<>Enemy Encounter: Normal, (Insert monster group, backgrounds here)
: Victory Handler
   <>Play Sound: Monster2
   <>Wait 0.5 Sec
   <>Flash Spriter: This Event, 0.2 Sec (Wait)
   <>Switch Operation: [0001:Follow] OFF
   <>Erase Event
: Defeat Handler
   <>Game Over (or whatever else you want here)
: End
: Else Handler
  <>Branch if Var [0007:Random monster] is 5
<>Enemy Encounter: Normal, (Insert monster group, backgrounds here)
: Victory Handler
   <>Play Sound: Monster2
   <>Wait 0.5 Sec
   <>Flash Spriter: This Event, 0.2 Sec (Wait)
   <>Switch Operation: [0001:Follow] OFF
   <>Erase Event
: Defeat Handler
   <>Game Over (or whatever else you want here)
: End
: Else Handler

So, after you set all your monster groups, all you have to do is
copy and paste your monster event as many times as you want. Just
make sure your monsters correspond with the area your hero is in.
If you want to have different monsters in a different area, you
have to change the monsters to suit your needs. If the game starts to
lag due to having many monster events on your map, you can insert a
wait command at the very beginning of the coding on page one. A wait
command of 0.4 seconds should do the trick. This also works for those
of you who have slower computers, and your game is lagging; inputting
this wait command should get rid of at least some of the lag, if not
most or all of it.

NOTE: When the hero comes within the -4 to 4 range, the monster will start
to chase him as usual. This will also cause every monster on the map to
run to your hero. So, it's a good idea to make your maps carefully in order
to avoid some situation in your game where five or six monsters are lined
up right behind each other waiting to battle your characters. Make walls,
water, lava or any other unpassable features to force the monster to try
to walk around it. Bottom line: Focus on you going to the monster; not
the monster going to you.

Congradulaitons, You get a Cookie!

How To use the Timer!
Today we will learn about what your little friend the Timer can do! XP Tutorial!

When you click "Timer Operations" You see a box like this.

With set selected, you can set the Time you want to count from where the red box is. You can set it according to minutes and seconds.
Next you can START The timer, where the Green Box is.

When you start the Timer, you will have a little box, appear on the top of the screen, obviously this is a great tool for such situations as bombs.
Then you can stop it, when you want to, or you can have it run I choose to have a variable take care of this, if the "Target" wins the timer stops, if they die, it shows a Cut scene of an explosion.

Now For the fun part..... using the Timer.
First off you can create an event that appears only at a certain point in the timer, using Variables.
You can also set it to appear at say... when the timer reaches one minute.
In theory then you can create an automatic event that activates once the timer reaches zero.
And finally you can create a "FORK CONDITION" that will activate according to the timers position.

Rate me, OR DIE!

How to make Falling Rocks! RM2003 Tutorial. Used RPGXP as it's relitivly the same.

Make a  new event that looks like a rock. Make it above the hero, and that it triggers when it collides with the hero.

Make it's movement frequency four times normal, and it's speed 6 this seems to look best

Make it a Custom pattern, click define custom pattern.

Click phasing mode on. then have the rock move down to the bottom of the page and turn a switch on. (we'll call it Rock 1)

In the event commands, Flash the screen. Red's a good color. then play a sound that sounds like your hero getting  hit by a rock..

Next, You want your hero to take damage; in RM2003 this is called simulated enemy attack, I suggest setting the attack power to 25  the defense effect to about 25 and the variance to 5.

Then turn the switch rock 1 on.

Make a new event page that is trigged by the switch rock one. (appearnce blank)  make it Parallel process so it doesn't slow the game down.

Select variable operations. select a new variable.(We'll call it X) Have it set To equal to a random number between  0 and however many tiles your map is across. (say 50)

(if you want to limit the range of the rock make the range smaller)

then select change event location. then select location refenced from variable. Select the variable we just randomized (X) and select a new variable well call y

Then turn the switch off

Clear an Event!
RPGXP Tutorial, How to "Acctualy" clear an Event!

Ok first off you can use this stop auto events, change what people say, cause events to happen.

for now what I'm covering is very basic.

First off take a look a this pic

This is just a example event, have your characters do or say whatever you wish on this page. Then, at the end of the event make a switch, (look at the very useful red text)

Next Make a new Page.. now look at this picture.

The Blue Box is around the CONDITION of this page. Once That switch is on, this page is active.

Now look at the purple Box. If you are clearing (Aka Stopping) an AUTO event, make sure that you have these two set up up like that.

And thats how we succsessfuly Kill an Event :)

Suggestions on this, and how to use it!

NEVER Put the Change switch command AFTER a teleport Command. You will Teleport BEFORE the switch is changed

You can change or Clear Multiple events using just one switch, as long as the condition of the page is that switch is on.

You can put the Change switch command ANYWHERE in the event But if you put it in the wrong spot the characters may disapper... and still be talking


Mobile Phone Tutorial!
RPGXP Tutorial! How to make a Mobile Phone!

What you need to know

•   Change hero graphic
•   Input digit
•   Fork options
•   How to make an item

The Event

Make a new common event call it cell phone make it a parallel process with a start switch call cell phone
You need 1 variable called number

Change hero graphic (this is if you have a graphic of your hero using a cell phone)
Input number (how long you want your numbers to be I chose 5) use your number variable)

Fork opts: variable number = (this is where you put the number for your person
Show message: what you want them to say)


Show message: click
Change hero graphic (back to normal)

And remember you can have as many numbers as you want and even switches to so they can say different things at specific times!

The item

Call it cell phone classify as a switch specify a price (what ever you want) set use to field with limitless use for the switch use the cell phone switch

Wasn't that easy!

•Having a phone book
•People ring you went events happen (pokemon style)
•It depletes money while you call (I just thought of that and I might do it if I use a mobile!)
•Following from that different networks, just need a fork in the number fork

As you can see plenty of room for your own improvements!

Teleport in Style!
Learn how to change maps in Style!

So you want to learn how to go in Style? Well this little fellow will teach you the basics!

What you need to know

Almost nothing, but to be more specific;
Events, which is utterly easy.
Absolutely nothing about variables.

Anyways, On with the Tutorial!
First, you must have a map, On this map, place an event wher eever you want it,
On this event, you may have a few conversations, maybe something that explains why in
The next moment your characters will be in a completely different place.

Make this event a person. Or a magical item or something in that range!

Now, Before the teleport, we need to make sure the person wan'ts to go, So, Input a message such as;I will take you too "Place" Are you sure you want to go? Then imput a choice as shown in the below picture, that has your option, such as "Yes, Please" or "No, Thank you" Under the yes, we could simply put a teleport to the "Place"But to make this look really snazzy we can add a few things, such as a "Screen Flash/Shake" Which will make it seem more realistic, Also you could have a Mini-Cutscene where you see the "Hero" being Teleported.

Under the "No, Thank You" you could put a message, saying somthing such as; "Very Well then, Come back when you are ready."

Thier you have it! You just learnt how to Jazz your Teleporting Screen up a little, and now you can teleport in Style :D

Hungry Hero's!
Hero's need to eat too, Find out how to feed them!

This tutorial will help you make a Hero Feeding time or Hero Death, during game due to Food!

Things you need to Know

Make an Item called "Food" (Anyhing will do) it should be a switch item. Make it turn on a switch called "Feed". Make a Parallel common event called "Getting Hungry", activated by a switch called "eaten"

WAIT 60.0
(Put waits as many times as you want)
MESSAGE "Hero" is getting hungry"
(WAIT some more)

It is easy
Now make a Parallel common event called "Eating food", activated by a switch called "feed" Make it:

    (This resets going hungry)

There! Now at the start of the game, turn on switch "eaten" and you have it.

Text Tutorial!
Snazzy Text Ahead!

OK, you know in games how they change the color of some of the words, also make the message pause for awhile, and make the
screen go black and white? Well this can tell you how and more!

What you need to know

So, to make the text change color;

put \c[1] in front of want you what to change color, to change it back put \c[0].
the "\c[]"s go from \c[1] to \c[20]

To make the message pause;

To pause for a little while put \. were you want it to pause.
To pause longer put \| were you want it to pause.

To make the screen to go black and white;

make an event say.
<>Set Screen Tone:(R100,G100,B100,S000),1.0sec(W)
Then do what you want to do. To end this make the event say...
<>Set Screen Tone:(R100,G100,B100,S100),1.0sec(W)

To make an message say what a variable's value is;

put \v
  • were you want the number to appear. *=number of varible[/spoiler]

    Jumping Tutorial!
    Jump all you want with this Tutorial!

    All you need to know is;
    How To Set Passwords
    The Move Events

    Ok Now... The First Thing You Have To Do Is Open Your Database (F8). Go To The Common Events Tag. Make A New Event Called Jump Or Whatever "Start-Paralell Process" The First Event You Need Is The "Define Password" Command And Choose What Button Will Set It Off.
    After You Put That In You Need A Move Event. You Want To Move The Hero So Set It To Hero.

    You Want It To Go Somewhat Like This;
    Move Forward

    Also Don't Forget To Check Off Ignore If No Move, Or Else You Game Will Freeze If You Try To Jump Into Walls Or Anything You're Not Supposed To Walk On.
    That Is What I Use But You Can Choose Whatever You Want. If You Use Two Forwards You Will Jump Over An NPC For Example Or A Sign

    That's All There Is To It. It Should Look Something Like This:
    <>Password = 5
    <>Move Event- Hero, startjump, forward, endjump

    I Told You It Was Easy And There You Go, Now You Can Jump!

    Feeling Tired?
    Have a rest with this wonderful Bed tutorial!

    All you need to know is;
    Play BGM
    Full Recovery

    Now, first you need to find a suitable area to place your bed (an Inn/House). The first event you make would be the top part of the bed (If the character can reach it, if not, just bed a normal bed top piece there).   

    Have it show a message like, Would you like to take a nap? Then have 2 choices show up, "Yes" or "No" Under yes, the first event should be "Erase screen-Fade-Out". Then have it play a suitable BGM (Inn 3 is what I used). Now, make sure you know how long the BGM lasts, for Inn 3, that would be 7 seconds. Add the wait command below "Play BGM", and have it wait for the BGM's play time.  Then add the command to "Show Screen-Fade In". Next select "Play BGM", this time setting it to the maps BGM. Last add the command for "Full Recovery" for the entire party. Under the choice of No, put nothing, or whatever you want there.

    It should now look something like this;

    <>Message: Would you like to take a nap?
    <>Show Choice: Yes/No
    :[Yes] Case
    <>Erase Screen: Fade-Out
       <>Play BGM: Inn3
       <>Wait: 7.0sec
       <>Show Screen: Fade-In
       <>Play BGM: (whatever)
       <>Full Recovery:[All Members]
    :[No] Case
    :End Case

    Then for the bottom part of the bed, same thing yet different graphic! That's it, simple and easy!

    How to be a sneaky Bastard and make a Cheat System!

    What you need to know;
    Switch Items
    Common Events
    Fork Options (Conditional Branch)
    Input Number

    Note: This one is a doozy! It involves a lot of Common Events, one for each cheat you wish to make.

    OK! People always want to add some fun cheat system to their game for the cheat players, and the fun of it. Well, this tutorial is here to help.

    First thing you want to do is create an item called Cheat System (or whatever). You also want to create a switch and variable called Cheat System (reasons will be explained later). Make the item a switch item, activating the switch Cheat System. Set a price, or make it free and available at the start of the game.

    Now for the COMPLICATED part (Noobs, do not be afraid). For this piece, I will use examples of cheats I made for my game. Under "Common Events", make a new event called, Cheat System, a Auto Start event, with is switch condition being Cheat System. Have the first event being a message, asking what the player wants to do. The next piece should be a choice between "Enter Cheat Code" and "Nothing". Under the Nothing option, turn switch Cheat System off. Now under the "Enter Cheat Code" command, have a message saying, Insert a Password! Or something like that. Now have the command to input a number, preferably 6 digits, but any number will do, and have this number be stored in "Variable Cheat System"

    It should look something like this so far;

    <>Message: What do you wish to do?
    <>Show Choices: Enter Cheat Code/Nothing
    : [Enter Cheat Code] Handler
       <>Message: Enter a password!
       <>Input Number: 6 Digit, [0001: Cheat System]

    We'll make this example cheat for max stats. Now make a "FORK condition", its turn on being if "Variable Cheat System" is equal to a number. This number being your cheat, for example we'll use "123456" Have it turn on a switch (Max stats) if the condition is met. Then turn the "Cheat System Switch" off. Under the else handler, make it turn the Cheat System switch off.

    It should look like this so far;

    <>Message: What do you wish to do?
    <>Show Choices: Enter Cheat Code/Nothing
    : [Enter Cheat Code] Handler
       <>Message: Enter a password!
    <>Input Number: 6 Digit, [0001: Cheat System]
    <>Branch if Var [0001: Cheat System] is 123456
       <>Switch Operation: [0002: Max Stats] ON
       <>Switch Operation: [0001: Cheat System] OFF
    :Else Handler
       <>Switch Operation: [0001: Cheat System] OFF

    Now, make another "Auto Start", "Common Event", named Max Stats, with its turn on switch being Max Stats. Have its first command being to turn the "Switch Cheat System" off. Then have a message saying, Password Correct! Max Stats aqquired! Then have it change;

    "Attack, Defense, Intellegence, and Agility to 999, change LVL to its max, and change Max HP and MP to the highest, Next have it fully heal the party'

    Now have it change the Variable Cheat System to 0, then have it turn the Max Stats switch off.

    That should look like this;

    <>Switch Operation: [0001: Cheat System] OFF
    <>Message: Password Correct! Max Stats aqquired!
    *All the stat change commands, don't feel like tyoping the LONG coding*
    <>Full Heal: Entire Party
    <>Variable Operations: [0001: Cheat System] Set, 0
    <>Switch Operation: [0002: Max Stats] OFF

    There complete! You might want to try adding more than one cheat (Or just make one big super cheat) Good Work


What a sweet little tutorial ^_^
It is nicely structured and your aim against newcomers is consistent.
Very good job Kitty


Excellent. This will teach people about the timer for sure.



I am in the process of wrighting more~


modern algebra


Kitten, I <3 you.

Oh so much.

Your mine naow.  ;8
[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep


YAY my first thing ever moved to the Database, I'm soo happy <3


This is certainly good, keep up the good work. The pictures are <3  ^-^
:taco: :taco: :taco:



You have been so productive :3
Very nice Kitty. Very good job indeed <3

*uses super-hug on Kitty*





How to permanently clear an event.


EDIT LOL: I still own you.
[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep





[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep


I made a 2K3 One just then, It took me fucking long enough.


[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep



[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep


This isn't a bump, But a "I might make a few more soon" psot.


Arlen is hot.


Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun



[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep



[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep



Needs stuff on 2k, because anything past 2k (Or maybe just 95) is incredibly gay homosexual lame.
[fright]you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep




been ages so i decided to bump this no reason I guess. .