Falcon, don't you know that's the way of the programming world? You give the client what they asked for and then they tell you what they really wanted
Red Blood - I am coming up with several variations to what you want, of which any, or none, could be correct.
You want the player to be able to choose the time. Is this at the start of the game, at a particular point in the game, should they be able to change the time within the game once they've set it? How do you imagine them doing this - via a menu, by speaking to an NPC, any other ideas?
You want the player to be able to see the time they selected. Do you want this displayed on the screen itself all the time, or should they have to do something (go to a menu, speak to an NPC, "look" at a clock) to see the time?
How should the time pass - is it real time, an hour of play is a day, what?
Perhaps if you explain what you plan to do with it, anyone who is willing and able to help you will have a better idea of how you need to implement it and therefore how to write it for you.
I'm sorry Falcon - I've let you down again. Just can't bring myself to curse. Feel free to add one if it will make you feel a little better