What this is...
Basically, if you've ever played a game like Rouge Galaxy you will see that some attacks require certain characters to be in the party. This simple tutorial will show you how to make attacks require having certain characters in the party.
How to do it...
Step #1.
Go into "Database" and choose "Common Events".
Step #2.
Make the event's trigger "parallel" or "parallel process". Then, create a switch for the attack.
Step #3a.
Go to "Event Commands" and make Conditional Branches. On the 2nd page of the Conditional Branch box, there is your party commands. Set whatever characters you need to be in the party to "is in party".
Step #3b.
If you need more characters just repeat Step #3a withing the Conditional branch.
Step #4.
When you have all the characters you require, simply go to the third page of Event Commands and find "Change Skills". Set the skill you want to be a combo attack.
Step #5.
Now in all the "Else" places that are made by the Conditional Branches Do the Change Skill command, only this time take the attack away.
Step #6.
When you want the player to be able to use this skill, simply activate the switch for it when you need to.
Here's a screen of an example of what a finished one looks like.
<New screen to come soon>
Please, tell me what you think of this tutorial. I'm sorry if its not very useful. I figured out how to do this, so I thought I would share it.
Credits not required but would be appreciated.