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Is it more plausable that Jesus was a Drug dealer than the Son of God ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Or anything other than the Son of God... I mean being an Alien could explain those skills he has, like walking on water... Or he is made from wood... All other plausable options other than he is the Son of God...

What I am getting at is:-

What or Who was Jesus ?

Creative thinking people...!!!

I mean him being the Son of God is fairly far fetched... So the sky's the limit on this one...

(Not meaning to cause offence... Just an open opinion)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 08:24:35 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
Can you transcribe what you say in the video? Your accent and the poor quality makes it difficult for me to understand what is being said in your videos.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Hummm... My spelling aint much better... The video contents is not really the whole beast of the topic, just a bonus...

Lets look at things this way...

Was Jesus the Son of God...?

I say no...


Why did Mary leave the town to give birth ?

If she didn't she would have been stoned to death for not being wed !!

Why did Mary tell Jesus he was a Gift from Heaven ?

Most mothers of Today tell their child that if they don't know who the father is that they are a gift form God...

I think Jesus took this too literal... And became deluded and Mary herself told and kept to the story to stop her self being killed for her Sin or dishonour....

I think there is more likely hood that Mary got Abducted by Aliens and Artificially inseminated than the Angel Gaberial showing up and telling her she was Preggers !!!

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Level 96
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[15:55]   Arrow|Metin2: Usually I try to stay out of arguments or discussions regarding LOS, but that's not a decent topic. That's an opinion. More of a general discussion type of a thing. Now way to prove it as being one way or the other, y'know?

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Level 89
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Yes, LoS, Jesus was a drug dealer  ::)

Resource Maker
Level 91
Hummm You seem to have missed the whole point...

Is the Bible correct then...?

Was Jesus the Son of God... No if's or buts...?

Nobody really knows... Yet is the Bible deemed unintelligent... I guess it must be if this topic's been moved here... Or it's Correct ?...

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Meet me in the middle
Level 89
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I don''t believe in the bible or God or anything religious so I wouldn't know.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
Hummm You seem to have missed the whole point...

Is the Bible correct then...?

Was Jesus the Son of God... No if's or buts...?

Nobody really knows... Yet is the Bible deemed unintelligent... I guess it must be if this topic's been moved here... Or it's Correct ?...

I am very religious but i have to agree some things in the bible may have been a bit of an exageration but i wouldnt go as far as drug dealer i would go as far as religious fanatic

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
My first reaction is wtf. I mean, noone can be this demented. Let us pretend and humor you and think that Jesus was only believing he was the Son of God. He would at least act it.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Acting is one thing...

But most back up the miracles they saw... So did he have these powers ?

And if he did, how ?

Take for Example every one around him seeing him walk on water:-

Drug Dealer = Mass Hallucinations
Alien = Could be common for an Alien to have these skills
Son of God = Surely these small miracles would be just a fraction of Gods Power

You see out of the three what one looks more likely to be true....

But you guys are still focusing on the Topic title... but only sections of it... It reads is it more Plausible...?

That means I am asking:- Jesus being the Son of God the correct interpretation or not ?

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Meet me in the middle
Level 89
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Quote from: LoS
I think there is more likely hood that Mary got Abducted by Aliens and Artificially inseminated than the Angel Gaberial showing up and telling her she was Preggers !!!

Can I have what your smoking?

Resource Maker
Level 91
I want what Mary was smoking...

You get me some of that and we will do a swap !!!

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A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Take for Example every one around him seeing him walk on water:-

Drug Dealer = Mass Hallucinations
Alien = Could be common for an Alien to have these skills
Son of God = Surely these small miracles would be just a fraction of Gods Power

You see out of the three what one looks more likely to be true....

But you guys are still focusing on the Topic title... but only sections of it... It reads is it more Plausible...?
I'll go with the third one. Here, note how you said "everyone." I would be impossible to have 12 people have the same hallucination of Jesus walking on water and then all of them simultaneously seeing one of them (I forgot which disciple it was) walk on water with Jesus as he calms the storm down later? I don't think so.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Mass hallucinations? I've never put too much stock into that concept myself...

Alien is just as crazy as Jesus being the son of God.

And yeah, they would be a fraction of His power. Here's how I see it: It's not about making everyone kneel before him so they can get in good with God. That would cause soooooo many problems. Too many people would try to "buy" their way into heaven. The way he did it, he presented the truth, he performed a few miracles to show he was what he was, and left it to the people to decide for themselves if God was right for them. Isn't that what it's all about in the end? FINDING God, rather than having Him forced upon you like so many believe He should be today?

Resource Maker
Level 91
Mass hallucinations? I've never put too much stock into that concept myself...

Its called the power of suggestion... When on Acid or LSD or other mind altering drugs if some one says look at that shadow it looks like a Demon, when you look at it, it WILL look like a Demon...

So if one person says Hold on is Jesus walking on water... They would all see him doing so.

May be a drug dealer isn't the best Idea I have had... But to me it's more plausible than God making a Virgin woman preggers... I mean he made Adam from Mud... and Eve from Adams Rib...It just seems if God wanted to create a Son he needed not to endanger Mary's life by making here fall preggers...

In the Musslim religion when Mary returned to the town, Jesus as a new born Baby spoke...

That doesn't get a mention in the bible... Jesus first Miracle didn't get written in until he was around 30...

I wish I had a time machine so I could meet Jesus... I think he was a real person, but I don't think he was the Son of God, unless Gods back then where Pimps, Aliens or Drug pushers... As to me Jesus was one out there kind of guy, a basket case or a  nut job at best a profit.

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pokeball WcWOfflineMale
Level 87
2 + 2 is a math problem, NOT 4.
Mary had to go to Bethlehem because Ceasar called all the men to return to their hometowns to pay taxes, and Mary went with Joseph.  Mary didn't EVER tell Jesus came from God, he knew it himself, at the age of twelve he in fact stayed behind from them when they were returning to Galilee to talk to the priests about the scripture.  Think of it this way: The Bible is 2,000 years old.  Nowadays, if people think somethings not true, they manage to do it.  Now, if it wasn't true, someone would figure it out and have proven it by now anyway, wouldn't they?
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Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
Hummm... My spelling aint much better... The video contents is not really the whole beast of the topic, just a bonus...

Why did Mary leave the town to give birth ?

She left the town because she had to return to her home town to take a census :huge:

not pay taxes ;)

Resource Maker
Level 91
Now, if it wasn't true, someone would figure it out and have proven it by now anyway, wouldn't they?

It's hard to say the Bible is not truth without having some religious Nut hunting you down and telling you other wise... I suppose it should be proven without a shadow of a doubt to be false before we discredit the Bible, but in the same breath the Bible preachers shouldn't regard it as a Gospel, Gospel means truth... Yet it's not proven false or truth, and may be that's why I attack it so harshly...

Now much of the Bible I do follow and I have seen various items that do hold truth to me...

Like the Great Floods, it explains why petrified tree's can be found going through multiple layers of rock, that we deem millions of years old...

The story of Adam and Eve holds great truth, the Sumerian people wrote about the first man and woman being made from the Mud it's self and living in Eden well before the Christians adapted the story into the Bible... But the Sumerian's also thought the first Man and Woman had been created by Aliens from the 12th Planet... (But that's another argument).

The only part I really question is was Jesus really the Son of God...?

And did he die for our Sins...?

There are many people who question both of the above... If some thing is truth, why would it be questioned so much...?

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A Random Custom Title
Level 96
If something is the truth and it's questioned so much and it keeps on being answered, then it must be real. Think about it. The reason they ask is because they're wondering whether or not you're lying. Kinda like a "Are you pulling my leg?" God/Jesus was so freakin' awesome that they want to see if it's real. Like... Let's say for instance you get to go out with some really hot girl and you show a picture to your friends who don't know her. Let's pretend you're also hideous. Wouldn't your friends ask a bunch of questions and stuff like "OMG FOR REALZ?" Kinda like that, us hideous humans have been given the chance for eternal life with teh awesomest guy ever: JC.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I think Jesus was a Real person... Just not the Son of God, in any other way than I am... We are all children of God or a great force or children of the Earth... How ever you see it we all came to exist, so we are there fore children of nature or a higher power not yet known.

But as for Jesus...

The Bible also calls him King of the Jews... He wasn't...

He states and the Bible states he is the Son of God... There is no solid proof showing this as true or false... so it's a claim that has no real answer...

I would love it to be true that God or a higher power felt so curious of us Humans they placed one of their own amongst us... But you have to remember it was the same God who sent the floods...

To be fair to you Bible lovers, I too love the Bible but for different reasons... Without it my Computer stand would wobble.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 12:58:59 AM by landofshadows »

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A Random Custom Title
Level 96
The reason it was the same God who sent the FLOOD (just one enormous one) was because the people so freakin' gay and he needed to eradicate the evil. It was beyond evil.

Level 97
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By now we know that it's very likely a man named Jesus existed way back then who was a carpenter and may have performed "miracles". But there is also proof now that there were several other men claiming to be messiahs at the same time Jesus lived, and had a following of disciples and also performed "miracles".

It's just as unlikely that Jesus was the son of God as the rest of those assholes.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Besides the fact the whole miracles, driving out of demons, and etc.?

Resource Maker
Level 91
Besides the fact the whole miracles, driving out of demons, and etc.?

But did he...?

David Blane is a fairly impressive chap... May be he is the 2nd Son of God ?

I think many of the Events that took place are nothing more than those that take place today, infact I would say less than those today as the people of yester years would swollow most things back then... It's the power of suggestion and altering ones mind, healers world over claim to cure the blind, cure cancer... we see it every day...!!!

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pokeball WcWOfflineMale
Level 87
2 + 2 is a math problem, NOT 4.
LoS, no offense, but I have been a christian for four years and have been going to church since I was born. Please get your facts straight and reference these things to the Bible, please, because you are getting a lot of it wrong. It never says to not take it as the Gospel, it say it is that gospel.  Please, get your facts straight.
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