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[WIP] WarDink! - Pong Rethought

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Level 90
Warhive is now working on a game that will revisit retro gaming!

It is called: WarDink!

Yep, not very good name, but we intend to keep it. If you want to know what it is about, think of Pong. Now change the name and put in the fact that it's an independent title. Now, also add in the fact that it's in [WIP] status (Work in Progress).

That's our game. It is our intention to revitalize Pong with an all new twist. Power-ups and obstacles; enemies and lasers. This will not be a boring Pong remake (We hope), but a new perspective on one of the oldest video games known to man.

Screenshots will be posted when more has been completed graphically. Also, note that there is not a menu screen yet. We may borrow the menu screen we are developing for our other game, so expect one in one of the near-future releases.

We have a working Pong CLASSIC demo at this point in time.


Here's a list of features we want and have right now, as well as their progress:

- Pong based movement system (Including collisions). - 79%
- Variable difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard). - 33%
- Weapons system. - 0%
- Enemy system. - 0%
- Sounds. - 15%
- Menu. - 5%
- Cutscenes. - 0%
- Upgrade system. - 0%
- Pong CLASSIC (Simpler version of movement system.). - 95%

Over-all progress: 17%


As you can see we have a lot of work ahead of us, and this will be an on going project of ours and it may or may not get finished. We will now offer you a link to download the [WIP] game so you may evaluate it and give your ideas and comments. This will only be one of many games done by Warhive Inc.. We are currently working on another game, but it is not far enough along in development to be showcased yet.

Now, remember, this is only a look at the movement system, which is not completed yet. There are a few bugs and oddities that we are aware of at this time. One you may notice very soon is the NPC's paddle vibrates. We are looking into an alternative movement scheme for the AI so we can remedy this.

Any comments or ideas, or if you would like to help in any way, feel free to post. Please note that all of the visuals were done by me, and as such are not that high of quality.


How to Play:

Up Arrow - Move Up
Down Arrow - Move Down
Space - Un-stick the ball (Legacy control, not needed as far as the play testing has shown)
Esc - Quit


Download: Version Updated: 12/05/2007.

How to Run:

Just click the executable and the game starts after loading (0-3 seconds). Loading bar has been removed as of this release until a new one is required/finished.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 11:02:38 PM by purifier »

Level 88
wrath of winter
sounds cool but I gotta wait til I get home at 6-7 tonight to test it...stupid job, not letting me donwload stuff...

Want a personal sig like this? Ask Firerain:

Level 90
(Small) Update

I've been working on my C++ and PHP for when I get ready to go get my BS in Computer Science, so I haven't had a lot of time to work on the game, but I am working on a few things right now.

I have fixed a minor problem with the scoring that allowed you to go into the negatives, thus making it a little difficult to get your score up at the beginning.

I am currently implementing a basic upgrade system right now to try and work out any kinks before I plow through all of my thoughts on it. A three second counter is also being added to the beginning of the round to give a second (three, actually) to get ready, instead of just launching straight into the game.

edit: After a bit of play testing and looking over my NPC's AI (ball following), I have noticed that the NPC does not vibrate when the vertical speed of the ball becomes faster (exact VSPEED.. I haven't checked). So, I have thought that I should do a check on the vspeed of the ball to decide how the paddle moves to remove the vibration. Either that, or my code is just terrible. So, for the sake of getting help, I shall post up my code for the NPC.

Code: [Select]
if (object_exists(obj_ball)) {
    if (obj_ball.y >= 240) {
        BallY = obj_ball.y;
    if (obj_ball.y <= 239) {
        BallY = obj_ball.y;
if (!object_exists(obj_ball)) {
    if (obj_npc_pad.y >= 240) {
        PadY = obj_npc_pad.y - random(50);
    if (obj_npc_pad.y <= 239) {
        PadY = obj_npc_pad.y + random(50);
« Last Edit: August 31, 2007, 03:39:29 AM by purifier »

Level 102
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Revolutionize retro gaming? The background is disgusting, and it can litterly be impossible to get to the ball when it's launched

Level 90
It's just the movement system. I haven't touched graphics. I just got sick of looking at the black background during my testing. The game is only 11% along the way, if that.

I'm working out all of the kinks with the main movement system so I don't have a headache later when everything else has been implemented. So, yes, it is very ugly right now. And, in my last post, I stated I was adding in a three second timer.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)

this is okay for a barebones game engine setup, but you need to make it so I can put spin on the ball. I use it often in the regular game.

Level 90
I haven't played this version in a long time, but the version I'm working on let's you bounce the ball off at an angle with a greater speed, if that's what you meant by "spin". Unless you mean like a curve ball...

Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, just been busy with some other things. My system was dead for a while as well, but I have been working on it. I just haven't updated the version I have uploaded. Never fear, I'll get a new version up eventually.

Some things that have been done:

- Removed the music.
- Added a menu.
- Removed the space background.
- Added an upgrade room (not complete by any stretch of the imagination).
- Removed the short .avi at the end which was unnecessarily bloating the file size.

I know, there isn't a three second timer in that list for when you begin the game. The only reason this hasn't been added yet is because of how I coded the game. I haven't gotten around to rewriting most of my code. It's sad, I made a mistake by making code that can't evolve very well. Ah well.

Also, there are no updated graphics. Except for an icon for one of the abilities you can learn (later, when coded), which doesn't show up in the build I'm working on since I haven't added it in yet.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2007, 09:47:17 PM by purifier »

Level 90
Well, I have uploaded the current build of the game. Not much has changed, except what was in my last post. I just figured I should throw up what I have done now.

I'm working on making the graphics for the bars and the ball so they aren't just white squares. Once I complete that I will move on to fixing the vibrating bug for the enemy paddle, which I think I have a solution for. This version has the music removed, and a sound added for when the "ball" collides with things. Let me know what you think of the sound, so I can fix anything you have any issues with.

This will probably be the last upload I put up for the game for a while, so I can get some serious progress done before uploading it again. That way you won't keep getting tiny updates which are really worthless.

You can find the updated download link in my original post.