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Cosmos Queen

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Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
Okay, so my last games... died... badly... Although my computer did die, so I did lose all my game data, so I kinda stopped 'RPG Maker XP'ing for a while, but I've decided to try creating a small project called Cosmos Queen, where the first game is split up into different parts.

So, as I've already said, I'm using RPG Maker XP. I am considering using RPG Maker 2k3 for later projects, because I prefer the Battle System, but I'm still using RPG Maker XP. So, yep. Although, it is a really simple thing which isn't using anything complex.


Every ten years, the current Queen chooses two people from her world, and they compete against one another to win the prize of becoming a Cosmos Queen and ruling the current Cosmos (or world). This is called the 'Queen Selection Exam'. Cosmos Queen follows the 252nd exam of a young girl called Shiratori.

Assigned to Shiratori is three Guardians. These are Hayami, Bin and Nobutoshi. Shiratori can assign new Guardians to herself if they agree to be her Guardian (of course). Their role is to protect Shiratori. If Shiratori passes the exam, she can also choose to instead marry one of her Guardians, thus ending her chance to become Queen.


Spoiler for:
Shiratori is the one of the Queen Candidates. She is a normal girl, who comes from an ordinary family, which makes her unusual by the fact that most Queen Candidates come from rich families and are trained to become the future Cosmos Queen.

Spoiler for:
An old man, who - despite his age - is adept at using a sword. The first of Shiratori's Guardians, he loves Shiratori deeply, an won't let her be alone with anyone, including her other Guardians. He cares deeply for Shiratori, but doesn't love her (well, not in that way anyway).

Spoiler for:
A man in his late twenties, he is almost like Shiratori's father. He uses a spear in combat. He is the one who often ends up guarding Shiratori's possessions rather then Shiratori herself, because Hayami doesn't trust him at all. He also has an... interesting past.

Spoiler for:
Shiratori's third guardian. Despite looking rather 'hard' and using an axe, Nobutoshi is rather gentle... and has a past which actually connects with Bin in a rather interesting way. Let's just say that he'd never even think about making a move on Shiratori.

Spoiler for:
Nope. I'm not saying anything. Tobita is the quite type, and I refuse to say any more then that. Tobita has a rather sad past, and a rather interesting present. Oops... I said more... Well, I refuse to say anything else. You'll have to wait for a future demo.

I have got plans for five more male characters who will act as Shiratori, but I might not add them into Cosmos Queen Part 1. We'll see. Let's just say that if Shiratori is going to fall in love with anyone, it'll be one of the other five characters rather then these four.


While in the field, Shiratori's Guardians follow her around.

Merchant's have your items.

The Tent: The stop for healing and saving!

To save, visit the book on Shiratori's desk in the tent.

And yes, saving is disabled while on the field, and you can't just enter the tent whenever you want to at the moment. I might change this in the future... Maybe, maybe not. Depends on whether I feel like making the game insanely hard to complete.  :P

Artwork & Music

All of my artwork is from the original RPG Maker XP package, aside from a few certain tracks. At the moment, it's just the opening music. This is 'The Prelude' from Final Fantasy IV, which I got from Final Fantasy Music.


Okay, this is the demo of the first five stages of the game (running from the very beginning of the game until the first boss battle against Deadly Ghost). The storyline may seem like there is nothing there at the moment to explain ANYTHING, but the second demo should include this.

If the demo doesn't work, feel free to tell me it doesn't work, but I won't be able to change it unless you actually tell me why it isn't working. Yes, I'm stupid. But, hey, I don't fully understand everything in life.  :P So... anywho... here are the locations of the demo:

Mega Upload
File Front

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Uhhmm...your mapping need a lot of improvment. They are very empty and none-realistic.

Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
Uhhmm...your mapping need a lot of improvment. They are very empty and none-realistic.

XD While I do agree, my mapping is absolutly bollocks and my maps are empty, it is so much better then my last project. Unless a horse in a tree is called good mapping. :P I'll keep it in mind though, and I'll see what I can do for the Ruined City up next.

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
A little tip thought. Your house map don't have any walls :lol:

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
I agree w/ Black Shadow.
you really need to put more effort in your maps.
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
A little tip thought. Your house map don't have any walls :lol:
Oh yeah... Erm... The tent fell into a made abyss of darkness and the walls just... er... disappeared... Well, I'll add in walls then... If I can find walls which would actually work for a tent... Erm... Anyway, yep.

I agree w/ Black Shadow.
you really need to put more effort in your maps.
:P Yep. As said, I'm going to try and make the Ruined City a little more exciting (hah! a lot more like) then what most of the maps have been like so far. As said, at least it looks better then a horse in a tree. Or a guy surronded by pots (WTF?!). Although it does still look boring. The Bridge map for the most boring map award! Whoo! It could have been worse...