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Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
It all depends on how the rough the sea is, but I rather swim in a pool for safety. lol

Would you Visit Hawaii or The North Pole

Level 91
hawaii i love to surf..

pokemon card game or YU-GI-OH card game

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Pokemon. But Magic is better.

D&D or Warhammer 40k
At least I have chicken.

Level 91
warhammer (expesaly the game on PS2)

eat a kangeroo or a emu (yes i know they are australian animals but rhey are etern here and they tast frigern nice)

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Quote from: gongo3090
warhammer (expesaly the game on PS2)

 :roll: I was referring exclusively to the table-top game.

Anyway, Kangaroo. They are tasty.
D12 or D20? (12 or 20 sided dice)
At least I have chicken.

Level 91
I own you.
what the hell i tought dice were only made 6 and 8 but ill go with 20 cuz it prolly looks all wierd like

    beet your teacher down with a metal bat or your boss(for those of u not part of the work force(lazy asses) then lets say ur princaple
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
I'd say my princple (yes I'm lazy). But why hit him with a metal bat when I can hit him with a flail?

Showers or Baths
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Level 91
little form collum A, a little from collum B

whould live in japan or not

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
If I had the chance, yes. I would like to live in japan. Watashi wa onamae pegasus desu. lol.

rather have nightmares or smell your little brothers smelly feet.

Level 91
well i only have sisters so i whould say smell my non  existing brothers foot

if they had the ability to lock forums whould you lock a forum post becorse it belongs to some one you hate or not

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
No, but I might be tempted to block posts asking questions about how to make a start party position, create a new game, test play, and other such ubern00b things...

Mario Party or Warioware?
At least I have chicken.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
warioware is funner, i wanna cry when i play mario party alone.

super mario bros. or super mario bros. 3
Ninjas are cool;
and by cool,
I mean totally sweet.

_______________food chain of ROCKING:
______________Pirates Superheroes Vampires
____________________everyone else

Level 91
super mario bros 3

legend of zelda

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Sorry, Link. But Metroid is my choice. We can still be friends though, right?

Link: *gives the "are you kidding me?!" look*

Jak & Daxter or Ratchet & Clank
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Ratchet & Clank by far...

Pickles or Mushrooms?
Can Teh Elite Be beat or is it just me..?
                   -Ophelia Ish Teh Gawd!

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Pickles are too sour and mushrooms go well with pizza.

Antartica or the Sahara Desert
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Level 91
I think that i'll have a better chance in sahara...

Devil or God?

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
mmm God

This Face  :whoa:  or That Face  :lol:
Can Teh Elite Be beat or is it just me..?
                   -Ophelia Ish Teh Gawd!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90

overly bored or overly busy
Ninjas are cool;
and by cool,
I mean totally sweet.

_______________food chain of ROCKING:
______________Pirates Superheroes Vampires
____________________everyone else

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
overly bored by far i love being bored...

 Granny smith apples or Macintosh Apples (GO MAC!)
Can Teh Elite Be beat or is it just me..?
                   -Ophelia Ish Teh Gawd!

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Granny smith (MAC SUX!)

White or Red dragons?
At least I have chicken.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90

How dare u say macs suck *pulls out a beer bottle and breaks the end..he now has a sharp object..*

    Arctic Rush... Or Arctic Hurry...
Can Teh Elite Be beat or is it just me..?
                   -Ophelia Ish Teh Gawd!

Level 91
I own you.
is there difference....
     flame on or flame off?
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Flame off, Flame is destructive.
Paper of Plastic ?
My Homepage

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Paper. It's easier to make a puppet out of.

Toast: buttered or not buttered?
At least I have chicken.