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Level 91
low cause being high all the time cost too much ><"

BIG Or small
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 90
Big.  It makes TV look better ^_~

Sweatpants or Jeans?

(Oh and Blue, I got a 142 on an IQ and 101 doesn't count as above average... you need 111, they said 90~110 IS average everywhere I looked)

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
Sweatpants. More comfortable.

Tank-top or longsleeved?
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

Level 91
longsleeved.. no reason.. -.-

(whats the avg between 90 and 110? oh yes.. 100... and you expect me to believe you got 142? maybe after you tried 10 times ~_~/used answers/asked people/ guessed and damn you are lucky ;)  jeez.. when will people learn that their iq is showen when they post?
i would actually doubt the possibility that excluding the leets, silver , dwarra, halo, sepi, me , tsu, inaru(i think that's it) could possibly get over 120, sorry to say none of the other ones proved to have any signs of high iq

bashing or dashing?
holy shit my sig was big!

I love Firerain
Level 97
dahing in looks.

 :cry:  or  :oops:
Arlen is hot.

Level 91

 Uh, Thunder or lightning?
Smile, god loves you :)

Level 91
Thunder, not deadly at all but far scarier

pen or pencil?
holy shit my sig was big!

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
Pen, I never mess up. 8)

Fruit Roll Ups or Pudding?

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
fruit roll-up, no more stains on my shirt

one or two?

Think you've got a killer game? Want it to be on the WWW?
Send me an e-mail of your game at Alex@flyingpoo.com

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
One... because numbers are arbirtary.

Redheads or Blondes?

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Blondes- Their hair seems to glisten and make their whole body more lively (To my opinion)

 Drunk or High?
Up Down Left Right A B+start
Is my avatar to big or to small?
I can't see it but i had a few people say,
"NICE avatar"... sarcism or not..... i just dont know-

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Gaming Hearts Studios Director
Drunk, because drugs are more frowned apon in my mind...

RPG or Platformer games

I love Firerain
Level 97
Noobs never finish they're game so good guys do, and they're good.
But sometime platformers stink. Like once a loaded this coin game and it was f**king bad.
Arlen is hot.

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Gaming Hearts Studios Director
nightwolf, you where supposed to post a "this-or-that"...it's ok, I got it.

Conscious or Unconscious

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Conscious. I dunno why.

Rapier or Katana?

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Gaming Hearts Studios Director
katana hands down....

Diet or non-diet (sodas)

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Non-Diet..... If i wanted diet I would just drink flat soda :wink:
 Flying or Swiming (Unlimited Air)
Up Down Left Right A B+start
Is my avatar to big or to small?
I can't see it but i had a few people say,
"NICE avatar"... sarcism or not..... i just dont know-

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
non-diet all the way.  edit: FLying

Fire or Ice?

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
Fire, its hot!

Pie or Ham?

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
MMMMM, ham!

Ciggerrettes or Cigars?

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
Quote from: FuMannChu
MMMMM, ham!

Ciggerrettes or Cigars?

ummm...neither, they are pretty much the same thing.

Broadway or MTV?

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
MTV.... MUCH CHEAPER!!! :lol:
Being Invisible //\\//\\ Being able to fly
Up Down Left Right A B+start
Is my avatar to big or to small?
I can't see it but i had a few people say,
"NICE avatar"... sarcism or not..... i just dont know-

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
FLYING!!! Then you can fly.

100 Million US or Your Soul Mate (Well, this is a easy choice, well for me)

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
Quote from: Zxmelee
FLYING!!! Then you can fly.

100 Million US or Your Soul Mate (Well, this is a easy choice, well for me)

100 million, i already have a soul mate.


Russia or CHina?

I love Firerain
Level 97
Good technology and not so crowdeded

Donald Duck Or  Goofy
Arlen is hot.