Hey, I need help with a reading system. Ever play ElderScrolls III: Morrowind? You know how when you picked up a book, it would display text, and provide you with options to Take, Leave, Next Page, Previous Page? IF not, I will give a quick rundown for what I need exactly.
I need a Scene that is divided into 2 frames.
The first frame will on top and will be 4/5 of the screen size (640 x 384). This is where the text is displayed.
The second frame will lie underneath the text window, and will be (640 x 96). THis is the options bar. In the center, I want the options --> (forward page) and <-- (back page) side by side. on the far left is the option take, while on the far right is the option leave.
I want the option take to just add the book to the inventory. I would prefer to call the method by supplying a value, such as $scene = scene_book.new (x) where x would be the book that is to be displayed.
This must be expandable, and I have to add my own text into it. Its ok if it leaves some scripting undone, as I need to fill in some gaps anyways.
Finally, I need an option in the menu called "Books" that would show a list of books held, and by selecting one, it would call the scene_book and display its text. in this case, there would be the options on the far right is cancel and on the far left is drop.
Thanks for anyone who can help me! this is pretty complex, and I doubt that it will be completed, but all Help is appreciated.
Thank you for your time!!