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Eye Of The Tiger Review

Started by Irock, August 08, 2007, 04:11:46 PM

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Eye Of The Tiger Review
The topic can be found here.

Eye Of The Tiger has a heart warming story for the whole family. You play as Tiger. Tiger isn't happy. He wants to get happy. He is thinking about committing suicide. Someone tells him to never give up. This encourages tiger to save the world. The storyline is very original, and easy to catch onto. The dialog in this game is simply amazing. The mapping sucks

If you're a fan of classic RPGs, then I know you will love this game.

Storyline: 10/10
Originality: 10/10
Dialog 10/10
Mapping: 1/10
Overall: 10/10


LOL YOU RATED YOURSELF. XD It was pretty awesome, however.


I think this review is biased.


Storyline is eh for me. Originality and Dialouge is just LOL. The rest is fine.