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What do you think about emotions?

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Level 87
Shazamn bithes
My friend and I were talking about Battle Royale, and which character each other scored in an online quiz type thing. I socred as some guy, and he scored as the main villain Kazuo Kiriyama: who apprarently believes that emotions make humans weak.
My view on this is, that although we do stupid things because of emotions, it's what makes us human.
What do you think? Do you believe that these brain impulses affect us in a good way, or are we better off without them?
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Far better off without emotions.  I train myself to have none.

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
Yeah.... but what does that make you?
Sure not all emotions are bad
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
All emotions cloud your judgement, judgement is good, therefore emotions are bad.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
All emotions cloud your judgement, judgement is good, therefore emotions are bad.

Emotions give us power that we didn't realize.
Love drive us to our limits.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I don't need emotions to realize my power.  Only the weak dont know themselves.

Level 91
Emotions give us power that we didn't realize.
Love drive us to our limits.

ROFL, wake up.

Bio is right, I'll be it possibly for the wrong reasons, but he is correct in the assumption that emotions make us weak. Our emotions are nothing more then something created by evolution because it was needed, and that is how we have to view it; just like all other functions, there is nothing special about them.

The only thing is, just like pain, we sentient beings do not need them, if I am stabbed I do not need a mass amount of pain to tell me to do something about it, I am aware that it needs medical attention, just as I don't need anger to stop the person who stabbed me from doing it again. Emotions are nothing more then shackles used to control us when there really is no need for that level of control. Perhaps they are needed on some level, but that level would be nothing comparable to what they are now.

They do indeed make you weak(er).

Far better off without emotions.  I train myself to have none.
Yeah.... but what does that make you?

Well, what does that make YOU, I feel you should be asking. I say it makes him less of an animal, for one thing.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
Jeez, Saucy, get elitist much? Emotions have been mixed up in every human endeavor since the beginning of time - what will we do if we have none? Propagate our species endlessly without distractions like art, music, and literature? What kind of life would that be?

Also,  you're wrong about pain. This may blow you away, but you can sustain injuries that aren't visible, and doctors use patient's descriptions of their pain to make a diagnosis.

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning
All emotions cloud your judgement, judgement is good, therefore emotions are bad.

Yes. emotions can cloud your Judgment, like jumping in front of a loved one who's being held at gun point to protect them out of pure impulse when everything else is telling us to go the opposite direction.

If we had no emotions, we'd just as their life slips away, without even trying to get involved. In other words, strong feelings of love toward someone can be hazardous, since it threatens to override our natural instinct of self-preservation

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
All emotions cloud your judgement, judgement is good, therefore emotions are bad.

Yes. emotions can cloud your Judgment, like jumping in front of a loved one who's being held at gun point to protect them out of pure impulse when everything else is telling us to go the opposite direction.

If we had no emotions, we'd just as their life slips away, without even trying to get involved. In other words, strong feelings of love toward someone can be hazardous, since it threatens to override our natural instinct of self-preservation

So you wouldn't try to stop someone from murdering a stranger?

Level 91
Jeez, Saucy, get elitist much? Emotions have been mixed up in every human endeavor since the beginning of time - what will we do if we have none? Propagate our species endlessly without distractions like art, music, and literature? What kind of life would that be?

A life of knowledge and understanding ?_?

would that be?

Also,  you're wrong about pain. This may blow you away, but you can sustain injuries that aren't visible, and doctors use patient's descriptions of their pain to make a diagnosis.

Please excuse my wordings, this was meaning more then what I apparently implied;

Perhaps they are needed on some level, but that level would be nothing comparable to what they are now.

Referring to both pain and emotion,

if I am stabbed I do not need a mass amount of pain

Mass amounts, rather then just purely 'pain'. But this is coming from someone with a bad back and IBS, so my view could certainly be biased :P

As said, I feel some level of emotion is needed, or perhaps selected emotions, but I would rather be level headed in a world without art, then a slave to my makings while being distracted by pretty colours. My opinion, not saying it's alls.

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning
All emotions cloud your judgement, judgement is good, therefore emotions are bad.

Yes. emotions can cloud your Judgment, like jumping in front of a loved one who's being held at gun point to protect them out of pure impulse when everything else is telling us to go the opposite direction.

If we had no emotions, we'd just as their life slips away, without even trying to get involved. In other words, strong feelings of love toward someone can be hazardous, since it threatens to override our natural instinct of self-preservation

So you wouldn't try to stop someone from murdering a stranger?
Self-preservation would beckon against that, since the gun could easily turn to you. but if you're kind enough and know that what awaits that person is NOT good, then the first clear thing to pop into your mind is to help them, without putting your own life in danger.

and yes i would help a random person, cuz i'm too selfless for my own good >_<
I was using your loved one being held at gunpoint as an example.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
What kind of life would that be?

A life of knowledge and understanding ?_?

To what end? All (most) progress is made so that someone somewhere is happier. With emotions gone, do we just sit around and study physics textbooks?

This is a difficult subject to talk to an Oriental about because your entire civilization is based on Buddhism.

Please excuse my wordings, this was meaning more then what I apparently implied;

Ah, oh.

Mass amounts, rather then just purely 'pain'. But this is coming from someone with a bad back and IBS, so my view could certainly be biased :P

What is IBS? Is it some horrible lady parts illness?

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning

This is a difficult subject to talk to an Oriental about because your entire civilization is based on Buddhism.
Calling someone "oriental" is pretty much like referring to them as an object (hence Oriental Carpets)
anyways I agree with Saladin, without emotions, I could Safely say the US would not come to exist, seeing as it came to be because of people looking for a better life,  obviously, meaning they wanted to be happier. We are where we are today because of emotions, if we take that away, we're no better than furniture. I'm not saying animals, because even they have emotions, such as fear and joy.

Level 91
To what end? All (most) progress is made so that someone somewhere is happier. With emotions gone, do we just sit around and study physics textbooks?

This is a difficult subject to talk to an Oriental about because your entire civilization is based on Buddhism.

I guess I'm viewing things from a future perspective rather then present, but I think the goal of sentient beings is something with many interpretations. I feel the want of knowledge and walking towards the line of perfection is a road that eventually cuts out the need for emotion, or our idea of it, but I'm talking about things that we can only presume and guess about, no fun in debating that.

What is IBS? Is it some horrible lady parts illness?

rofl, no, something like really painful cramps, truly unpleasant... If you want to be grossed out, here's the wiki on it.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
I guess I'm viewing things from a future perspective rather then present, but I think the goal of sentient beings is something with many interpretations. I feel the want of knowledge and walking towards the line of perfection is a road that eventually cuts out the need for emotion, or our idea of it, but I'm talking about things that we can only presume and guess about, no fun in debating that.

Okay, whatevs. I've always thought that happiness was just too good to dispose of, but that's what I get for talking about emotions with a person who has a Buddha statue in every room of her house. :/

rofl, no, something like really painful cramps, truly unpleasant... If you want to be grossed out, here's the wiki on it.

Wow,so, like, do you shit yourself all the time? Are you doing it right now?!

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning
yea, IBS isnt something very good to have :o and it has more to do with abdominal pain than actually shitting urself sal ...

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
I think some emotions are needed, most animals have basic emotions, anger for example most animals need anger, i know they wouldn't really need it due they already know what to do, but an angry is much more dangerous, they will attack with less thought to themselves etc etc.

Much like how humans do, yes most humans wouldn't need anger due to they fight without much of a need but ones that fight while angry could come back from things that the wouldn't normally come back from, to me some emotions might cloud judgment, but you could also say that our instinct of self-preservation could also cloud our judgment also.

Level 91
but that's what I get for talking about emotions with a person who has a Buddha statue in every room of her house. :/

rofl, I do :D

yea, IBS isnt something very good to have :o and it has more to do with abdominal pain than actually shitting urself sal ...

What he said.

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
Without emotions, everyone we ever loved or admired will mean nothing to us.
True, emotions can make a person weaker, however they can also make them stronger.
We don't need emotions to survive, all I'm saying is that we won't be the same without them.
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
What will we do if we have none? Propagate our species endlessly without distractions like art, music, and literature? What kind of life would that be?
A progressive one.

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
A progressive one.
Maybee so, but we won't have happiness or pride to celebrate it.
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning
we'd just be walking computers.

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
we'd just be walking computers.
Nah, we'd be more like animals
Only our community won't mean anything to us
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
So you wouldn't try to stop someone from murdering a stranger?
I would encourage it.