I wasn't comparing anything. I was saying that it is not oppression to limit a right if that right infringes upon other, more important rights. This does not really apply to gay rights. I find it funny that you interpreted it to be a comparison between gay marriage and murder, since if you were to consider my statement a comparison to your statement, it would only make sense that necrophilia would be the comparison to gay marriage and murder would be the comparison to abortion. It is quite obvious you are specifically looking for things to misinterpret. Regardless, it wasn't a comparison. I was illustrating a point. For that matter, I do not believe it is oppression to limit some of the things we consider rights, as I say further on I consider it only oppression if these four rights are infringed upon, because to me, the others are not really important.
You made that statement after you quoted my list of American oppressions, then you put your words like 'oppression of murder' into play saying that they don't count as 'realistic' versions of oppression. If it wasn't relating to what I had said then why did you quote it?
Marriage, I suppose, would fall under religion if that particular religion considered it important. Note that there are religions which do allow gay marriage, including Christian denominations, so don't get all pissy. Denying gay marriage to an Episcopelian would effectively be the oppression of the right to religious belief. (To be honest, the definition of marriage varies so greatly between religions that I don't think the government shouldn't really concern itself with marriage at all, and just give out civil union certificates.)
You do understand that a marriage is a contract under the law..? I'm not saying: "why wont Christians allow gays to marry in their church", I'm saying: "why has the government made gay marriage, a legal process, illegal?". This has nothing to do with the church, how could you even get that idea..? People can be wed in front of a judge with no religious settings at all.
By what right does the government have to stop homosexuals from marrying one another (referring to the legal definition of the implication not religious)?
In many places children who are put up for adoption can find out who their parents are when they are 18, even if the parents don't wish the child to know. In others, the record is sealed permanently. Is this oppression in either case?
As for marijuana, tobacco, fatty foods, those would fall under self-determination.
Right, but marijuana is ILLEGAL, yet you say this falls under the right of self-determination..? Well that would be the oppression of self determination right there, your words.
Okay, both the press and religion provide alternate sources of authority. In the case of religion, it actually claims higher authority then the dictatorship. Dictatorships rest entirely on having absolute authority. Press and Religion inhibit that. If you wish to see the effects, just think of the Pope and the effect he had on communism. Here's a BBC article. The fact is that religions inhibit the effectiveness of a dictatorship. If, for example, a dictator came into power in Ireland and made abortion legal, an encyclical from the pope could doubtless get millions of them into the streets protesting. Respecting freedom of religion in a dictatorship sets limits on absolute power, and that is why it is not possible in a dictatorship. As well, press can have the same effect, though on a lesser scale. Essentially, it's distributing the dictator's authority among others, which is obviously crippling to a dictatorship.
As far as I know the dictatorship in Brazil did not affect the people's religious life in any way. Brazil is the world's biggest Catholic country, so why didn't the monarchistic-government use their unstoppable power to oppress this religion that had people pledging loyalty to a foreign head of state (the Pope)? Where is the same "crippling effect" that the pope had on communism in this situation?
Your saying that religion is somehow responsible for the downfall of all dictatorships, when in reality it seems that all dictators that have oppressed religious freedom did so out of a personal biased rather then the fear of collapse.
The Christians were suppressed by the Roman empire, yet there were still Christians, no? Even if you commanded that no one may have religious worship, that doesn't mean it will happen, it will simply drive the religion underground where it would still have the same "crippling" effect, which it clearly has not done so in any example I've seen. You're talking about a power that could destroy a dictator? Then why would this power stop because this dictator commands it to..?
Your religious theory is incorrect and lacking in all if any evidence supporting it.
As for 'freedom of the press': What are the allegations put onto the fox news network of biasedly supporting the Republicans, when they are supposed to give an impartial view..? Also, who says that a country can't prosper without freedom of the press..?
That actually proves my point. The fact that a president, the leader of a nation, clearly has no respect for atheism but still does not pass laws against atheism is one of the attributes of democracy I am saying is good. His power is limited. Significantly. He may not take God out of the pledge of allegiance and he may not do anything against his religion, but he also cannot do anything to persecute atheists. If a dictator held the same viewpoint as George W. Bush, then atheists would be persecuted. If a dictator says a group of people aren't citizens or patriots, then that's it. They aren't patriots or citizens. And of course, your response will be that your super leader would never hold such a narrow-sighted view. Nothing bad can happen in a dictatorship, but whatever, I'll let you say it before I bother repelling it.
First: that quote was from Bush Sr. just to clarify, second: 'I said isn't it a possible future', perhaps you would like to explain why it's not ?_? third: again, your saying if a dictator has these views he WILL persecute atheists for it, yet explain no reason why. I'm not saying a leader will automatically be perfect, YOU on the other hand are saying that any person who is in this position will automatically persecute others due to personal biased, yet show no reason as to why this is.
You think your democracy is infallible of making such grievous errors..? Let's bring this over to your next point.
You don't get a say if you don't vote. If you do vote though, then you get a say. Even if you aren't in the majority, you can protest. Thus my example of black liberation. They didn't have a say. Now they do. Solely because of their efforts. So don't go whine about how you don't have a say. You do.
I was talking about the individual, you are talking about a minority, they are not the same. Would the black revolution have worked if there was only one black man protesting ?_?
But wait, African-Americans had to
protest in order to get their rights as fellow humans?? What about woman's suffrage? Was that given to them when they simply asked for it, or did they have to take drastic action to receive equal rights to men? Was a bill rejected giving women the right to vote before women where forced to rally a movement? If so, why? What reason would the democratic system have to justify continuing oppressive behavior?
Your system was trying to keep womans rights to a minimum and only changed at a physical threat, not because they had to. Your system did not legally have to give women the right to vote, but they did, so why wouldn't the same work with an Emperor, or King? Your system can indeed form a dictatorial stance, it simply needs the majority of people in power to cooperate, that is all.
I am saying that a bad ruler can be replaced in a democracy, and cannot be replaced in a dictatorship, yes. I never said it was the only way, I'm saying that it is an option that is retained where all else fails. In a dictatorship, maybe the dictator will care what people say, maybe he won't. In a democracy, the leader has to care what the people say. And if you want a reason why a dictator wouldn't listen, it's because he believes he is right. The principal value of the system you are a proponent of is that the dictator knows what is the right path, and he has the power to choose it. I am saying that if he goes down a wrong path, he still has the confidence that it is the right path and will not change it because he is doing what he think will benefit the nation, despite the will and thoughts of the people.
You think democracy has fail-safes that would prevent the bad scenarios that can occur in a dictatorship..? Let's take a look at Russia, it's now a democracy so according to your theory even if the changes are slow, they will always being going forward in a positive state, but that's not the case, Russia is slowly stepping back into an authoritarianism state, why aren't your democratic fail-safes working there? Venezuela is strangling itself by stealing land from rich landowners and giving it to poor city-dwelling people who know nothing about farming. Maybe the government wasn't set up right, or the people just can't handle the freedom they have or they think that the system will keep running without them but the fact is, sometimes democracies fail.
If a dictator listened to the people and allowed himself to be influenced by the people, then it would be just as ineffective as you are claiming a democracy is.
Not even slightly, there is a difference in what the people want and what they need. An Emperor could listen to the needs of a country and not the wants if the wants are not healthy for the people. Democracy is forced to obey ALL the people's desires, whether they are healthy or not. No, this Ruler will not always know the right answer, but no one does and that is why only a fool makes all of the decisions by himself.
Yes, in a state of crisis, the president has executive authority. Once the state of crisis is over, the actions he took, for example martial law, are reversed and his actions are reviewed and if they are deemed unneccesary and unconstitutional, those are grounds for impeachment. This is significantly different from a dictator, whose actions are permanent as long as he remains in office.
Yes, as we all know people will always take what they are given and never cause an uprising! "Democracy" is nothing but a point of view. While the white males where naming it "democracy", it was nothing short of a dictatorship to women and blacks at a certain point. They had no say, yet they brought change in a
"point of view dictatorship", they brought change in the same way people could bring change under an all-powerful King.
My statements may have implied that, but it is untrue. It is not actually possible for a democratic president to become a dictator.
Until very recently the House and Senate were just huge rubber stamps for anything that the administration churned out because they were all controlled by the same party. It only needs cooperation for democracy to become a dictatorship... What is the difference if the power is the same..?
The modern system is a product of democracy. It can't really be mimiced in a dictatorship. What you are saying is that you have a dictator, whose actions are reviewed by a senate, which is essentially purposeless because he doesn't have to listen to them. Maybe if he wanted to get some feedback, he would send it to the senate first, but if he wanted something done he'd do it regardless of what they say.
Then why was the decision of the Roman Senate taken so highly? If this was true, the Caesar wouldn't have cared what they thought. You're getting mixed up with kings of old with modern
'el presidentes'. It may shock you to find out but kings had advisers who would help them make decisions and people could take their grievances to the King without fearing for their lives. Were they the 'evil dictators' your making out our proposed ruler to be..?
The very need for you to use the word "dictator" instead of King/Queen or Emperor is because of the modern meaning and implication of the word to describe some insane person who claimed power for themselves in a river of blood. Yes, we both apparently know that it doesn't imply anything but an all-powerful ruler, but you're using it in nothing more then a pejorative way...
Perhaps you're projecting what you would do in a situation of this power, but there are many "Dictatorships" that have worked.
What about Myanmar? It's getting along okay. Iraq seemed to be doing quite fine before the invasion. There are also dictatorships spread throughout Africa and authoritarian governments can be fond in South America and Asia. To say dictatorships will fail is a pathetic and blind statement; in the long run,
all governments will fail. Just because Rome eventually collapsed it doesn't put a black eye on dictatorial rule; if America was destroyed, would it directly imply that democracy failed..?
How many republics have failed? Rome? All the eastern European republics that folded? What about the Wiemar Republic, which put Hitler in a position of power? And what about civil wars? The American Civil War was particularly bloody, and it can easily be portrayed as an example of Yankee tyrants imposing their will on Southerners who didn't want to be in the Union anymore.
Does that mean all democracies will fail..? No? Then the measly examples you've given say nothing on the future success rate of monarchs.
Furthermore, you are allowing other authorities in, such as religions and press. In the end, you are suggesting a democracy, but the leader can do whatever he wants and he's not voted in. There's no way it could work. Every time he did something, there would be an outcry, because he's bound to piss off someone. If hee doesn't listen to the senate, the republicans (as in, someone who believes from the people, for the people) will get pissed off.
And they don't now..? The church wouldn't get pissed if gay marriage laws are lifted?
There's no way it could work.
Rome, it had a senate, people for the people by the people. How did it work?
If he doesn't listen to the churches, the religious will get pissed off,
Since when has the church had any major say in political affairs? This isn't the dark ages.
and if he doesn't listen to the press, everyone will get pissed off. Unlike a democracy, at times there is going to be a majority of citizens protesting. Actually, people will get pissed off enough that they'll turn it back into a democracy. The system as it is now is built to have a replaceable, elected leader, and the only way it works is because it has that. It is because democracy is dynamic.
I was talking to someone about this debate and I asked him for his insight on my points, one of the replies I received was that I was getting angry at you for defending democracy, when in fact you were doing no such thing. You aren't defending democracy, you're defending some type of mythical magical version of it where everybody gets along and cooperates when this isn't reality. You say I'm not looking at the un-feasibility of an empire? You're version of democracy isn't even close to a representation of it working in the real world, it's a pipe dream.
Let's bring up Rome again: it was started as a republic, what happened there?
It was decided it was most likely he had Guillain-Barre syndrome fifty years after his death. It was believed to be polio for his entire life and many years after. In any case, it does not matter at all, the point is he was paralyzed. Stop being so petty.
You're right, what caused his paralysis was petty but this certainly wasn't:
the man was also so ashamed by his paralysis that he used iron leg braces in public as to not allow the people into seeing his absolute reliance of a wheel chair. I wonder why?
The only name you could bring up out of Presidents who aren't one of your 'average white males' hid his deformity from the public every chance he could. If your American people were that caring, by what right would he have to hide his disability, or at least feel the need to..? Stop avoiding questions.
No, I don't think that "giving a hand to help somebody up after you have pushed them down the stairs is a good thing that shines the light of decency on the pusher", nor did I say it, nor did I imply it. I said that with democracy, change is possible; change is inevitable. I said that you're wrong in thinking people can't make a difference in a democracy. And yes, righting that wrong is a positive thing
Your system was
forced into rewriting a black eye on history, out of protest, not the democratic system itself. Black people did not have a vote, meaning under
no circumstances did the government have to give them the rights of fellow human-beings, but they did, in the same way a monarch system would have.
Candidates do keep their promises, people do know what is best, and all candidates can see the good in something. LULZ I CAN REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE SHORTCOMINGS OF MY SYSTEM TOOOOOOOO.
When have I said I refuse to accept the shortcomings of a Monarch? I have accepted them many times, I just added that it's a better system then the electoral one, the positives out way the negatives. If I thought any less of it I would be on your side, what more do you want me to admit..?
For you to doubt that change occurs in a democracy seems to me like you are intentionally blinding yourself. If you do recognize that things change in a democracy, why do you think change will not continue to occur? As to the points above, some candidates do keep their promises, some don't. In general, it is more likely the majority will be correct than any single person, including your candidates at the super leader camp. And, politicians do agree sometimes. If you doubt that, mind telling me how bills get passed? Again, the majority of people are more likely to be correct then a single person.
I never doubted change could happen, I said if it happened it did so at a rate too slow to be considered progress. There is only one reason that gay marriage is illegal and that is the ignorance of many.
The majority is more likely to be correct about something..? Like that the world was a flat disc? Or that masturbation caused blindness? The majority is often incorrect and it seems to be the majority of the time too. The majority is not a positively-combined intellectual entity, the average person in America is what the vote of the majority comes down to and that's not saying much; a recent survey showed that 20% of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth, 9% say they don't know which revolves around which and about 60% have never read a book (statistics from both the
The Twilight of American Culture and
Dark Ages America). This is who you think is to be trusted with your future?
The majority are ignorant and stupid, especially so when counted as one.
Again, given that the history of every democracy is one of (mostly) positive change, what brings you to the conclusion that a democracy cannot continue to positively change? I think that the only way Clinton or Obama will not be elected in the upcoming election is if they continue to tear at each other's throats.
'Mostly positive change'..? No, your system isn't the slow but steady turtle who will always win the race, you've gotten lucky.
Let's take a look at Russia, it's now a democracy, so according to your theory even if the changes are slow, they will always being going forward in a positive state, but it's not, Russia is slowly stepping into an authoritarianism state, where are your democratic fail-safes there? Venezuela is strangling itself by stealing land from rich landowners and giving it to poor city-dwelling people who know nothing about farming. Maybe the government wasn't set up right, or the people just can't handle the freedom they have, or they think that the system will keep running without them but the fact is, sometimes democracies fail
I've answered most of these earlier in the post, but I am not saying that a dictator will use his power 100% of the time. I am saying that he is flawed, and that when he uses his power he will not always use it properly. He will end up persecuting people because he is biased, and in some cases because it is the only way the dictatorship can work. (Example: suppressing religion)
The only Dictatorship that I can recall that suppresses mainstream religion is Communism. As said: the dictatorship in Brazil did not affect the people's religious life in any way. This 'massive suppression' is simply your opinion of the only way a dictatorship can work, yet I've shown quite a few cases where this is clearly not true.
Actually, I understand human biology quite well. As well, both my parents are doctors. Ask a 6 month old child a question, just because you don't get an answer doesn't mean he's not a person. I think of life as a process of stages, infancy, childhood, adulthood are all stages of a human life. I also think the fetus is a human, in a different developmental stage. A child is not less human because he is not yet an adult, and a fetus is not less a human because he is not yet an infant. But, I digress, if you want to know my views on abortion, read the topic I stated them in, and if you want to talk about them, reopen that topic, but don't bring it up in this topic again.
Actually I will, but mainly to show you that oppression can and will happen in a democracy. You said that there is no case in which abortions are not allowed in situations like incest and rape? Wrong. Take South Dakota, they are trying to pass the unconstitutional law that ALL abortions (excluding when a risk is to the mothers life) will be made illegal. Even if this doesn't succeed the point is it could, meaning your system would be one of oppression to peoples rights in an extreme way. Where's this apparent fail safe in this situation
Edit: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, it was accepted!
[New Source]I said ignorant, actually, not bad. And the worst that can be said of a president is that he is ignorant. Therefore, if a ruler produced by your system is ignorant, then he is of the same calibre as one produced from democracy.
And pigs could fly. Your point? Absolutely anything could happen, but that doesn't mean it's likely to. The point was made that a system to raise a child to be a good ruler would more then likely create a better leader then any of the people we see in our current politicians. Yeah, it MAY fail, but you MAY accidentally vote a disguised Osama Bin Laden into power. I mean fuck, that could happen, let's abandon democracy!
1) You think it is effective arguing for something with no possibility of success. If you were in a company, and there were two proposals. One has the best outcome if it succeeds with a 95% chance of failure, and the other has a good, but worse outcome with a 5% chance of failure. If you fail, you lose everything. You're arguing for the former, and you refuse to acknowledge the unacceptable failure rate. Anybody would choose the latter option because you are not allaying their concerns or even acknowledging them. To convince them, you would need to argue that the gain is so much better than the other option that it is worth the risk. Your refusal to acknowledge the failure rate at all is actually working against you in your argument.
Show me where you got the 95%/5% chances and I'll answer. If not, it's un-relative to the current situation and is nothing more then slander.
2) Maybe not someone exactly like you, but you seem to be of the opinion that nothing that is "best for the nation" will land you in prison, or will in some way oppress you. This is a conceited idea.
In the exact same way that your opinion of the majority normally being correct is a conceited idea.
3) Evidence of failure is a reason why you are wrong though. I am giving you historical examples of dictatorships like the one you suggest that have failed. I am saying that there is nothing that they could have done to avoid failure, and there is nothing a modern dictatorship can do to avoid failure either.
And I've shown you plenty that have succeeded, in modern times too. Even if past example showed future success you would still be wrong as I have shown you examples of failed democracies.
Of course I let my bias influence my thinking. It is actually impossible not to. You have a bias against religion and so you will naturally be turned off by a religious person. It has nothing to do with empirical evidence, and everything to do with your bias. If they were to stop you and try to preach to you, you would almost certainly challenge their faith, rather than walking away, which shows how it influences your actions. That is an assumption, but a correct one if you were to review any religion topics on the forum. Maybe he might not persecute the people based on that bias, that's possible. It depends on how strong the bias is, and I think that given absolute power, a leader will act at least upon one of those biases and persecute people. Because they have them too.
No I don't challenge every or any preacher that comes my way, as to the rest: nothing but your personal speculation, you think because only one person is there to make a decision that the person will reject the opinions of others? How, why and who? You've given nothing but your own person opinion; why should I take that alone, as mine says different.
*inserts african-american example here. You are wrong again, we do have a say. You can't just deny that and refuse to acknowledge that the reason african-americans are not persecuted to the extent they were back then is because they spoke out; that it's because of their actions. They could never have come so far if America was a dictatorship.
In that era America
was a dictatorship! African-Americans didn't "VOTE" for freedom they used force to take it! The government at the time did not under any circumstance have a legal obligation to the African-Americans as blacks did not have the rights of fellow-humans! They where swayed to make change by voice NOT because they had to and this is EXACTLY how it would work in a Monarch system as it has in the past.
In any case, until you recognize the shortcomings of a dictatorship, all my future posts will refuse to acknowledge the shortcomings of a democracy.
You mean you haven't been doing that already already
I haven't blindly ignored or refused to accept the short comings of a Monarch system, I have seen them as I have seen the short comings of democracy. I made my choice on which was better, that is why we are here.
If you want to act like a child because I refuse to accept your made up and presumed downfalls of a monarch then that is your decision alone and will only reflect your immaturity to handle a debate.