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Darkenval: The Lost Story --- Traditional RPG // Fantasy, Drama, Mystery

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A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.
Darkenval: The Lost Story

Thread Under Construction!

Title: Darkenval: The Lost Story

Genre: Role-Playing Game, Traditional Style, Fantasy, Drama and Mystery

Program: RPG Maker XP

Author: Jessica M. Vázquez, AKA Arwym Starlight

Website: Under Construction

Release Date: None yet

Darkenval: The Lost Story is a traditional RPG, based on the story of Darkenval: The Darkest Age, a play-by-post RPG that was never fully released, by the same author.
The game has a main storyline (obviously), which is the number one priority in its development. It is not meant to be a really long or complex game, but a simple and enjoyable RPG with a very interesting story.  It is not intended for players who are after constant hack-n-slash action.  The game will have many 'cutscenes' and dialogs.
There will be well-developed characters; interesting NPC's, rare items, and special skills. Side-Quests are to be added as well, in order to help players understand how the land of Darkenval came to be, and what the people of this forgotten land have to deal with.
The game will have 2D graphics, most of them originally designed for this project, or so it is expected. It will also showcase original artwork and music.
Darkenval: The Lost Story will be the first of a series of games by Jessica M. Vázquez, under the firm name of Project Fantasy.

The events to take place in Darkenval: The Lost Story begin shortly after a new age has begun for the people of this land. It is an age of war between Humans and the Cursed People. The Cursed People has terrorized Darkenval for hundreds of years, and now the Humans of the only living village of Darkenval, Cellest, have decided to start a rebellion and get rid of this growing darkness once and for all.
Vampires, Lycans, Undead, Demons and Phantoms form part of the Cursed People. Yet the most influent and feared of these races are Vampires and Demons, who can easily blend among the Humans of Cellest.
But among the Cursed People lies a small group of Vampires who wish to be Humans once again, and save their corrupted souls from the  Eternal Fire of Hell.

The story narrates the personal quest of a man whose only desire is to save the soul of the woman he loves.
We follow Danar's steps. Danar is a pirate with many flaws and little success in life. He's a good man who seeks a better life in the seas, far from home. But one day, the pirate ship he belongs to is attacked, and the whole crew disappears, taken by the ocean they once considered their home.
Danar is the only survivor.
Unconscious and wounded, he is found and taken care of by a mysterious woman. This woman heals Danar's wounds, and leaves him on his own shortly after waking up. No name or identity is revealed, and Danar feels thrilled by the events. He decides to explore the surroundings, and find some useful information at the Village of Cellest.
There, Danar discovers that he has arrived to a place that was considered a legend by the rest of the world for centuries. He has come to the land of Darkenval: The Cursed Land.

About the land of Darkenval:
Darkenval is a place I (Arwym) have been developing for more than two years now. In time, you'll learn that I always give a reason for good, evil, and everything else. I'm just not going to enter into much detail right now.
The first thing you'll have to learn about Darkenval is that it was once known as Oakval. It's a big island where a few villages were settled. There was commerce, and a community of nobles who decided to live their lives apart from the rest of the world. These were the Darthar family, and the Moonlight family.
But some hundreds of years ago, a portal from the Underworld was opened. Demons came through it, and took control of the land. They destroyed the few villages, except for Cellest, which remained safe thanks to the bravery of its inhabitants. The Demons brought with them Soul Corruption, death, and curses. Some of these curses turned people into Vampires, others turned them into Werewolves. The dead were raised, and the gates to Heaven were closed with strong, demonic magic.
And so, many different creatures were born, all corrupted by the demons. Vampires, Lycans, Undead, Phantoms... They are the Cursed People.
But Cellest remained safe from the curse because of its faith in God. The priests did a wonderful job, and with prayer, have sought to shield Cellest for centuries.

A few things to note:
This entry is not very well written.  Some parts of the plot might sound absurd and unrealistic.  I will try to improve them and get rid of all the plot holes I can find, of course.
The story does not take place in our real world.  We could consider Darkenval to exist in a parallel dimension of this universe.
There seems to exist a divine entity known as God in the world of Darkenval.  When the name God is spoken, we are not referring to the Christian god.  You'll surely notice, as there are priestesses in Darkenval.
If you ever wonder why the demons chose this island as an entrance to the living world, the reason is still unknown. Who knows?  It may be revealed during the course of the story.

Progress: The game is in early development.

Current Tasks: Arwym is currently designing the character sprite sets, monsters, miscellaneous art, GUI, and title screen.

Screenshots: None yet

This was supposed to be a serious game project when I started it more than a year ago.  To be honest, I didn't get past the spriting phase.  I want to do this, but with patience.  I will not rush myself by placing deadlines or release dates.  I will not make this my top priority.  This game will be but a pastime to me.  That does not mean that I'll not care too much for the game's quality.  On the contrary!  I think I'll do a better job this way.  Working when I really feel inspired to, I'll give the best of me.
Knowing this, you should understand that this RPG won't be released soon.  Expect it to be released in a year or two.  Who knows if more.

Important! The content in this thread is subject to changes at any moment. To learn about updates, just read any replies by the author.
If you are found stealing any of the ideas and concept shared in this thread, evil actions will be taken against you.  In other words, I will hire an army of ninjas (if such a thing even exists) to chase after you and slice your body into small pieces.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 11:04:54 PM by Arwym »

Level 97
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Sounds great. A very detailed topic, I like the idea.

A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.
Thank you!  I'll be constantly fixing errors and plot holes to make it better. :)  I just did that now, I think.

Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
This is so detailed and well done, I would like to see it finished. Also... wow... 2 years to develop it... I like the sound of this game  ;8
:taco: :taco: :taco:

Level 87
yeah, it's a very good idea. What kind of battle system are you using?

A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.

For a battle system, what I have in mind is a traditional one.  Probably nothing impressive.  I have to think about it some more...

I'll spend some time tonight writing a design document and planning the system.  But like I said, I am aiming towards a traditional style.  Turn-based is my guess... but I think I'll get rid of the default RMXP system, which I am not extremely fond of.  I haven't really put much thought into it because I have been concentrated in the storyline, but if you really want,  I can try to make it a little more original. :)

When I really think about it,  I want the player to interact with NPC's and party members a lot.  This is something that some games have done pretty well.  I'd like to add quests, and give almost every NPC some uniqueness.  This wouldn't be so hard, as Cellest Village will probably be one of the few places where you'll be able to talk to other characters, gather info, etc.  The rest is dungeons, explorable areas, small settlements, etc.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 03:56:00 AM by Arwym »

Level 87

For a battle system, what I have in mind is a traditional one.  Probably nothing impressive.  I have to think about it some more...

I'll spend some time tonight writing a design document and planning the system.  But like I said, I am aiming towards a traditional style.  Turn-based is my guess... but I think I'll get rid of the default RMXP system, which I am not extremely fond of.  I haven't really put much thought into it because I have been concentrated in the storyline, but if you really want,  I can try to make it a little more original. :)
When you say turn-based, not RMXP style, how about side-view? I generally don't like RMXP's style either, and I'm going with a side-view with battle cam.

 It sounds like a really great project. ;8 What sucks is that I'd like to be part of it, but I have my own project to attend to...

A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.
Side-view is probably what I'll be doing. :)  Yeah, I think the RMXP battle system could have been better.  Yes, I know of some classic and good RPG's with a similar system, but they were also good because of the storylines.  Not saying that I can't make a good game with RMXP's default system, but I want something different for Darkenval.

Thank you for your interest Da Good King! (Got a shorter nickname? :o)

Level 87
king or zeke will do.

A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.
I just wanted you guys to know that this project is NOT dead.  I am still in the spriting phase, though.  And in developing characters and storyline.  As soon as I have some solid content or screenshots, even concept art, I will show you.

A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.
Well, guys...  I think I am going to declare this project, a failed project.  You see, I lost everything I had done for it in the old computer.  So if I continue, it would be more like starting again, from the very beginning.  I prefer to just move on with a new story.  Yes, that is what I'll do.  :o

Thanks for all the nice comments and compliments about the detail!  I really appreciate them.  :)

Expect me to start with the new game soon!
