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Naruto Shippuden Manga

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Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
OMFG it gets better and better  :tpg: . I started dislinking Naruto around the time it got on Cartoon Network (the voices disgust me), but after reading this, I can't wait for the next chapter every week.  It starts around the time after the anime ends and Sasuke joins Orochimaru. The plot twists and stuuning endings are beautiful.

narutofan.com - Just one of the many places you can read the scans.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Art Master
Level 90
It is great, I agree. The anime version, however, is slower than molases on a cold day.

I just hope that
Spoiler for:
something good comes out of Kabutomaru (The Kabuto/Orochimaru fusion thing.) I mean, they better not just let him die off like he was nothing. I want to see Orochimaru make a comeback. He died in such a pitiful, anti-climactic way.


Spoiler for:
Tobi being the one giving orders to Pein (Akatsuki leader) was rather suprising.)