I don't think it's the matter of them solely being black, I think the idea of the Virus breaking out in Africa is a little to close to home, what with it being a major contributor to the Aids Virus, I think the makers of RE could have been a little more diplomatic and not based it in Africa... But saying that the game looks amazing and I am so glad they did. The graphics are nothing short of Movie quality, but that may be another reason this woman has taken it so bad. It's a very graphic game and I can picture people of all races shouting at the screen, die and there's a white guy slamming a group of black guys around, it doesn't look good, in this day and age where coiffing in the wrong direction has you in small claims court.
The game will be release despite a fair bit of reservation in the black community... May be the main guy should have been black as well as the Zombies.
Ah... It's a game at the end of the day... and us White guys didn't complain about Grand Theft Auto san Andreas... Controlling a Black guy gunning down all and sundry !!