see mot? there is a point in every game that we all get blocked in, you shouldn't have stopped, at that point that you are at you should ask for help until you get more... "unstuck"
your problam is simple ,you don't know how to make it zelda-like, you should put a topic in spam asking what do people expect to see in a zelda game
if you can follow all the directions then the game is a good zelda game, otherwise ask for help, no shame in it.
i am saying it cause i am 95% sure you will get stuck without that sort of help in your new game too...
it won't be a "wow it's not like a zelda game.. >>" it will be "oh.. what's the point.. i don't feel the passion", remember as the creator you will hate your game after finishing it, why? cause you finished it 10 times while making it..that goes for every part of the game too, so let us be the judges of "does it or does it not look like a zelda game"
anyways, good luck with your new game but hopefully you will stick to this one