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Is You Tube becoming a Breeding ground for Violence ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
I am finding more and more clips on You Tube that I find a little sick, and what's worst is they have no age restriction...

One Video I watched last night on there made me start this topic to see what you guy's think.

Now I found this video wrong on so many levels, I have reported it yet it has not been taken down or age restricted... I don't think any one is policing You Tube
 for violence.

Here's the Video, It's a Lion Fighting a Bear (FOR REAL, lots of Blood) - Don't watch if you are squeamish.

If you go to You Tube you will see my Comment (The previous one got deleted):-

landofshadows (7 minutes ago) Marked as spam
My Comment got deleted... Any person of any age can watch this, the amount of blood and violence even though it is animals could upset the younger kids that browse this site...

Add an age restriction please !!!

Pwirtz0387 - Mailed me and told me to stop acting like a baby... It's not me I am concerned about, it's the Kids, under 12 that may find this upsetting... An if Animal rights get to see this they wont be impressed.

I have found other video's on You Tube from Steak and cheese and Orgish, showing terrible events, like pedestrians getting killed by cars and all sorts... Some people's comments are more sickening than the video's... And when you click on the comments most are from developed countries and their ages are well into adulthood... Does any one else find this a Little disturbing that people find things like this entertaining ?

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Why should a video of animals fighting be restricted?

People like you are why the Discovery Channel has almost no nature-related shows anymore.

Resource Maker
Level 91
These two animals wouldn't come across each other in the wild... I have nothing against nature programs.

This video was shot with only one thing in mind, carnage, their in a cage, with  no choice but contact with one and another.

It's the equivalent of a Dog fight... Don't you see what's wrong with that ?

It's people like you that have been desensitised by the media that are the true down fall of your generation.

Spoiler for:
(You minus REP'ed me...LOL, you really are lame, I earn my REP helping people, I have earnt it)

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Sure, a lion and a bear will never encounter each other in the wild, but killing is an important part of their life. Your beef with the videos wasn't "That could  never happen in the wild!" but "There's so much blood! Think of the children!" Your opinion would be the same if it was a video of a lioness chasing down and devouring a wildebeest.

Does the original intent behind this video  matter? Nazi and Soviet propaganda films appear in almost every documentary about the two nations. Does it matter if the videos were were originally meant to promote racism and totalitarianism? Can't they be watched in a different context? Or do you change the channel whenever a WWII documentary comes on because of the opinions the documentarians adopt when there is a clip of Triumph of the Will (which, by the  way, is available on DVD in two different editions. I wonder how many people who bought it are Nazis?)?

I was shocked when I saw this video, but not because of the blood. When I was two I knew that animals have blood and they bleed when hurt. What shocked me was that animal abuse is so big in Korea. It would take a lot of uncaring people in a lot of places around the world for that video to be made. This video isn't just three minutes of an improbable animal fight; it's proof that Korea cares little for animals in general. If these animals are treated like this, imagine how more common animals live.

Idunuh, I'm tired.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Your opinion would be the same if it was a video of a lioness chasing down and devouring a wildebeest.

Don't tell me what my opinions are... That's not a true statement at all... Lion's Eat wilderbeast, its a natural event, kids need to learn that, I learnt that at a young age... This Video is wrong on so many levels, I didn't want to post some thing that may offend the Korean's, so I attacked it from a different angle... And I have Emailed An animal rights group... No doubt the wrong one:- http://www.faace.co.uk/

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Your opinion would be the same if it was a video of a lioness chasing down and devouring a wildebeest.

Don't tell me what my opinions are... That's not a true statement at all... Lion's Eat wilderbeast, its a natural event, kids need to learn that, I learnt that at a young age... This Video is wrong on so many levels, I didn't want to post some thing that may offend the Korean's, so I attacked it from a different angle... And I have Emailed An animal rights group... No doubt the wrong one:- http://www.faace.co.uk/

Well, excuse me. I'll never assume what your opinions are without reading six or seven of your posts on the subject ever again.

So: your objection is that these two animals fighting isn't natural? That is why kids shouldn't see it?

By the way, FAACE stands for "Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe. What exactly are  they supposed to do about animal abuse in Korea? Anyway, wouldn't they want to show a video like this? As I said before, it is shocking and shows to people with their heads in the clouds that animal cruelty is more than smacking a puppy on the nose when he pisses on the floor.

Resource Maker
Level 91
By the way, FAACE stands for "Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe.

I know that's why I said no doubt the worng one, but it was the only one I could find with an Email Address.

Well, excuse me. I'll never assume what your opinions are without reading six or seven of your posts on the subject ever again.

LOL, your excused... I just hate it when people try to 2nd guess what I think... Sorry.

So: your objection is that these two animals fighting isn't natural? That is why kids shouldn't see it?

Nope... And yes, that's pert of it, but it's the manner it's done, Two animals being placed in a pit to fit to the death, it's like dog fighting, badger baiting its Barbaric... That's my concern, it's barbaric carnage, it's instigate and forced violence that shouldn't happen, or be aired infront of people as Entertainment... If the person uploaded it and placed their text at the start saying "Korea seem to deem this sort of unnessary evil as entertainment what do you think ?" Followed by a Warning "Sense of Graphic Violence"... Than I lwouldn't have a major issue with it...

The thing I don't like seeing on You Tube is people airing things like this (remember this video is just an example) just to get views and ratings... And some times the comments shock me more than the Video, the Topic is "Is You Tube becoming a Breeding ground for Violence ?"....

My answer based on peoples comments and the content that gets left up and approved as suitable for all ages would have to be Yes... And I am slowly going off You Tube as a place of entertainment, it's seems to be more geared at shocking to gain views...

Take the fight video's aired on Panarama last night on the BBC:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/6921555.stm

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
It's like I didn't write anything at all.

(remember this video is just an example)

Thanks for reminding me of what I wrote.

And some times the comments shock me more than the Video, the Topic is "Is You Tube becoming a Breeding ground for Violence ?"....

Besides people making comments you disapprove of, you haven't explained why kids shouldn't see the video or how it inspires violence.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 12:05:46 PM by Jesus Hitler »

Resource Maker
Level 91
Besides people making comments you disapprove of, you haven't explained why kids shouldn't see the video or how it inspires violence.

It shows people placing two animals together with one purpose to kill each other... It shows a side to human nature that's ugly, a lesson a child need not learn for some time.

Besides people making comments you disapprove of

I guess you have not read the comments, most are extream racist remarks... Most geared from the Media's eye of Korea.

I would be just as sicked if it was a cock fight or a Dog fight...

REAL violence (not staged or acted) being aired on You Tube should become age restricted... Even if it's a fight at your school.

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Level 91
I'm sorry, you really think that "Click only if you're 18" button is going to stop children from watching?

Perhaps you would like to link up the research that shows children who have been exposed to violent behavior and situations (Edit: in an artificial environment, like tv) and how that tended to make them more aggressive in real life situations?

I on the other hand feel the exposure of violence and sex can be a healthy stimulant in children (Edit: violence in an artificial scenario, like tv, not real life). You may feel  that this is negative for children to see, but are you right..?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 01:03:41 PM by Deliciously_Saucy »

Resource Maker
Level 91
That was my question am I right...?

So in your opinion I am not right... Kids watching other kids knocking each other out for fun is fine...?



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You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
Yeah but those are just idiots, most children are shown violence at a young are, even by wrestling, i mean i nearly broke this kids ankle in when i was 10 'cus i was copying a move.

Also the animal fight, yes it is in humane, and i doubt even adult's would want to witnesses it, but if some sick bastards want to do it, then we cant realy stop them, we can just hope that they get whats coming to them really.

And youtube is only a place for people to upload shit, they only really look for porn and copyrighted stuff to stop the getting sued.

Level 91
Kids watching other kids knocking each other out for fun is fine...?

I gave you nothing other then an opposing view! You say kids watching this will have it negatively affect them, show me the evidence acknowledging this! Unless it's upon your own creed that you claim this, hardly worth debating if that's the case.

By what right do you claim that depicted environments showing violent situations to children will have bad effects..? Each generational gap has been slowly exposed to more and more violent and sex endowed situations, show somebody in the 50's one of our "PG 13+" movies and they would be horrified that we would show our children such demoralised filth.

Do you think you have turned out so much worse because of the situation you grew up in, despite the view that somebody would have had 50 years back that you've grown in a world drowned in sex and violence..?

Resource Maker
Level 91
i mean i nearly broke this kids ankle in when i was 10 'cus i was copying a move.

I hope kids don't watch the above idiots and attempt that at school... You Tube fights, have you seen how many people are standing around filming the event rather than stopping it...?

If I ever have kids and one of them ends up on You Tube getting battered or doing the battering, I wouldn't be happy.

For some reason youth's of today encourage violence and egg people on to do the damage to another...

To be honest I thought I would get more support... No wonder kids carry knives and guns to school.

By what right do you claim that depicted environments showing violent situations to children will have bad effects..? Each generational gap has been slowly exposed to more and more violent and sex endowed situations, show somebody in the 50's one of our "PG 13+" movies and they would be horrified that we would show our children such demoralised filth.

You Tube is letting people view REAL acts of Violence as Entertainment that in a court of law would have the person attacking the VICTIM locked up for GBH... Of course I think this is wrong, it almost Glamorises Violence as fun and cool... And yes I think this does change young peoples way of thinking... I can see a big difference between my generation (28 year olds) Compared to 18 year olds of today, it's only ten years... For example Trident had to be put together to tackle gun related attacks amongst kids in London... A Gun related incident 10 years ago was very rare epically amongst youths, in England.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 01:51:30 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 91
i mean i nearly broke this kids ankle in when i was 10 'cus i was copying a move.

I hope kids don't watch the above idiots and attempt that at school... You Tube fights, have you seen how many people are standing around filming the event rather than  stopping it...?

If I ever have kids and one of them ends up on You Tube getting battered or doing the battering, I wouldn't be happy.

For some reason youth's of today encourage violence and egg people on to do the damage to another...

To be honest I thought I would get more support... No wonder kids carry knives and guns to school.

Looks like no retaliation to my post, so I'll just say one more thing; GO LION!!! KILL THAT BEAR (slow connection atm, can't watch).

Resource Maker
Level 91
I Updated my post... I didn't realise I had to take notice of every thing you type... Your last post really doesn't say if you think You Tube is doing any thing to cut the level of Violence it airs...

May be it should work on your service provider, and only let people watch things of this nature past say 8pm like TV regulations apply, I don't really know... But I know one thing, You Tube isn't helping the youth of today airing such acts.

Forget the Fricken Bear and Lion... Search You Tube, it wont take you long to see some thing that turns your stomach.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 01:57:09 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 91
Look, are we having a debate on violence and children, or a debate on youtube? Because if it's the latter then what's the fucking point? Either way, my points addresses both, why would you care if youtube allows children to view violent clips unless you felt it affected them? If you do, then *Points to her above posts*.

Oh and please for the love of god, stop "updating" your posts, once or twice is fine, especially if it's for grammatical errors, but adding in arguments AFTER people have addressed what was previously written is quite annoying. Just take some more time in witting your responses or just make another reply rather then editing after someones responded.

In reply to your edit;

You Tube is letting people view REAL acts of Violence as Entertainment that in a court of law would have the person attacking the VICTIM locked up for GBH... Of course I think this is wrong, it almost Glamorises Violence as fun and cool... And yes I think this does change young peoples way of thinking... I can see a big difference between my generation (28 year olds) Compared to 18 year olds of today, it's only ten years... For example Trident had to be put together to tackle gun related attacks amongst kids in London... A Gun related incident 10 years ago was very rare epically amongst youths, in England.

Again, this is simply your view, show me the research!

Those "REAL" acts of violence compared to dramatised or fictional acts of violence differ how ?

The news showing a man being stabbed to death or SVU showing it really makes no difference in my eye if both look identical. 

As to what I think about youtube: I foremost believe in freedom of speech, I think youtube should be censoring FAR LESS then what they currently do, in fact I've thought to myself a few times now how disgraceful it is in what youtube wont allow to be shown.

Search You Tube, it wont take you long to see some thing that turns your stomach.

I highly doubt that.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Look, are we having a debate on violence and children, or a debate on youtube?

Read the Topic title:-

Is You Tube becoming a Breeding ground for Violence ?

for the love of god

I care not for such a thing... But I will try to stop especially for you   :-*

Those "REAL" acts of violence compared to dramatised or fictional acts of violence differ how ?
The news showing a man being stabbed to death or SVU showing it really makes no difference in my eye if both look identical.

One is a criminal activity and the other is entertainment... There is a massive difference... Ones against the law and not to be laughed at or get entertained by, the other is done in such away it doesn't look all too real... But I must admit parts of saving Private Ryan (The Stab scene in that was very real looking)... And that's why it got the rating it did... You Tube has no real sensor...

Again, this is simply your view, show me the research!

I gave a link to the Panorama report on TV did you watch that, or click the link ?

Take the fight video's aired on Panorama last night on the BBC:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/6921555.stm

« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 02:55:13 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Well it wasn't as bloody as you said, I was expecting entrails of one of the animals strewn around the cage by the end.  I didn't find this entertaining, but in no way could it make me sick to my stomach.  Animals live, animals die, I don't really care.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Well it wasn't as bloody as you said, I was expecting entrails of one of the animals strewn around the cage by the end.  I didn't find this entertaining, but in no way could it make me sick to my stomach.  Animals live, animals die, I don't really care.

At last some one watched it !!!

But you don't see the basic fact that is Barbaric and the nature of it pointless and sick... I guess it's just me that cares...

Has no one seen a video on You Tube that shocked them ?

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Level 88
wrath of winter
Yes I have and it was less violent than that movie.  Youtube only allows you to view an "18 or older" movie if you have a Youtube account, and I think that the input of a birthday still restricts your use if it finds you're not 18...i'm 18 so I don't know the latter for sure.  But I find all this violence crap absolutely disgusting.  Say what you want but for some kids this crap scars them for life.  Sure, some people (jesus hitler for one) can watch this stuff like it's some random cartoon, but the fact is, there are others out there who can't stand it.  Just because YOU (whoever is reading this, not LOS) can stand it doesn't mean it should be allowed to be publically viewed.  If you want to view it get a youtube account.  Youtube needs to crack down on this problem and make it harder for kids to view this crap.  Of course, there's always the argument "The kids can just click the Pause button and leave the video", but c'mon, kids are curious and even if they don't like it they'll more often than not sit and watch it.  A bit of violence at one time may not be bad for most people, but a constant viewing of violence slowly desensitizes the mind into thinking that violence is okay (which is is not).

And yes, Youtube is a breeding ground for violence, and it's slowly spreading.  In today's moral-less, self-centered society people are like "Hey, this is cool!" to someone getting KILLED or seriouisly injured, and they have the sick guts to POST IT PUBLICALLY.  THat's just sick, wrong, and pathetic.

There, I've had my rant. ;D
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 03:32:23 PM by iceflame1019 »

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Thanks iceflame1019 you have just given me a glimmer of hope that it's not just me...

I think people on here just like quoting little bits of my posts, then twisting them to piss me off... I think from now on I am going to stay in the Resource section only !!!

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
LoS' thinking can be summed up as: "I don't like it, so how can anyone?" and "Think of the children!"

I was joking when I said people like him are why the Discovery Channel sucks now, but I'm serious when I say that when people who think like this get their way we get sex education in the 12th grade, teenagers who believe in Santa Claus, and books like this getting banned from school libraries. Ostensibly it is to protect children's "innocence" (or ignorance) but I've always suspected it's because they're trying to ruin a child's life by making them wet blankets and prudes, too.

By the way, LoS, I haven't been twisting your words or putting them in your mouth. This is what you said, and I'm telling you why they are stupid and wrong. You  do this shit all the time: write a long-winded  post with a YouTube video that totally proves your point except  that it doesn't and then when I or someone else proves that you're full of shit you claim that we're putting words in your mouth and change your position to something equally wrong.

Or maybe "ignorant" would be a better word? That's what you are, willfully ignorant. You have learned absolutely nothing from this forum. You refuse to learn anything. You just spam this forum with the same tired shit.

You know you're an embarrassment to atheists and people who think global warming is real, right? You base all your conclusions on stereotypes and the vague opinions of your friends, and you make the groups you side with look like morons when you do. For example: you don't know a single thing about Christianity but you feel free to judge it and all sorts of other things based on what your friend heard about it from another friend, who told him about it a few years ago. All of your opinions are worthless for this reason.

You are a child; you don't know anything except what your parents and friends have told you. You behave like one also, locking threads when they don't go your way. Aren't you ever embarrassed in real  life? Hasn't someone ever mocked you for being ignorant? Made you feel bad for thinking and acting the way you do? Someone has to have pointed out your shameful (and near-absolute) ignorance of the world around you, right?

« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 04:23:32 PM by Jesus Hitler »

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
And you're seemingly incapable to getting your own point across without being an insufferable douchebag.


Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
And you're seemingly incapable to getting your own point across without being an insufferable douchebag.

Like the rest of my posts in this thread.

You're brilliant.