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Snow Plains Tutorial

Started by The Shadow, July 28, 2007, 07:56:02 PM

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The Shadow

[size="4"]Map Type: Snow Plains

Map Size: 23X19

Here's a new brand tutorial made by me.

First of all, make the whole area white with the snow. after that, put out raods, and rivers if you want to. I have seen some people using this as a road when it comes to snow maps.

I don't see that as a road. I see it like something, that should be near water. Like ice. When you are making the roads, don't make them to straight. Many people don't like straight roads, and it dosen't look good.
This, is how a road should look like.

This is how you should use the other one.( In my opinium). They whould be near water, and you could also use an event, that to slip when you are walking on that area, but Im not an eventer, so don't ask me how to do it.

Now, put out some tress, hills, footsteps, grass, flowers( Yes, flowers), to make the map more realistic. Use bridges if you could. They make a good view for the map. When you are making the tress, make one helf that the second layor, and the other half at the third layor. You could also divide the tree into 4 sections, where in the bottum half of the tree, were on is on the third layor, and the other one is on the second layer. Doing like this, the trees could stay close together.
When you are making the hills, you should have them in the middle layor, and everything that's on the hill, should be in the third layor. Cliffs should not be straight either. The grass should not be squared, since it dosen't look good, and it's non-realistic.

Use everything that's useable from the tileset. But remember, you have to think realistic. To make it even better, use snow in weather command, and add a fog, to make it even cleaner.


I'm just adding, so....the blue flooring thing that you suggested to not use as a road is actually ice flooring, you solid ice that freezes on the ground and became slippery like.

The grasses is very nice to look at.

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Very nice tutorial. Should help beginners a bunch when it comes to making their maps jump out and become alive.

The Shadow

Quote from: Leventhan on July 29, 2007, 08:41:57 AM
I'm just adding, so....the blue flooring thing that you suggested to not use as a road is actually ice flooring, you solid ice that freezes on the ground and became slippery like.

The grasses is very nice to look at.

You could use it like that, yes.

I wonder why none of my tutorials is in the tutorial database..


Yeah..the blue flooring is ice. That's how you're supposed to use it.