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I found a cool ABS

Started by xeph, July 20, 2007, 06:42:35 PM

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I found and awsome abs i would like to share
heres the link
also i have a question should i use and abs for my game or side view battle

if theres any updates from XAS
it wil be posted on my forums


What it is the system of Ferramentas(Goods)?

Tools are the actions of battlers (hero or enemy) as itens, magias, weapons or any type of action that is possible to make with one evento(Teleporte, To call batlha, to activate animation, to appear text, etc...).

Technical saying the tools are events with actions daily pay-defined in a Standard map especifico(Mapa ID 1) and these tools "are teleportadas" for the game when the personage uses one some weapon, item, magias, etc...

Defining the Map where they will be the Tools.

The first thing to make is to define where the events of the tools will be placed, or either, we must choose the ID of the map where the events of the tools will be placed only.

It enters in the publisher of script and goes until script XAS - Config and looks the code.


In the place of the X it defines the ID of the map where the events of the Tools will be placed.

Definitions of ID of the Tool? 

If its tool has the ID 1 this means that the ID of the event of the map of tools also will be ID1 that in turn the ID of skill also will be ID1.

ID Tool = ID Event = ID Skill

Creating the trajectory of the Tool.

In the map of the Tools any creates an event.

It defines the graph of the tool (he is not obligator, you can leave the graph of the blank event.) e to define the type of trajectory click in the type of movement and defines as Custom.

Inside of the movement window it defines the type of trajectory of the event, you can add Sounds, activate Swithes, also charmar scripts, etc..., For example, if the event corresponds to a sword places a sound of a sword and the movement of a step for front, that the area of reach of a normal sword corresponds, if in case that the movement of steps were an arc would be some steps for front, everything goes to depend on the function of ferramenta.(Itens, magias, etc...)

Creating a function through the commands of the events.

You also can create a tool using the functions of the command of events (In this case you will not be able to define the trajectory as custom).
Everything that he will be in the command of events could be used as function of a tool, as teleporte, to change the graph of char, entering in battle, to change the tonality of the screen, to make char to jump, etc..

For this any in the map of tools creates an event and will choose the graph of evento(Opcional) now in the part to the side in the Event List places the function that to desire for its tool, or either, when the personage to use the tool, the tool will execute all the functions that you daily pay-defined in this event.

After I finish it of the creation Event places it for I finish the Self-Switch command with any letters that to desire.

Now it defines the Event as Autorun

E finally creates one second page with the Condition with the Self-Switch more the letter that you it chose.

Defining the caracteristicas of the Tool in the Script 

It enters in the publisher of Script and uses the codes below examples, the definition of the tool always follows the same codes below only mundando its parameters, summarizing, always that it will be to define the characteristic of a tool uses the codes below.

* In the Hero version functions PRELAGS, FINALIZE_MARKS and PIRCINGS had been disactivated had to the little use of them.

Meaning of the codes above 
action_id = X  ID of the ferramenta.(Igual to the one of the ID event and ID of the SKill)
PRELAGS[action_id ] = X  Time to activate the tool after pressing the action keyboard key. 
SUFLAGS[action_id ] = X  Time that character will be in the position of tool use or after stopped the use of the tool. 
EVENT_IDS[action_id ] = X  ID of the event in the map of tools. 
DURATIONS[action_id ] = X  Time of duration of the tool in the map, or either, time that it will be active in the map before disappearing. 
FINALIZE_MARKS[action_id ] = X  The tool adds to an extra time case does not make right the target during the time of activation of the tool. 
SELF_MOTIONS[action_id ] = "X" Definition of the graph I specify of character using the tool.

To nominate the graph of character using the tool suffix X more nominates the graph with the name of the orginal graph (it can be any suffix).
Example - Herói.png therefore nominates as HeroXpng

plan = [ ]
plan[X] = action_id
ATTACK_ID_PLANS[action_id ] = plan These codes must be used together and define the time to initiate the impact of the tool. Example: If you to place 0 in the place of the X the tool will have impact effect soon after to be set in motion, in case that you to place 100 in the place of the X the tool will have impact effect after 100 frames, or either, you it will see the graph of the tool in the map, but it will not have effect of contanto unless she has passed the 100 Frames (5segundo), this function is important when we will be to create teams tools as the bombs where it is necessary that the effect of explosion either after set in motion some seconds after having placed the bomb in the map.

ATTACK_RANGE_TYPES[action_id ] = X
Definition of the type of impact of the tool exists 3 ways of impact.
LINE - Straight-line impact.
SQUARE -Impact of a square.
RHOMBUS - Impact of one losango.


ATTACK_RANGE_PLANS[action_id ] = [X] Here the reach area is defined, how much bigger the value biggest will be the impact area . 
BLOW_POWERS[action_id ] = X  It defines how much the Battler(Herói or enemy) goes to withdraw case the tool makes right it. 
plan = [ ]
plan[X] = Y
SELF_ANIMATION_PLANS[action_id ] = plan
These codes must be used together, them they define if the tool goes to activate a animation or not. In the place of the X it places the time so that the animation occurs and in the Y it places the ID of the animation.
Note 1 - In case that not to want that the animation occurs places the values as 0.(Zero)
Note 2 - The X never must be bigger that the time of duration of the tool.

SELF_DAMAGES[action_id ] = true Case the tool enters in contact with the user (Hero or enemy) that it activated it it will receive the impact (Damage) from ferramenta.Exemplo - This function is used in the creation of itens bombs.

PLAYER_DAMAGES[action_id ] = true  It will cause impact (Damage) in the hero, in practical the this function is used to create itens of cure. 
IGNORE_INVINCIBLES[action_id ] = true The impact of the tool ignores if battler(herói or enemy) will be with invencibilidade(Blinking). 
Interacting the tools with the scene of the game.

The interaction functions are all the actions that the tools have with the scene of the game, NPC, walls, arvores etc...
To illustrate what it is interaction better it thinks about the Zelda game and its itens of labyrinths, as bombs blowing up walls, sword cutting gram, fire that lights the torches, etc...

To summarize each tool it will have a type of different reaction with the events of the maps. For example: A hook will not have the function of a sword, exactly that you the hook in top of the weeds plays, the weeds simply goes to ignore now that you the hook in top played and does not go to happen nothing, if you to use the sword the weeds will be cut because the weeds understand that the impact was of the sword and not of the hook.
This effect I specify is defined by the ID of the tool!

This ID of the tool that goes to define what it goes to happen case the tool to make right an Interactive Target (Events).

Oque is white Interactive?

Interactive targets are the events created in the game that represent targets so that the tools activate them. Example:
- Torches to be lighted.
- Walls to be broken.
- Gram to be cut.
- Ect...

Creating Event Interactive.

Any in the game creates an event as torches, gram, walls with cracks, etc...
In the first page of the interactive event it places the graph and the command of the event normally after this creates one second page and activates the Conditions in the way Variables ID3 with value of the ID of the tool and to the side in the list of command of events it places what it goes to happen case the tool makes right this interactive target.

In the example above when tool ID 1 to touch the Grass event it will execute a sound and after this will erase the interactive event of the map.
Soon you finish to learn to one of the most incredible systems already servant, you you will be able to use this system in any type battle, either for turns as in Wild Arms, Valkirie Profile or in way ABS that we will see to follow).

Action Battle System 

To understand the battle system it is necessary to have understood the system of Tools.
First it creates the tools of weapons, magias or itens, as it was explained in the tutorial one of the tools.

System of Buttons that activate the tools.

Of beginning 4 daily pay-defined buttons exist to use.

Function Tecla(Botão) Where they will be the ID of the Tools. 
Button of Action 1 (Weapon)  Keyboard key C 0 variable 1
Button of Action 2 (Shield)  Keyboard key Z 0 variable 5
Button of Action 3 (Magias and Itens)  Keyboard key S  0 variable 2

All the buttons above can use any type of independent tool of the button that are using, either itens, magias, weapons etc...
The use of the ID of the tools is equal to the value of the 0 variable that the button uses.

Or either, in the button of Action the 1 0 variable where the ID of the tools will be registered will be 0 variable ID 1, therefore if 0 variable ID 1 will have equal value the 4 will mean that when you to press keyboard key C the used tool will be tool ID4.
Summarizing, it only modifies the value of 0 variable ID 1 if in case that to want that it activates different types of ID of tools, the explanation is the same one for the too much buttons, only changes the value of the 0 variable that corresponds each button.


In script it defines previously which weapons or shields will activate definitive equipped tools when being.

To equip the magias or itens in the button of multiple actions it is enough to enter in the menu itens or Skill and to press keyboard key S
The ID of skill corresponds the ID of the tool, or either, if you to equip Skill ID3 you it will be equipping Tool ID 3.

In the case of the Itens it is necessary to previously define in script which item goes to correspond to definitive tool ID.
You the Itens will be able to equip (equal the Skill) that they are you used in the menu, therefore only defines in the data base that the item is usável in the menu, in case that I oppose it does not go to equip, this impende that you have equipped itens you do not have to be equipped as Key Itens.

Creating events of enemies

Basically an enemy event must be composed for 3 paginas.

First Page - It places the graph of the enemy and its normal movement.

Second Page - In the part of Conditions it activates Variable 4 with the value of the Enemy troop, is the ID of enemy troop and not ID of the enemy, therefore it places only one enemy for enemy troop.

Third Page - In this page we will define the actions of the enemy when the enemy event to enter in the area of the Sensor of action, the area of the action sensor is the area that is activated when the enemy if approaches to the hero, more ahead will explain in details the sensor.
The first thing that we will make in this page is to activate the Self Switch D and after this is hour to define it WENT or the action of the enemy, for this defines the movement of the enemy event as Custom.

Inside of the menu Route beyond the normal commands of movement Moves, you will be able to use the following codes that must be inserted in command SCRIPT

Code (SCRIPT) Function
shoot(X) It makes the enemy to use a tool, in the place of the X places the ID of the tool. 
attack_on Active damage for contact, if the hero to lean in the enemy event will receive damage. 
He disactivates damage for contact.
Active shield, leaves the invulnerável enemy.

shield_enable! It disactivates shield. 

Example of creation of an enemy event.

Sensor of Action 

Sensor of action is the invisible area that is around of the hero.

When the enemy to enter in the area of the sensor the commands of page 3 of the enemy will be activated automatically, to define the size of the area we must define 0 variable ID10 with the value that will correspond the area of the Sensor, or either, for each type of situation you it will be able to define the action area specifies, this is important mainly when we create battles with the heads where the combat area is bigger.

Tools that have cost of Item 

To define if the tool it will have item cost it enters in script XAS - Config and finds these lines.

ITEM_COST = {= >B }

The B

In the place of the A it places the ID of the Tool and in the B it places the ID of the item of the data base.

Size of the enemies. 

XAS allows to define the size of an enemy, this means that enemy greaters will be more easy to make right because it has a bigger body and enemy minors have a lesser area because she has lesser bodies.

To define the size of the enemies between in script XAS - Config and it looks these lines.


In the place of the A it places the ID of the enemy Troopa and in the place of the B it places the value of the size of the enemy.

Invulneráveis enemies the tools you specify. 

It is possible to define that certain enemies are invulneráveis the certain tools, this is useful to create enemy that the magias are invulneráveis only, enemies that are invulneráveis the weapons or what plus you to desire, to define the invulnerabilidade it enters in script XAS - Config and looks these lines.

SHILED_ACTIONS = {= > [B,B,B,Etc... ]}

In the place of the A it places the ID of the enemy troop and in the place of the B it places the ID of the tools that will be null to this enemy.

Enemies with invulneráveis directions. 

We can define that certain enemies have the invulnerabilidade direction. Example: If to define that the enemy has defense frontal the tools will not have effect in case that it makes right it frontalmente, will only be vulnerable if making right of side or coast.


2 = Prohibited Frontal.
4 = Prohibited Left.
6 = Prohibited Right.
8 = Prohibited in the coasts.

In the place of the A it places the ID of the enemy troop and in the place of the B it places the invulnerabilidade directions.

Activating Switches Automatic. 

In the automatic XAS it is possible to activate switches when the enemies die, this function is very important mainly in the battles against heads where its death is necessary to activate a scene soon after, to define which switches will be set in motion and its respective enemies between in script XAS - Config and looks these lines.


The B

In the place of the A it places the ID of the enemy Troopa and in the place of the B it places the ID of the Switch. Summarizing when enemy ID to die switch ID automatically will be set in motion.

modern algebra

That depends on the game. Which one suits it better?


@the ABS it is really good.
really customizable, as you can see from playing the demo
the only thing is, it's in another language (I'm pretty sure it's spanish)
so it would be hard for ppl to know how to customize it unless we had a good spanish speaker willing to translate every last comment

and yes, answer MA's question plz ^_^

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Knight Rider

The language is spanish but from another country, not the one i know but i still can understand it.....

well well....looks like this is the script i need for my game...very good ;)


my game is kinda like a future game
i want to use and abs but im horrible at
spriting so i thought id used a Side view
battle thingy my game kinda goes like this
your in a ship blah blah blah the ship crashes
because a planet has an atmosphere 9034 people
survived and you the only soldier blah blah blah
yeah its spanish but you can change some things
only when you equip something it says Equido
this script made me do quite a lot of spripting
(i think im horrible at it i got like errors
every time)

Knight Rider

is it me when you upload the file and use it on XP all of the words will apear as "??" ?

i was thinking making a futuristic game...


You got the wrong version probly get heros edition it works better

killer in the heat

um could u post the script i don't where to download or copy it from.
give me your stuff,yu not going to need them where your going....Disney land!!!


killer in the heat

er i'll just find thank anyway
give me your stuff,yu not going to need them where your going....Disney land!!!


im going to make and example of this script
showing what it can do

Knight Rider

This is SUPERB!!!
I'm going to use this!!! One problem, i don't know nothing about scripting... ;9


well ill put a tut on how to use this later
for now i g2g

killer in the heat

can someone tell me where to find the script for this cus when i download the hero i get a exe
give me your stuff,yu not going to need them where your going....Disney land!!!


click the exe its a excracty thingy

Knight Rider

well.......+rep for finding this awesome ABS!



Quote from: killer in the heat on July 21, 2007, 01:40:47 AM
can someone tell me where to find the script for this cus when i download the hero i get a exe

the exe extracts the game folder, if you open the XP game file, you will see LOTS of scripts
all dealing with the ABS

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

killer in the heat

Quote from: NAMKCOR on July 21, 2007, 02:06:05 AM
Quote from: killer in the heat on July 21, 2007, 01:40:47 AM
can someone tell me where to find the script for this cus when i download the hero i get a exe

the exe extracts the game folder, if you open the XP game file, you will see LOTS of scripts
all dealing with the ABS
i know,all That is just one script wow
give me your stuff,yu not going to need them where your going....Disney land!!!


Lol if you need help the tuts up


well it's more easily organized that way

and it's a complete overhaul of most of the game's systems, of course it's gna be huge :lol:

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

killer in the heat

lol this dosen't work with pk.
give me your stuff,yu not going to need them where your going....Disney land!!!

Knight Rider

Quote from: killer in the heat on July 21, 2007, 02:36:46 AM
lol this dosen't work with pk.

your screwed then... ;9 why don't you have the legal version? i can tell you how if you want....

killer in the heat

Quote from: AlienSoldier on July 21, 2007, 02:46:58 AM
Quote from: killer in the heat on July 21, 2007, 02:36:46 AM
lol this dosen't work with pk.

your screwed then... ;9 why don't you have the legal version? i can tell you how if you want....
give me your stuff,yu not going to need them where your going....Disney land!!!

Knight Rider

ok I'll send you a PM with the Keygen and instruction in a moment...