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Conspiracy theories - What do you make of them ?

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im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
is it not  a fact that when southern ireland ie the free state wished to join the EU we were not aloud because britain claiming irish land as britian would be included in the union and de gaul knew that england would keep the pound as a symbol of empiric power

It's not a symbol of imperial power, it's a symbol of imperial identity. There's a huge difference.

And isn't it also a fact that the Republic of Ireland was a founding nation in the European Communities in 1973; it was also allowed in the Maastrich Treaty which founded the European Union? If there was a barring, it's not a readily apparent or exactly notable one. Your reality is a much different one than mine, apparently.

and america could gain more than troops from mexico they could gain infrastructure and wealth

You underestimate the patriotism of Americans; non-Americans may serve in the United States' army, but are not allowed in as officers, and the numbers accepted every year are minimal. And why? Foreigners are not Americans, they have citizenships to other countries, which means that they are not wholly patriotic, their identities are still tied to their mother country. Even citizens who join our services, even if they come from a different cultural background (Mexican- or German- or Asian-Americans are Americans by identity when they serve). The power of the American army is not numbers--the Soldiers of the United State are extremely well trained and well armed, possessing a much better intelligence operation than other nations. Numbers are good for land-grabs, but not as important for the wars that have riddled the past two decades.

The cost of repairing the infrastructure that America has damaged in Mexico is not economically feasible: This implies that we are charged with the construction of roads, schools, police forces, provisioning medical and monetary relief with little immediate return--a lot of Mexico is dry desert. Where there is natural resources, it's also on Native American preservations--something which Mexico has gotten in trouble violating before in recent history by the United Nations.

[Edit] Also, almost all Mexicans are mestizos, the children of Spaniards and the natives. Their history, their culture, their rebellion and thoughts go to the history that's tied to their land, not America's. If we were part of a union, defending that union would not be a problem. Simply annexing them and taking them as our own soldiers will still imply that they are fighting for their part of the world, not the part of world that the United States exists in.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 12:59:15 AM by voice of reason »

Resource Maker
Level 91
voice of reason - It's good having you in here... The link I gave early on http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=14965 does that hold any truth...?

From here in England it's hard to say for sure, your veiw on Irland is like mine on America, I have an understanding, but not the same one as those that live there... Some times the blindest of people can be those living in the goverened country, like the people in Korea (Under Kim's control)

i still cant see a world goverment even if leaders make some kind of union what will the people do will all the people just agree and live their lives like normal no i think they will revolt and who says all the countrys are willing for this goverment i cant see north korea joining they are too proud along with most of asia and iran

Look at the Maps in the first post can you see any of the Eastern world area's like Korea on there ?

It's the Western world... (I have an strange feeling that the West wants rid of the East, China being one of those area's as it holds almost 23% of the worlds population and according to big wigs over here our planet is over croweded and we want the population to a 1/2 Billion... I think should this Union happen most 3rd world countries will be put to war against each other or against the Western Union.)

But now I am getting a little Sci-Fi... Ignore most of that. (the Italic area, more of a prediction, with some truth backing it, research 1/2 Billion)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 01:10:22 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 88
Vor raises valid points, although his bit on foreignors in the Army could be easily misread.

It's the Western world... I have an strange feeling that the West wants rid of the East, China being one of those area's as it holds almost 23% of the worlds population and according to big wigs over here our planet is over croweded and we want the population to a 1/2 Billion... I think should this Union happen most 3rd world countries will be put to war against each other or against the Western Union.
Half a billion people... in the world? When we have like, 6 billion? Yeah, doubt that. And there's also economic and geopolitical factors to take into consideration- many of these Third World nations benefit us more as they are than if their populations were reduced as much as Europe's in the 14c. I'm sure VoR can expand on this, so I'll just let him.

But now I am getting a little Sci-Fi... Ignore most of that.
No. Why post this dumb shit in ID and then say that?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
voice of reason - It's good having you in here... The link I gave early on http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=14965 does that hold any truth...?

I'm glad you're enjoying my company.

I would check what other sites have to say about this report and related reports. Human Events is an extremely conservative publication, and I would suspect that they are looking at it on the wrong light; the reports that the CFR is built on implies an economical union, but rejects outright a political identity--despite that certain thinkers selectively remove those lines in their arguments against a North American Union. It does not want to create a Union in which our own national borders are erased, but foster economic relations between the three nations, much the same that the European Union did not erase national borders or national identities.

Quote from: seaking
Half a billion people... in the world? When we have like, 6 billion? Yeah, doubt that. And there's also economic and geopolitical factors to take into consideration- many of these Third World nations benefit us more as they are than if their populations were reduced as much as Europe's in the 14c. I'm sure VoR can expand on this, so I'll just let him.

The human population on this globe is massive. We have the resources and space, but it's not ecologically viable. Human migration has destroyed plenty of environments without us even being aware of it (forests with undergrowth did not exist in North America because trees were so large that they blocked the sun out from beneath their canopy. These forests were endlessly covered in leaves that were being reabsorbed into the soil as recycle nutrition. When the ships landed at what was to be Jamestown, and they broke open their ballasts, they spilt the dirt onto the ground. This dirt contained earthworms, which thrived on the leaves, destroyed the leaves, malnourished the trees, and allowed underbrush to grow.) As well, our idea of current economy and farming are extremely destructive, creates destructive psychology and behavior, and may result in further ramifications beyond simply having too many of us.

Immediate problems are more worse: the Chinese government bought a large amount of money from our reserves; this provides us with an economic lead and removes physical currency money from circulation, increasing the value of the dollar. Were you to destroy this country and its population, you would also destroy the United States' economy, much the same as if they sold it back to us. We're also looking at a large human population. You reduce China and India into barren wastelands, you also remove from existence a cultural presence and history so great that every person will feel its loss; even the smallest populations of people have an impact globally. Genocide is not tolerated.

It's not that these nations are so filled with people, it's that the infrastructure cannot support the current population. There is not enough GDP per capita, there is not enough available work, there is not enough food, and supplying them to the existing population is a strain on the government. Nations cannot expand on any level when they are busy clothing and feeding its populace.

China is doing the right thing by limiting the number of children people can have. The gross disparity between male and female children will also reduce the population in coming generations. But this is a natural solution.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
i think this topic has gone a little off course

Resource Maker
Level 91
i think this topic has gone a little off course

Not Really... It's just another Conspiracy Theory, but they are linked to a degree...


I didn't say the world should be reduced to a 1/2 Billion... World leaders have:-

Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To 'Cull' The Surplus Population

What he said:-

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

Prince Philip, in his Foreward to If I Were an Animal; United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986.

I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist.... I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.

You do know Prince Phillip funds and has strong ties to most of the GM Food (ADM) shipped around the world ?... Scary !!

Top scientists are saying similar:- http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2006/030406massculling.htm

Environmental Mentalists are also jumping on the band wagon (No Supprise really):- http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2007/070507depopulation.htm

Charles Woster - Environmental Defence
Jaques Cousteau
Ted Turner - CNN

Even Bill Clinton, he wants the population to 1 Billion....

But the most worrying is this:- The new World Order Guide stones in Georgia

The new ten commandments:- http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.


But I can't see this happening... But even still... There are a fair few people raging on about it, so it can't be ignored !!... So I raised it in my debate.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 01:42:17 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 88
I just want to point that I didn't say that the world isn't overpopulated, but that the number LoS claims "important" people are proposing is much lower than I think is anywhere near reasonable.

Also, it's a general human tendency to reproduce all the more when overpopulation becomes a problem. Why, you ask? So that they can push out rival groups. Germany was overpopulated, but by the time of WWI the government was encouraging a rising birth rate in order to have settlers of the eastern, Slavic lands (those Teutons, always pushing into Poland).

I didn't really read that link about the Georgia Guidestones, but my general impression of it leads me to say, "Lolwut?" Nah, don't worry about that- there's more important things to break a sweat over.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I didn't really read that link about the Georgia Guidestones, but my general impression of it leads me to say, "Lolwut?" Nah, don't worry about that- there's more important things to break a sweat over.

Very true... The person who paid for the stones and had them put up is unknown... And why there ?... Again no real answer... But with so many people of high ranking saying the same thing it makes you wonder just how deep the same notion runs. And to what extent would they go to, to have the population dropped.

It's already been proven that the Antarctic Ice cap's are only 4,000 years old (if that)... I don't think Global Warming is happening, it wouldn't supprise me if the government wasn't warming them up with under ice heaters to cause them to melt... I mean what did they do when Hurricane Katrina was going to hit...? They didn't evacuate, they closed off escape routes and aid routes. let most people die... And then sent in tour buses...

Again another Conspiracy Theory backing another... (again it's a Theory... It could be real, it could be bollox)

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Yes, the government has installed heaters in the icecaps in order to... DUDE WE'RE FUCKED AND IT'S THE ELITE THAT'S TRYING TO DOWNSIZE THE GLOBAL POPULATION TO 500 MILLION!!
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

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What I don't get is why people in absolute dire poverty or disease stricken areas reproduce.

I'm not saying they shouldn't have a right or something, what I don't get is how a potential mother and father come to the decision to have a child when they know that child is going to live a horrible life of starvation and disease.

If I were a person over there and in their situation, I can't see myself wanting children.
bringing sexy back

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I think conspiracy theories are dumb.

They can be made up by anybody on no evidence at all.

For example,

Seaking = Voice of Reason

Their opinions seem to coincide completely, even to the point of Seaking referring to VoR to expand upon his points. As well, aside from a difference in tone (Seaking being aggressive; VoR not so much), the language they use is quite similar syntactically.

Reason why Seaking would create a dupe account:
VoR's first appearance was to call someone a retard, directly after Seaking had said the same twice to this person. Seaking felt he needed some backup and so he made a dupe on a proxy server. Now, to present day. Seaking is staarting to realize that his rather aggressive approach to debating has had little effect on some of the members, most notably landofshadows, who could be said to be completely uneffected by Seaking's approach to the point where you are unable to determine whether los is casually shrugging off these verbal assaults or whether he just doesn't realize that they are verbal assaults. Seaking feels he needs a new approach, but he doesn't wnat to discard his entire forum personality. He's the ID "curmudgeon" (from title). But, he remembers he has a dupe account and so he calls him in to play. This way he is able to approach the subject from both angles without sacrificing his forum identity, as well as team up on opposing arguments.

Reasons why VoR is not a real account:
It is unlikely that he should return to the forum given his stated reason for joining.

There, add that to the list. It has a better chance of being true than anything up there already.  

Seriously though, what's the point of believing in conspiracy theories. Let's say that Seaking is, in fact, VoR. What difference could it possibly make. What are you supposed to do about it. I remember hearing some conspiracy theory about a Philadelphia battleship that could travel through time and all the sailors died, or something along those lines. I don't even start to believe any of all the conspiracy theories I am aware of out there, and even if they were true, there's nothing you can do. It's like looking at the weather channel every day. Unless you're trying to plan an event, it's completely pointless.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 05:46:19 AM by modern algebra »

Resource Maker
Level 91
I think conspiracy theories are dumb.

Some times, (Very rarely)... A Conspiracy Theory does get proven as truth:- http://dallaspeacecenter.org/node/2086

Yes, the government has installed heaters in the icecaps in order to... DUDE WE'RE FUCKED AND IT'S THE ELITE THAT'S TRYING TO DOWNSIZE THE GLOBAL POPULATION TO 500 MILLION!!

You do know that half the time I am just messing about... Like in the Video's in the first post ?

I have had a fair few Emails from people in the USA asking me more about my time working in Goverment...LMAO
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 04:57:21 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
I think conspiracy theories are dumb.

They can be made up by anybody on no evidence at all.

The basis of any conspiracy theory is to ignore any relevant facts, find a source that backs your opinion even though everyone questions and challenges the credibility of the source, and devise arguments which tie loosely relevant artifacts together into one monstrous theory which no sane person would ever listen to.

Check back to my response regarding the faked moon landing. Everyone wants to argue internal evidence: what's going on in the pictures and videos. The people who purport these arguments make no effort to test whether these are naturally possible phenomena. These phenomena have been defended quite well and have been reproduced to such an extent that the opposition's argument holds no water. It is blithely ignored that no other country has opposed that the United States did land on the moon, which would be by far the greatest indication that the nation was successful in attempts.

Seaking = Voice of Reason

Their opinions seem to coincide completely, even to the point of Seaking referring to VoR to expand upon his points. As well, aside from a difference in tone (Seaking being aggressive; VoR not so much), the language they use is quite similar syntactically.

Reason why Seaking would create a dupe account:
VoR's first appearance was to call someone a retard, directly after Seaking had said the same twice to this person. Seaking felt he needed some backup and so he made a dupe on a proxy server. Now, to present day. Seaking is staarting to realize that his rather aggressive approach to debating has had little effect on some of the members, most notably landofshadows, who could be said to be completely uneffected by Seaking's approach to the point where you are unable to determine whether los is casually shrugging off these verbal assaults or whether he just doesn't realize that they are verbal assaults. Seaking feels he needs a new approach, but he doesn't wnat to discard his entire forum personality. He's the ID "curmudgeon" (from title). But, he remembers he has a dupe account and so he calls him in to play. This way he is able to approach the subject from both angles without sacrificing his forum identity, as well as team up on opposing arguments.

Reasons why VoR is not a real account:
It is unlikely that he should return to the forum given his stated reason for joining.

There, add that to the list. It has a better chance of being true than anything up there already.

Great argument. :D However, I wish to provide you with some counter proof:

Quote from: #isharia
[18:23:27] <Seaking`> http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,19067.msg239600/boardseen.html#new
[18:23:31] <Seaking`> This is for neek.
[18:23:55] <@neek> "Remember, this is a demonstration. If you're seriously wanting to throw your coworkers into a blender, get help. (They're heavy.)"
[18:24:28] <Seaking`> Yeah, wouldn't want to get a hernia.
[18:24:59] * Ayyub (chatzilla@c0907fe7.tx.res.14056255.com.hmsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:26:54] <Seaking`> http://www.qwantz.com/fanart/Communism!.png
[18:27:58] <@neek> I want to be able to say, "SICKLE AND HAMMER IN PINK STAR"
[18:29:01] * huwami-feng (kimana@5f335d63.tcsn.de83b96b.net.hmsk) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:29:45] <@neek> the... the... Amero?
[18:30:48] <@neek> Ow.
[18:30:51] <@neek> that hurt my head.
[18:31:00] <Seaking`> sry
[18:31:11] <Seaking`> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amero
[18:32:16] <Seaking`> "There are many lower levels of currency cooperation that have occurred in the Americas. A number of states – such as Argentina, Brazil and Canada – have at times tied their currency to the United States dollar, and in 2000, Ecuador adopted the U.S. dollar as its sole currency. In much of Central America and the Caribbean the U.S. dollar is already a de facto secondary currency.
[18:32:18] <Seaking`> It serves as parallel legal tender in both Panama (since independence in 1903) and El Salvador (since 2001), and unofficially in Cuba where the convertible peso is currently pegged at 1 peso equals US$1.08 (previously, it was until 24 March 2005, 1 peso = US$1 ). Some pundits thus argue that currency union is all but inevitable, whether it is desired or not."
[18:33:10] <@neek> It's a stupid name.
[18:33:17] * Hokulani (ryohale@86ca759a.dsl.frs2ca.3e6fd2e2.net.hmsk) Quit
[18:34:21] <Seaking`> "Amero" sounds like a Kia model.
[18:34:24] <Seaking`> Or Suzuki.
[18:34:30] <@neek> I'm going to reply to that post.
[18:34:40] <Seaking`> :DD

Your evidence and analysis and your thought processes are a lot better than most people who coin or believe conspiracy theories. However, I am the sort that did join at one point to call some retarded, when it was linked, I just couldn't pass it up.

Seriously though, what's the point of believing in conspiracy theories. Let's say that Seaking is, in fact, VoR. What difference could it possibly make. What are you supposed to do about it. I remember hearing some conspiracy theory about a Philadelphia battleship that could travel through time and all the sailors died, or something along those lines. I don't even start to believe any of all the conspiracy theories I am aware of out there, and even if they were true, there's nothing you can do. It's like looking at the weather channel every day. Unless you're trying to plan an event, it's completely pointless.

I'm glad that rather than addressing the theories put forth in this thread, you have addressed the issues of conspiracy theories themselves. And these words are quite true: if the Freemasons had a hand in the founding of ANY modern nation, what difference does it make in my life?

Resource Maker
Level 91
To be honest, my Theory in actual sense isn't really a Conspiracy more of an evaluation of current events and looking at a possible outcome of many... The only Conspiracy my Theory intails is the agenda of the union, is it for the better good or to knock the People of the East off the Global Map...?

My Opinion is there is more to this Union, as why join a Union if it doesn't better your country...?

Our Prisions in England are so over crowded we are now releasing criminals...

Some thing doesn't make sense, and my theory kind of makes sense out of it... I suppose there are other out comes other than world domination, and my over active imagination could be getting the better of me... If I was to apply the same to my RPG it would be Wicked !!!

I would say I am sane... But ask a scizophenic they would answer the same.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
You have also claimed to be intelligent.
Also, I'm glad you realize you have an overactive imagination. Now relegate that shit to your RPGs and whatever else, eh? This isn't the place to throw up your retarded ideas and then say "OH I'M JUST KIDDING! MY IMAGINATION'S OVERACTIVE SOMETIMES" when noone sides with you or you're too nervous to fully admit believing that.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
LOL... I don't know what to think... Reread my first post...

I have not claimed to be speaking truth... an opinion changes, a theory can be proven or disprove... I don't feel saddened if my theory is disproved in fact I welcome it.

And when did I claim to be intelligent...?

You can't really measure intelligence without a bench mark... What is intelligent in your opinion ? and I will asses my self to your bench mark...

But you knocking me suggests you feel more intelligent than me... May be you are... Would I care...? No...

What I would say is those that turn to attacking or verbal abuse is they have no real mind to express them selves... Calling me a Retard, just makes me view you as one.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 11:38:05 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Everything I have said is true and you know it.

Also by "intelligent" I mean not only capable of higher thought processes but also knowing how to differentiate between "utter, baseless bullshit" and "things that at least may be true, and have at least SOME supporting evidence and plausibility". I don't even mind if you get a bit confused somewhere in between every now and then, but come on! Conspiracy theories!? (I could cite worse, but that's irrelevant to the discussion at hand).
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Everything I have said is true and you know it.

What have you said...?

You have also claimed to be intelligent.
- No I Have not.

I'm glad you realize you have an overactive imagination.
- I admitted that, tell me some ting I don't know.

Now relegate that shit to your RPGs and whatever else, eh?
- That was my own suggestion, again ??

This isn't the place to throw up your retarded ideas
- In your opinion they are retarded... Is freedom of speech free in your part of the world ?

but that's irrelevant to the discussion at hand
- That you deem retarded but still comment in.

---Back to Topic---

Does any one have a Conspiracy theory they want to discuss...?

If not... I would like to debate another...

Are Alien's amongst us...?

Is their technology fueling our leaps and bounds into this new millennium ?

Are Rods of this world...?

My thoughts.

Technology is coming on so fast, most things I would govern top notch are being given to charity before I get to own one... For us to go from the Atari 2600 in the 80's to the PS3 now it's amazing... Unconceivable back then in the 80's... Could it be that our advancements came from a downed UFO or Alien technology...?

I doubt it... But why is Area 51 so heavily guarded... Not sure... Why do many x-workers claim to have seen some Alien tech within the confinds...? Attention and money may be...

There are sightings world over... But do they hold any weight...?

I think there is Alien life, but to the question have we been effected by it remains a mystry to me, but an interesting one.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
Everything I have said is true and you know it.

What have you said...?

You have also claimed to be intelligent.
- No I Have not.

I'm glad you realize you have an overactive imagination.
- I admitted that, tell me some ting I don't know.

Now relegate that shit to your RPGs and whatever else, eh?
- That was my own suggestion, again ??

This isn't the place to throw up your retarded ideas
- In your opinion they are retarded... Is freedom of speech free in your part of the world ?

but that's irrelevant to the discussion at hand
- That you deem retarded but still comment in.

---Back to Topic---

Does any one have a Conspiracy theory they want to discuss...?

If not... I would like to debate another...

Are Alien's amongst us...?

Is their technology fueling our leaps and bounds into this new millennium ?

Are Rods of this world...?

My thoughts.

Technology is coming on so fast, most things I would govern top notch are being given to charity before I get to own one... For us to go from the Atari 2600 in the 80's to the PS3 now it's amazing... Unconceivable back then in the 80's... Could it be that our advancements came from a downed UFO or Alien technology...?

I doubt it... But why is Area 51 so heavily guarded... Not sure... Why do many x-workers claim to have seen some Alien tech within the confinds...? Attention and money may be...

There are sightings world over... But do they hold any weight...?

I think there is Alien life, but to the question have we been effected by it remains a mystry to me, but an interesting one.

heres one is hitler dead?

Since his supposed death on April 30, 1945, many trees have fallen to create articles and books concerning: is Hitler dead; how did he die; is he alive, and so on. Although he would be EXTREMELY old if still alive today, hiding in a well guarded mansion in Argentina, enough lies and contradictions have been put forth concerning the death of Hitler and Eva Braun, and the disposal of their bodies, that speculation about how and if Hitler died persist to this day.


    Some of the theories/ variations include:

    1. He ate poison and shot himself at the same time.
    2. He ate poison, but didn't shoot himself.
    3. He shot himself, but didn't take poison.
    4. One of Hitler's supposed "doubles" was killed, creating the illusion Hitler was dead, allowing the "real" Adolf Hitler to escape.
    5. Somebody else killed Hitler.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Here's what I found in 5 mins of looking:-

The fact that Hitler died in his bunker is almost certain, despite the lack of provable physical evidence to this effect. It is also quite likely that Hitler did not die by his own hand. There is reason to believe that Hitler, unable to bring himself to commit suicide, and with the Russians almost at the door, was killed, possibly by his butler Linge, in order that the remaining bunker residents might attempt to escape from the advancing Russians.

I also found reference to most other methods suggested by your self...

It's a good question...

If I was Hitler, and saw my fellow country men loosing a war and dieing at my commands, I don't think I could live with myself... I think I would have gone out fighting rather than take my own life or ask some one else to take it for me...

Hitler had a great mind, and love of his country and men... to take his own life in my opinion would not have been his way.

For that reason I think he may have been shot in the face or blown to bits in a hail of gun fire and fury (Hence why he was not found)... or at least that's what I would like to imagine.  I think the image of him being a coward is some thing drawn into the history pages by his enemy.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
Here's what I found in 5 mins of looking:-

The fact that Hitler died in his bunker is almost certain, despite the lack of provable physical evidence to this effect. It is also quite likely that Hitler did not die by his own hand. There is reason to believe that Hitler, unable to bring himself to commit suicide, and with the Russians almost at the door, was killed, possibly by his butler Linge, in order that the remaining bunker residents might attempt to escape from the advancing Russians.

I also found reference to most other methods suggested by your self...

It's a good question...

If I was Hitler, and saw my fellow country men loosing a war and dieing at my commands, I don't think I could live with myself... I think I would have gone out fighting rather than take my own life or ask some one else to take it for me...

Hitler had a great mind, and love of his country and men... to take his own life in my opinion would not have been his way.

For that reason I think he may have been shot in the face or blown to bits in a hail of gun fire and fury (Hence why he was not found)... or at least that's what I would like to imagine.  I think the image of him being a coward is some thing drawn into the history pages by his enemy.

so what your saying is that hitlers last moments of life  were used as propaganda to show the nazis as some kind of cowards? it makes sense even though he could have fought it out to the end if i was him i would have went down all guns blazing

Level 88
That was my own suggestion, again ??
Yet you deemed it necessary to bring up your opinion and then hide behind that shit, like I said earlier.

In your opinion they are retarded... Is freedom of speech free in your part of the world ?
I hate when people say that, what, next you're going to say I'm the next Hitler (and by extension the Antichrist).

That you deem retarded but still comment in.
Your reactions are so lol.

Technology is coming on so fast, most things I would govern top notch are being given to charity before I get to own one... For us to go from the Atari 2600 in the 80's to the PS3 now it's amazing... Unconceivable back then in the 80's... Could it be that our advancements came from a downed UFO or Alien technology...?
We call this "future shock".

I doubt it... But why is Area 51 so heavily guarded... Not sure... Why do many x-workers claim to have seen some Alien tech within the confinds...? Attention and money may be...
Or maybe it's because Area 51 has sensitive aircraft and other technological developments? Why do people think the government would only guard such secrets if they involved aliens or international Jewish conspiracies? Go with Occam's razor here- it's much more plausible that the government is simply developing/testing new technology there and it's not as if they want to publicize that.

I think there is Alien life, but to the question have we been effected by it remains a mystry to me, but an interesting one.
Personally, I doubt there's sentinent alien life, and if there is, they likely aren't advanced enough to visit Earth.

heres one is hitler dead?
Sadly. 88!

Since his supposed death on April 30, 1945, many trees have fallen to create articles and books concerning: is Hitler dead; how did he die; is he alive, and so on. Although he would be EXTREMELY old if still alive today, hiding in a well guarded mansion in Argentina, enough lies and contradictions have been put forth concerning the death of Hitler and Eva Braun, and the disposal of their bodies, that speculation about how and if Hitler died persist to this day.
Well, he was born in 1885. Also, although several Nazi officials escaped Nazi Germany in its final days it's fairly certain that Hitler was not amongst them. It's one thing for Priebke or even Eichmann to drive the streets of Buenos Aires or wherever, but Hitler? No. Also, you must remember he wasn't exceptionally mentally stable- especially towards the end. He wasn't the kind to flee death, I think, nor the kind to want to be the Soviet's prisoner. By this time, he felt he had no reason to live- his Aryan dream had died and his people had betrayed him. I'd probably commit suicide, too.

Eva Braun was one messed up bitch, but I know less about her (naturally). I assume she died before Hitler, but of course I have no way of knowing this.

Also, I don't think the Nazis could've been portrayed as cowards very easily (although I have heard Hitler being called cowardly, only by idiots). The Germans were good fighters, and they didn't give up easily- in the end they had lost well over 5 million soldiers (and I don't know how many civilians) and had sent divisions filled up with teenagers and grandfathers to defend the Vaterland; and of course the Hitler Youth, &c. And of course, there are stories about one or two German soldiers shooting at Allied tanks after being separated from their squad (possibly by being the last survivors) and the such.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
so what your saying is that Hitlers last moments of life  were used as propaganda to show the Nazis as some kind of cowards? it makes sense even though he could have fought it out to the end if i was him i would have went down all guns blazing

For his enemies to have illustrated him as going out in a blaze of fury German's would have seen him as a Hero to a degree, he would have earned some respect in a death like that...

Some times clarity or further option can be found by simply placing your self there... Ask the question to any one, they would all answer, I would go down fighting... A Captain of a ship sinks with it...

History is painted out as the heads of state feel fit... We get a watered down version of events.

Not saying my opinion is truth... it's just liner thinking.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
I wonder why LoS hasn't responded to me yet :)
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
so what your saying is that Hitlers last moments of life  were used as propaganda to show the Nazis as some kind of cowards? it makes sense even though he could have fought it out to the end if i was him i would have went down all guns blazing

For his enemies to have illustrated him as going out in a blaze of fury German's would have seen him as a Hero to a degree, he would have earned some respect in a death like that...

Some times clarity or further option can be found by simply placing your self there... Ask the question to any one, they would all answer, I would go down fighting... A Captain of a ship sinks with it...

History is painted out as the heads of state feel fit... We get a watered down version of events.

Not saying my opinion is truth... it's just liner thinking.

i think we can both agree history is written by the winner