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Conspiracy theories - What do you make of them ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
List of the most well known Conspiracy's (Thanks to Wiki)

9/11 conspiracy theories, usually relating the September 11, 2001 attacks to US government officials and their plans for expansion of militarism and the police state.

The alleged conspiracy to murder Vince Foster, claimed to involve Bill Clinton.

The "vast, right-wing conspiracy" cited by Hillary Clinton during the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

The alleged conspiracy between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, cited by President Bush and his advisers, principally Paul Wolfowitz, as justification for a preemptive invasion of Iraq.[6] A Washington Post poll published in September of 2003 showed that nearly seventy percent of Americans were convinced that Saddam Hussein was personally responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001.[7]
The New World Order, a conspiracy theory in which a powerful and secretive group plans to or does in fact rule the world through a one-world government.

The alleged conspiracy among oil producing nations to manipulate oil prices.

John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories, claiming the direct involvement of elements within the US government in the assassination. A variation of this theory was privately held in the
Kennedy family, and was first expressed by Robert Kennedy in private.[8][9]
The Robert F. Kennedy assassination, claiming that the alleged assassin was not the lone gunman, and that RFK was killed by members of the Bay of Pigs operation of the CIA.[10] [11]

Jewish or Zionist global domination conspiracy theories, perhaps the oldest common type of conspiracy theories, most notable of which is the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion anti-Semitic conspiracy theory (which is based on a fabricated document[12]).

The alleged conspiracy among stakeholders in the military, industry and congress, cited by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The Apollo Moon-Landing Hoax Theory suggests that some or all elements of the Apollo missions were faked by NASA.

The Paul is Dead theory, stating that Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike while clues were hidden in songs and album cover art.

The Seven Day Theory is one question whether he's alive or not since Tupac may have left clues in his songs telling people he's still alive and coming back.

Some of these are false without a shadow of a doubt to me... But others kind of get me thinking, what if...?

With Conspiracy's I tend to look at the actual theory, who would benefit if the theory was true, and the likely hood of the theory being correct... At the same time all these remain Theories and no doubt will, so there is no point in getting over fanatical about them or preaching them as gospel...

For me I truly think this theory from all them is most likely to be true.

The New World Order, a conspiracy theory in which a powerful and secretive group plans to or does in fact rule the world through a one-world government.


Here's what I think is happening, from various sources, I will use quotes and so fourth to show my line of thinking... I don't think the Conspiracy is how the New World Order Group is though:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_%28conspiracy%29 (there are many reason's why I think the Conspiracy as it stands is off the mark), I have my own idea's on the subject:-

1. - Europe
Europe it's becoming more of an Union with open ended boarders for each European country to share a common aim... Not just that, we have change in currency slowly being rolled out, The Euro.  Blair now chairs a very high position in the European commission, he has already stopped the Court of Law from being changed (some thing that got established many years ago)... Holding onto that we may see the Law's in England spread to the European sectors.

2. - The USA
The USA is planning to join Canada and Mexico and they will then become the NAU (North American Union)... There are talks of a Currency change to the Amero... A bill has been drawn up in and should become instated in 2010

3 - Both Union's
Both seem to be going on at the same time and both have very similar flags, both went against the UN and seem to make up their own agenda's in most current events.

American Union

European Union

4 - The Western World
With the European and American Union's being both very strong players if they are to join making a Super Union if you like looking at the maps a massive chunk of the world will be under Western control.

EU Area's

NAU Area's

Who would benefit from these changes ?
The Benefits are obvious, having a large Union of the West will dwarf the East, to the point War may not even be needed, just the threat would be enough for them to lay down arms... Or if it did come to a War, it would be over relatively quickly... Control of the world I think is the main agenda, to make a Super Union.

What's the chance of this Theory becoming real ?
With the Western World being given a very narrow view via the Media of the East... And the opposite being given to the East about the west, it's only going to do one thing, cause friction, so I don't see why people wouldn't back a Union, safety in numbers !!!... And with living costs rising and the confusion over gloabal warming, the average Joe Bloggs in the West would back any thing to make life better here.

What do you think about what I have posted, how right or wrong do you think I am ? - (Please give good answers, rather than "why do you follow such Crap, your a Retard", as if you read, this is my own Theory, based on another not so plausable one)... And to be fair, it's not that far fetched and most of what I have written is already in effect or started to happen.

Please give a good responce - Like why you don't think it will happen, what area's have I got wrong etc.. Or What you think may be true and why you think this Theory of mine could happen etc...
« Last Edit: January 29, 2008, 11:55:49 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
No mention of how the extraterrestrial conspiracies intermingle with the US government?  That seems to be turning a blind eye to, in my opinion, the largest common denominator for lots of the US' conspiracies.  I do like the new world order conspiracy,  but it doesn't sound impossible to me that there is already a large influence from some party that we, the citizens, do not realize is there.  Now before you start saying I am crazy, and a paranoid UFO buff, I'm not talking about an extraterrestrial influence.  Is it so hard to believe that America isn't run so much by G.W, he seems like a figurehead to me, I doubt how much power he actually has over what his country does.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
first the moon landings were faked for the one reason how can a flag billow in the wind of their is no wind on the planet?   and secondly the 9/11  was planned by the american goverment for 3 resons

1 a reason to invade iraq

2 too anger the american people into joining the army for revenge

3 a key too all the black gold (oil) george bush could ever want

Resource Maker
Level 91
No mention of how the extraterrestrial conspiracies intermingle with the US government?

Me talking about Secret Goverment shite !!

first the moon landings were faked

Hummm I dunno, here's me talking about my trip to the moon !!

Seriously... Back to ID...

9/11 may have been staged, but I seriously doubt it was... it was too elaborate a hoax to be any thing but an attack... People have shown loads of evidence showing images of the planes before take off and at the point of impact, and yes they do look like different planes... There is loads of evidence to read, and the inquest sucked, and the clean up never really happend at ground zero... All odd things around a very surreal event.  But to question kind of makes me depressed.  May be one day on the death beds of government officials some thing may get said, it may not be as elaborate as the whole thing being staged, but some thing more along the lines of they let it happen.

As for the Alien's... I suppose there could be a chance we are all genetically engineered by Alien's (More plausible than God made us)... So yeah why not... We could have a government run by Aliens LOL

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
No mention of how the extraterrestrial conspiracies intermingle with the US government?

Me talking about Secret Goverment shite !!

first the moon landings were faked

Hummm I dunno, here's me talking about my trip to the moon !!

Seriously... Back to ID...

9/11 may have been staged, but I seriously doubt it was... it was too elaborate a hoax to be any thing but an attack... People have shown loads of evidence showing images of the planes before take off and at the point of impact, and yes they do look like different planes... There is loads of evidence to read, and the inquest sucked, and the clean up never really happend at ground zero... All odd things around a very surreal event.  But to question kind of makes me depressed.  May be one day on the death beds of government officials some thing may get said, it may not be as elaborate as the whole thing being staged, but some thing more along the lines of they let it happen.

As for the Alien's... I suppose there could be a chance we are all genetically engineered by Alien's (More plausible than God made us)... So yeah why not... We could have a government run by Aliens LOL

i still think 9/11 was staged and it was a great strategic idea although many innocent people died and i hate george bush

but anyway i subscribed to ur channel and sent you a friend invite lol :D

Level 88
It's a good thing I have no chance of ever meeting LoS in real life, because he gives me some really fucking homocidal thoughts at times. Like, right now.

Edit: Homicidal!? Fuck!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 12:20:25 AM by Seaking »
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
first the moon landings were faked for the one reason how can a flag billow in the wind of their is no wind on the planet?   and secondly the 9/11  was planned by the american goverment for 3 resons

1 a reason to invade iraq

2 too anger the american people into joining the army for revenge

3 a key too all the black gold (oil) george bush could ever want
Wow, missed this post.
First of all, die.
Secondly, what the fuck?
In conclusion, am I the only one that read "black gold" and thought of negroes with fake gold teeth?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
because he gives me some really fucking homicidal thoughts at times. Like, right now

I think you mean homosexual... I get that from time to time... I am straight though, sorry !!!...

But seriously...

Not sure what part of this thread you mean...?

Some times my mind gets me full of rage too... The world is against us and the sky is falling down...LOL

Compare that to the Care-bears... I preffer my mind though !!

but anyway i subscribed to ur channel and sent you a friend invite lol

My first Fan... of sorts... kind of...LOL  Cheers matey !! (I like the Levellers, but that doesn't make me Pro-IRA, Your Video's kind of scared me)

Any ways... Any one got any comments on my Theory in the 1st post ?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2007, 11:44:25 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
first the moon landings were faked for the one reason how can a flag billow in the wind of their is no wind on the planet?   and secondly the 9/11  was planned by the american goverment for 3 resons

1 a reason to invade iraq

2 too anger the american people into joining the army for revenge

3 a key too all the black gold (oil) george bush could ever want
Wow, missed this post.
First of all, die.
Secondly, what the fuck?
In conclusion, am I the only one that read "black gold" and thought of negroes with fake gold teeth?

you seriously have an over active imagination when did i say george bush wanted african men with gold teeth i clearly stated OIL

Resource Maker
Level 91
Black Gold is referring to Oil, as at the moment it's almost expensive as Gold... There is a whole load of stuff on the NET about Oil and it driving nations to War... But then there is a counter Theory stating we are not running out and it was just a media spin to up the oil prices to get more tax off us poor working bods.

With all the Conspiracy Theories Bouncing around, one contradicting the other and every thing we follow is a lie, things can get down right depressing... It's a case of looking at each and taking them apart.

Look as each as a Theory and nothing more... It's not fact and it's not fiction, it's a grey matter a shade between, halves truth's and tin pot claims...

Some one please read my Theory in the opening post... Do you think I am on to some thing or not ?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2007, 11:55:36 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
first the moon landings were faked for the one reason how can a flag billow in the wind of their is no wind on the planet?

I registered once to tell someone they're a retard, I guess it's now time to go in a second time and remind people of a little thing called reality.

The flag planted on the moon was suspended on a long, vertical aluminum pole, at the top a horizontal bar helped keep the flag up, else it would fall toward the moon. Now, these pieces are flimsily put together. Go ahead and jab this into the ground. The flag will flap because its absorbing waves from the metal pole and the movement of the horizontal bar. You can reproduce this at home on a day with no wind.

People who think "Oh, the moon landing didn't happen!" all look towards suspicious internal evidence (multiple shadows despite one light source, which has been proven to happen, &c.) Look at external evidence: Russia was spying on us through the entire space race, much as we were spying on them. If we did not land on the moon, they would know and they would be the first to call us out on international media. What a blow that would have been to this country's morale! And the Soviets would have relished such a moment. But they did not. No other nation who would love to see America be knocked down a peg has backed a statement which proposes that it was a farce--only people within the country that conducted the mission.

and secondly the 9/11  was planned by the american goverment for 3 resons

1 a reason to invade iraq

2 too anger the american people into joining the army for revenge

3 a key too all the black gold (oil) george bush could ever want

1. Non sequitur. This implies that there was a relationship between Saddam Hussein and the Taliban, a relationship that has never been accurately proved. Hussein was a despot, but he did not condone terrorism; he terrorized his own people, but looking at Middle Eastern politics, he didn't pay for other terrorists to terrorize others. There is no credible link between the Taliban and the Iraqi government, nor are there any other links that Hussein funded any other terrorist outfit. Were this even remotely true, there would have been doctored reports that stated such things.

Look elsewhere for motivation for going to war with Iraq.

2. If any force threatens this country, people will sign up for the military. This is a natural reaction. There are people who may not agree with the president, but enjoy their way of life to such an extent that they will die to protect it. That's patriotism, not a thought of simple-minded rage. If you want to argue that Afghanistan was needed to give these people a purpose and then dump them in Iraq, you will have to first create a credible link.

3. The presidency nor anyone within the federal government will ever touch a drop of oil. Any attempt to seize or grab oil will result in major repercussions from other Middle Eastern nations. But consider these facts:
- Without a bid being placed, Halliburton was given the contract to assist in the reconstruction of Iraq. The vice-president was the former CEO for Haliburton, so he obviously has ties.
- President Bush is not asking for a repayment to US government for reconstruction, but is asking for an economic pact. That "black gold" is going to feed American industries first. This may mean that gas prices will go down for a while, and the economy may expand, but not for too long. The presidency nor the government is profiting at all from this war.

The industries will, however.

There are plenty of speculations as to why Bush attacked Iraq, none of which have been linked directly to the events of 9/11, but there are no direct reasons. I think part of it was motivated by the fact that we did not catch the bad guy, it's that the bad guy, and our president then proceeded to what he does best: be a bad sequel of his father. Cheney &co. were more than eager to rally support, seeing as they benefit from it (no war has been fought in the modern day without there being an economic overtone). I cannot fathom what makes you think an American organization would, say, crash airplanes into a symbol of American capitalism, kill thousands of Americans, spend thousands of tax-payer dollars in reconstruction, so that we can go to war with another distant country whose politics and alliances are alien and unknown to the former country we just carpet bombed.

If it were staged, an event as shocking but not as lethal would have been orchestrated and given viable link to the Iraqi government, and the Taliban would have not been touched.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 12:03:49 AM by voice of reason »

Level 88
Oh you poor bastards.

VOR wins, thread over.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
Black Gold is referring to Oil, as at the moment it's almost expensive as Gold... There is a whole load of stuff on the NET about Oil and it driving nations to War... But then there is a counter Theory stating we are not running out and it was just a media spin to up the oil prices to get more tax off us poor working bods.

With all the Conspiracy Theories Bouncing around, one contradicting the other and every thing we follow is a lie, things can get down right depressing... It's a case of looking at each and taking them apart.

Look as each as a Theory and nothing more... It's not fact and it's not fiction, it's a grey matter a shade between, halves truth's and tin pot claims...

Some one please read my Theory in the opening post... Do you think I am on to some thing or not ?

refering too your one world goverment i can never see it happening one reason is when england entered the european union they refused too change to the euro they wanted to retain the pound to hold their empiric power over ireland wales scotland and the faulklands so i see no reason why britain would wanted to merge into some one world goverment

Level 88
I'm no proponet of one world government, but that is the stupidest argument against its plausibility I have ever heard. Oh, and-
refering too your one world goverment i can never see it happening one reason is when england entered the european union they refused too change to the euro they wanted to retain the pound to hold their empiric power over ireland wales scotland and the faulklands so i see no reason why britain would wanted to merge into some one world goverment

Referring to your one world government- I can never see it happening. One reason is when England entered the European Union they refused to change to the Euro; they wanted to retain the pound to hold their imperial power over Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the Falklands, so I see no reason why Britain would want to merge into some one world government.
Also there's a reason that England didn't switch to the Euro- the pound is stronger. It'd be like the US deciding to switch to pesos to foster relations with Mexico.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
I'm no proponet of one world government, but that is the stupidest argument against its plausibility I have ever heard. Oh, and-
refering too your one world goverment i can never see it happening one reason is when england entered the european union they refused too change to the euro they wanted to retain the pound to hold their empiric power over ireland wales scotland and the faulklands so i see no reason why britain would wanted to merge into some one world goverment

Referring to your one world government- I can never see it happening. One reason is when England entered the European Union they refused to change to the Euro; they wanted to retain the pound to hold their imperial power over Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the Falklands, so I see no reason why Britain would want to merge into some one world government.
Also there's a reason that England didn't switch to the Euro- the pound is stronger. It'd be like the US deciding to switch to pesos to foster relations with Mexico.

no england kept the pound to retain empiric staus if ireland had been aloud have euros england would have lost wealth control of northern ireland leaving sinn fein too clean up in the elections and the same in scotland except with snp and labour with out ireland and scotland under unionist partys england would loose 40 percent of its wealth

Level 88
I've always had a special hatred for the Irish. You're making it grow.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
I've always had a special hatred for the Irish. You're making it grow.

you make me laugh :tpg:

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
The European Union had reasons to enter a union, and England had its reasons to keep the pound, but they aren't what you're thinking:
- European nations, especially the smaller ones, are light on resources and require imports to ensure they can continue to manufacture or enjoy a 1st world lifestyle. Entering an economic union meant that the nations now have a stronger economy with a currency that does not fluctuate as often, and if it falls entirely, will mean that a global event has occurred. This is financial security. No one wants another great depression. This also allows an equal sharing between the individual nations of resources; price gouging is discouraged and the nations know they have a neighbor who can help them out. Weak political alliances aren't as strong.
- England's pound is stronger. Accepting the euro won't change a thing, politically. Their monarchs will appear on coinage and bills printed, their commonwealth will still be their commonwealth. Rather, why drop a stronger currency for a weaker one? If the pound falls below the worth of an American dollar and are heading straight to the value of the yen in 1953, they are going to switch. Right now, there's no point in debasing their standard.

The United States won't enter an economic union with economically weaker nations; while Canada possesses a massive amount of natural resources, the land isn't as populated; Mexico is poor because Woodrow Wilson's adaption of Roosevelt's "Big Brother" policy in trying to ensure that American interests are in the minds of our bordering neighbors. Allowing a unified currency would imply that these nations could get richer, become more economically powerful, &c., but the American economy might suffer. When the Articles of Confederation were ratified before the Constitution, each state printed its own money, and was extremely undervalued and was not transferable between states. The Constitution allowed for a unified economy, because it benefited 13 nations of varying wealthiness, not 3 nations, one of which is extremely powerful, one of which is not quite, and one of which is poor.

Besides the issue of oil, America is virtually self sufficient. There is enough land and resources, and the States are free to trade with each other without federal tariffs to foster such an exchange. An economic union would share this resource with our poorest neighbor who will send little back in return (what we could get in return, we already have: cheap labor).

Resource Maker
Level 91
We also opened our boarders for many Europeans to enter and work and the Euro can be used as legal tender in most large shops.

The Euro may not be a currency we adopt for some time as yet... but it could still happen once the economy picks up in Europe and the pound and Euro are equal in strength.

Read this:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/812881.stm

I think Blair's hoping if he tells us it's not a conspiracy enough times we will sollow it !!

Posted by: Seaking  
Insert Quote
Oh you poor bastards.

VOR wins, thread over.

Take your double posting Pokemon loving arse out of ID, or at least out of here... We are trying to have a debate !! (If it's not to your taste and if you have nothing to add, jog on !!)

voice of reason - That has to be one of the best answers in ID I have ever seen... Very well put together, it's mainly about 9/11, and on that score I have stated my stance, the evidence after the events is kind of odd and the prevention that could have taken place as soon as the planes went AWOL to the time the hit was very little, But I still don't think it was a Hoax, it happened, and it was an attack, Bin Larden admitted it...

And I stated my stance on the Oil... it's hard to say how much oil we have left... Especially when we can make it from Human waste, at least that's what I read just a few months back. media weaves an uncertain WEB... I tried not watching the news for 4 months... I felt loads better for it !!

---My Theory---

I don't see England not taking on the Euro is grounds enough to deny the theory I have drawn up, as if we do join the Europen Union there is a good chance parts of Irland and Scotland will too.

Reading this:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/812881.stm Will show Blair is wanting to stamp England over Europe more, I bet he would trade the Pound for the Euro if our Laws would be taken on board by the Union.

And for what you have written about the North American Union I have read much of the same as of late... But then I have read things like this:- http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=14965

I can't see what America will gain from Mexico... Apart from more troops, open boarders, free movement, more Economic strength...
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 12:33:20 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
If this board only allowed actual debates Roph and the mods would have to prune out more than 90% of the threads.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 12:33:24 AM by Seaking »
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
The European Union had reasons to enter a union, and England had its reasons to keep the pound, but they aren't what you're thinking:
- European nations, especially the smaller ones, are light on resources and require imports to ensure they can continue to manufacture or enjoy a 1st world lifestyle. Entering an economic union meant that the nations now have a stronger economy with a currency that does not fluctuate as often, and if it falls entirely, will mean that a global event has occurred. This is financial security. No one wants another great depression. This also allows an equal sharing between the individual nations of resources; price gouging is discouraged and the nations know they have a neighbor who can help them out. Weak political alliances aren't as strong.
- England's pound is stronger. Accepting the euro won't change a thing, politically. Their monarchs will appear on coinage and bills printed, their commonwealth will still be their commonwealth. Rather, why drop a stronger currency for a weaker one? If the pound falls below the worth of an American dollar and are heading straight to the value of the yen in 1953, they are going to switch. Right now, there's no point in debasing their standard.

The United States won't enter an economic union with economically weaker nations; while Canada possesses a massive amount of natural resources, the land isn't as populated; Mexico is poor because Woodrow Wilson's adaption of Roosevelt's "Big Brother" policy in trying to ensure that American interests are in the minds of our bordering neighbors. Allowing a unified currency would imply that these nations could get richer, become more economically powerful, &c., but the American economy might suffer. When the Articles of Confederation were ratified before the Constitution, each state printed its own money, and was extremely undervalued and was not transferable between states. The Constitution allowed for a unified economy, because it benefited 13 nations of varying wealthiness, not 3 nations, one of which is extremely powerful, one of which is not quite, and one of which is poor.

Besides the issue of oil, America is virtually self sufficient. There is enough land and resources, and the States are free to trade with each other without federal tariffs to foster such an exchange. An economic union would share this resource with our poorest neighbor who will send little back in return (what we could get in return, we already have: cheap labor).

is it not  a fact that when southern ireland ie the free state wished to join the EU we were not aloud because britain claiming irish land as britian would be included in the union and de gaul knew that england would keep the pound as a symbol of empiric power

and america could gain more than troops from mexico they could gain infrastructure and wealth
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 12:34:00 AM by irish-warrior »

Resource Maker
Level 91
It seems the word Empire is being replaced by Union... If Irland enters the Union I guess your being pulled into the Empire, the IRA has pretty much laid down arms... Pretty soon it will happen, slowly, Irland isn't a major factor, and for the part England can't claim you may find the USA will as they have a very large American Irish community.

The Union's I am talking about Bush and Blair both started in or around 2005... They seek a common goal... Why ?

England opening boarders to Poland and neighbour countries had led to an influx of migrant workers, it's hasn't really strengthen us as most of what they earn they send home.  So at the moment I can see your side of the argument with Mexico... But Blair still went ahead here, there has to be some thing we are missing ?... Ruling the world may be ?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
If America wanted to gain troops that badly, they wouldn't annex their volatile next door neighbor- they'd instill a draft sooner than that. Or more actively seek enlisting immigrants, although I'm not sure to what extent this is being done already (although I do know there are ways for foreignors to join the military to make it easier and quicker to acquire citizenship).
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
From the graves of dead patriots springs a nation
It seems the word Empire is being replaced by Union... If Irland enters the Union I guess your being pulled into the Empire, the IRA has pretty much laid down arms... Pretty soon it will happen, slowly, Irland isn't a major factor, and for the part England can't claim you may find the USA will as they have a very large American Irish community.

The Union's I am talking about Bush and Blair both started in or around 2005... They seek a common goal... Why ?

England opening boarders to Poland and neighbour countries had led to an influx of migrant workers, it's hasn't really strengthen us as most of what they earn they send home.  So at the moment I can see your side of the argument with Mexico... But Blair still went ahead here, there has to be some thing we are missing ?... Ruling the world may be ?

i still cant see a world goverment even if leaders make some kind of union what will the people do will all the people just agree and live their lives like normal no i think they will revolt and who says all the countrys are willing for this goverment i cant see north korea joining they are too proud along with most of asia and iran

Resource Maker
Level 91
If America wanted to gain troops that badly, they wouldn't annex their volatile next door neighbor- they'd instill a draft sooner than that. Or more actively seek enlisting immigrants, although I'm not sure to what extent this is being done already (although I do know there are ways for foreignors to join the military to make it easier and quicker to acquire citizenship).

Nice one Seaking you entered the Debate with a pretty good answer.

But like I stated I can't really see why... I mean looking at what's happening here in England with opening our boarders it's doing more harm than good.  It's put a strain on resources like the NHS and the Police and much of what's being earned is being sent back to their home lands.

From previously given link, it's a well worth read, it may make more sense to American's than it does me.
President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much as the European Union has formed.

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