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Level 88
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Look at all these replies...LOL

What part of all that info are we to be reading ?

And what's your account of it ?

Mine after reading Section A... is Hovind should really debate this with all, and not be blinkered in his opinion being truth... Yet I also think the person questioning it has devoted WAY too much time in disproving him to the point I would say was kind of scary so if I was Hovind I would be slightly concerned...

Every one can have an opionion even if it's wrong... It's up to those that listen to Hovind to grow their own mind, if they want to follow his opinion as fact that's upto them.

I had never heard of Hovind before today...

I hate reading so I watched this:- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=JZR022_GbzU

The way I would arguee with Hovind would be to ask did Noah have dinosaurs on the Ark ?...

Dinosaurs remains have been carbon dated way before the bible...!!!

I would then say to him the Bible was written as the words of God and Jesus, yet they didn't write a single page in it.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 02:13:03 PM by landofshadows »

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Wow, this is pretty interesting. I'm halfway through Part C at the moment.
bringing sexy back

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Level 91
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 02:22:42 PM by Roph »

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Level 91
I'm finding this delightful, I'll post more once I read it all, this thing is huge.

Lol, Kent's apparently behind bars because of tax evasion.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Some of the points he touches on are brilliant... About the world should be kept to 1/2 Billion and Prince Phillip Saying he wants to wipeout a mass populous of the world...

Some times I think the higher powers of this planet stage certain events to cause war and death on a mass scale...

His Oil theory is kinda odd it shows Dinosaurs but based on his good book the Dinosaurs should never have existed at all ?...

The lost squadron plans in the ice is pretty impressive and a very good argument, and I would say his most valid argument... But that still doesn't explain carbon dating of fossils... But then again Carbon Dating is only effect up to 50,000 years, so some say...

If he is right about the Giant Flood, I mean that's his main theory, then dinosaurs are much younger than documented, and would have been about at the time of the Ark...

I don't follow the Bible and I don't follow Evolution... Evolution is a Theory...

His Brainwashing part of the video sucks, If Dinosaurs are not way before man kind that means we co existed with them, and he states after the floods Dinosaurs had been seen as dragons and we slayed them all... He is pretty much preaching the bible and Brainwashing people into his theory...

He is going about preaching the bible in a modern way and attacking science in the same way as science attacks the bible... It's pretty intelligent stuff the way he has put his argument together... But in the same breath he is saying he follows a theory based on a Man self proclaiming to be the Son of God...

I don't think Evolution as a Theory is complete, but I still find it more ground worthy than the bible... I think the reason there was less people about in earlier times is there was more conflicts, less food production, less sanitation, more incurable illness, and a higher death rate... I don't think back 40,000 years there was a flood that only left 8 people alive... That's shite... There may have been a flood that was global, but not a flood that would submerge the whole globe...

But The Ice caps don't show on Silvers Map he has posted... so are the Ice caps relatively new...?

I suppose we could be being blinded by evolution and brainwashed to a degree... but no more than in Religious education, with the bible... We are given both sides and given a choice...

After reading and watching a few video's  it's made be question a fair bit of what I hold as truth... But at the same time I have never really followed Evolution Theory.

Reading on Wiki doesn't really help things when looking at the date of the Earth:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_the_Earth

Know one really knows for sure... But I trust parts of the Earth are much older than the cover of the first Bible or the wood that was made to nail Jesus to.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 04:35:51 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 88
I haven't actually read much from that site, Creationism vs Evolution only interests me for about 5 or 10 minutes at a time if that.
Also, Kent Hovind is indeed in jail for tax evasion. You can see his site at drdino.com (interestingly, my sister recommended I go to that site to learn how to debate evolutionists and the such).
I have a couple of pieces of literature from him, that I picked up at my church when I was a bit younger- 'Are you being brainwashed?' is the one- a pamphlet about Creation/evolution and its teaching in schools. Oh, the lol. And another he wrote with Bill Gibbons (or actually I think he just wrote the introduction and claimed credit for helping with the rest) about Christian-perspective cryptozoology- talking about Mokele-mbembes, pterosaurs in PNG, and other creatures extinct for millions of years sighted in various tribal, remote parts of the world.
I probably have some more, but I don't feel like burrowing through my old kids/pseudoscience/Christian books.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 91
I read up to part G, it's not really a debate, just some guy getting caught in a lot of bs. I'll be I haven't read Honvid's replies, I think I will when I get some sleep~

Spoiler for Various Amusing Quotes~:
By what method did he determine that everything can be treated like a sheep? I know it is standard Christian practice, but there are practical limits.

Quote from: Honvid
I said, No sir, you dont want me to work for you, the Child Welfare would have me in jail in a flash...

That's how much Hovind loves your children. He loves them so much he is prepared to beat the snot out of them to show his love. You know it does not say, in the Bible, "spare the rod and spoil the child"? That phrase comes from "The Irish Schoolmaster" by Thomas Hood ("He never spoils the child and spares the rod, but spoils the rod and never spares the child."). It is deriding corporal punishment, not encouraging it.

The Bible is much more authoritative: "He that spareth his rod, hateth his son" (Prov 13:24). In other words, Hovind is only slavishly doing what his savage god tells him to - abuse your children or you do not love them. Many Christians take this Biblical injunction deeply to heart. Children have died because of it. There is worse in the Bible:

Psalms, 2:9: Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

or how about this? This is probably Hovind's life story, right here:

Revelation, 2:27: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

Well we should try to be understanding - at least Hovind (as far as we know) didn't try to burn his child on an altar. Any fundamentalist who pretends that he loves you does not love you at all. Nobody who loved you would threaten you with hell. Nobody who loved you would beat the snot out of you.

Which is the more likely explanation? Hovind's 'belief' that they were fire-breathing dragons, or the scientific demonstration that some dinosaurs were capable of making loud calls?

The world was then perfect according to his philosophy - everyone lived in sheer terror of Hovind's god, just as Hovind's son lived in sheer terror of Hovind.

Creationists never seem to have their material available for examination, do they? It is always in possession of 'some guy who told me about it' (it's always a guy, isn't it? - never a woman!), or it got lost, or it is not available for testing. If a lab tests it and proves it to be false, then the creationists say the lab lied or falsified the results because of satan's vast atheist, communist, liberal, anti-creationist socialist, women's liberation, gay pride single-mom conspiracy!

Hovind: "That is the difference between what we call simple variation, and what other people call macro evolution. Some refer to the term simple variation as micro evolution; I prefer the term simple variation."

Of course he does! God forbid Hovind should ever have to say that dirty 'E'-word - although that is precisely what this weasel is doing when he talks about his miraculous variation which can create any kind of creature within a kind, but somehow magically halts dead at the invisible 'species barrier'.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Much of what Hovind states is bollox... But some is fairly interesting.

The information he gives is fairly well researched like the planes in the ice... And the FACT that the Antarctica Ice plains are not as old as we have been lead to think... Around 4,000 years ago there was no Ice Plains just water, yet we keep pulling Ice rods and saying Million's rather than thousands of years... Odd ?

May be there was a giant flood around that time period...

But did God let Noah know, or did Noah just get sick and tired of the many mini floods and high water he got prior to the larger ones ?...

It's common sense that there is no God... The Bible is not the word of Jesus, it was the words of those who followed him... If you followed me and listen to me each day, could you write my actual ideals into a book of contangable sense...?

If Jesus wrote the Bible then it's His Gospel, if he didn't it's just stories made via opinion and hear say... The Bible is worthless... And Even if Jesus did write a Bible or part of, who to say he wasn't suffering from delusions of grandeur or another mental illness.


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