Just when I thought it was over...i think i did the set up incorrectly...
Sorry to keep bother people (i'm sure ya'll know how to create this kind of event). It turns out i must have a poorly translated version of rpg maker 2003...rather than "conditional branch" it was "fork condition"...anyway...
This is what I did for the set up...maybe there was something I did wrong.
(Under Common event-Parallel Process)
1. Conditional Branch - <Hero> 100 HP + Else Case
1a. Remove skill-Attack
1b. Add skill- <skill name>
2. Else case- <Hero> 101 HP
2a. Remove skill- <skill name>
2b. Add skill-Attack
...Was there something wrong with this set up?...Well, there has to be...in the demo when the hero's hp droped to 100 or less his commands wouldn't change...However I also noticed in the Conditional Branch where it says HP after the input number (100) it says "Up", and I couldn't use persentage...maybe that has something to do with it.
...But if I can't get this to work, I'll just leave it out of the game. It would be cool and all to have that kind of thing, but it won't kill the game if it doesn't have it.
But, hey if I can get it to work, that'll be good too. Sorry for all the hassle, and thanks again.