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Looking for game testers, bug fixers, and mappers....desperately seeking mappers

Started by blazinhandle, June 11, 2007, 04:47:03 PM

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I'm planning a release for June 16th, but I really need some people to Bug Fix, Test, and help make some maps. I'm decent a making maps, but I really would like to bring in some people who are really artistic that feel they can help the game shine and look beautiful.

The project can be found here:,12891.0.html

If you would like to be a mapper, please just post some of your work.
I need trustworthy game testers and knowledgable bug fixers as well.

Thank you!


I could map. My specialties are caves, forests, mountains, deserts, and towns.
Here's some of my work.



(Note, this was the town in my game that was only used to get one quest, then you never saw it i didnt make it very large.)


I'd love to have you on board, you're work looks pretty good although I'm really trying to stay away from the bland RTP tilesets. Here's what I'm currently looking for (pre-demo):

Main Map: Subsequent Maps

Island: Very large-scale beach, large cave, and a mountain pass.
Here's what I've got so far for a beach (using an RTP tileset), but, like I said, I'm looking to upgrade it to make it look unique: [spoiler][/spoiler]

Decent Sized Island City (Tavern, Temple, Barracks, Prison): Large-Scale Castle and Residential Area

If you need some more mock-ups or more detailed ones I'd be glad to give you some, however, I feel that your creativity will certainly add to it, so the choice is up to you. Like I said before, I am REALLY trying to shy away from the bland RTP stuff, so if you could use some other or reaaaallly make the RTP shine that would be amazing, mate.

Glad to have you on board Gnome!

Others are more than welcome as well!


I'll test for you, you want me to test for how professional it is or how enjoyable it is?

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I'll gladly test. I remember how many wows I said when I saw your battle system...101 I think...



Hey guys sorry about the delay. I'm having some real trouble finding mappers to help complete a demo. Right now I'm re-designing the CMS to all pictures rather than the ugly windowskins form I originally had. Along with that, I am working out some kinks in the CBS (talk about frustrating), but nothing should keep me from handing out copies to testers other than lack of map help. If it comes down to it, I'll be mapping away the weekend so that I can get this thing finally rolling. But yeah, figured I'd give you an update.


Don't rush yourself or else your game will turn out exactly how you didn't expect it =O



For the Island map, do you want it all on one map, or split up in to many small sections.


@Gnome: Split up into two main maps (east and west), a northern jungle area consisting of a large maze made up of subsequent maps, and then a cave/cove area uniting both the east and west sections through an underground cave.

I really need jungle and cave tilesets that aren't the bland RTP. I hope that's not too confusing, mate.  If it is, I'd be glad to have you working on the large royal city (medieval city of course) while I tackle the Island of Ylicis.

***EDIT***: I finished the east, west, and the cave/cove area. All that's left for Ylicis is the northern jungle area. I managed to find a jungle tileset that will work wonders for mazes:

Jungle Tileset
Thanks Gnome, lemme know what you think!


I love the tileset, just give me sometime to work with it and I'll see what I can do.
If I can't get the hang of it, I'd gladly do the city.

The way the tileset is posted, made it half the width, so it doesnt look right in the database.


EDIT: @RPG_Gnome: I emailed you the tileset and some autotiles. Good luck man, lemme know how goes it.

I've gone ahead and started making the city so all that's left before I can release a test demo is:

-Jungle Maps + Mazes
+Eventing on the maps
-Polishing up South Verrono
-Wrapping up final events
-A Barracks battleback
-A Prison battleback
-Menu Scene Displays (Backgrounds for the Menu System that display a picture describing the current area)

If anyone wants to take a stab at any of these (Gnome is tackling the Jungle maze/map), it'd be great to have you on board and would be a big help getting this thing rolling.



Sure thing. Here it is as an attachment. PM me with any questions or anything. Good luck and thanks!


Sorry, I wont be able to do this map, the tileset has a lot of missing pieces.


That's what all those autotiles are for (layering), but if you honestly feel you can't do it that's fine. I appreciate the time anyways.
