Communism is one of better goverments but it took place in bad country(russia) becouse you need a country rich in within there own lands(as in they can grow food easly and can find any luxuries they want) but I still prefur Marcism.
russia can grow it's own food as weird as it might seem to you they aren't a 3rd world country and they seem to be evolved from time to time.
it's not the country it's the humans in it.
once some jerk takes a bigger share or some decide not to work cause they get paid anyways it turns into chaos.
as for Marcism, Carl Marcs wrote the communism theory, Marcism is named after him and it's basicly Communism that tries to make people accept Communism at will
though Carl marcs could easily tell no rich person will give up their money so the place gotta be taken over
what he failed to see though is how those who took over will also not let go of their new power.
but he was right on the first one too so Maricsm was bound to fail.