I am a recently starting spriter, but am already on a roll. Since I've made a few, and plan on making more charactersets soon, I decided to make a topic. I called it WISP at random (White-in-Sprite Project). I named my sprite source site that because I couldn't think of anything else. So I thought back to my first sprite, and the white shirt and hair popped into mind. Anyways, so there's that.
About My Work
So far my sprites are modeled off of put together Ragnarok characters. The first image is a comparison between the sprite I made, and what it was modeled off so the viewer can see the detail and whatnot.
My Work
So far I only have a few (and some poses), but I just started late the 6th, so that's okay. My sprites average about 3 - 4 hours to do. So here's what I have so far:
Male Character Templates
Templates (see Templates)[/b], so that people can put together the sprites the way they want them.
[SIZE="3"]Templates[/SIZE] [/B]
Spoiler for Male Character Templates :
Female Character Templates
Using My Work[/u]
Easy enough, just give me credit.They're free to anyone who wishes to use them. I do plan on making more to Ragnarok type characters, and doing poses with them so there will be more than the walking around ones.
Spoiler for Updates History :
@June 8th/ I added a pose to my first sprite (called him Zane in my game). It was made as an idle stance on the map, with his mallet thrown over his shoulder. He twitches his ear, stamps his foot, and shifts the mallet (idle stance; what else is he gonna do?). Hope you like it, I made this one without template.
I also added a sitting position for him, and one where his ear flicks (both directions).
@June 9th/ Did a couple quick poses of the first sprite holding his hands out before him, and then raising them up slightly. Also added potions bottles into his hands. Also added one where he's holding up a mirror in all directions.
@June 10th/ I finished the KOS MOS sprite request, and put in the minstrel.
@June 14th/ Uploaded a few templates.
@July 1st/ I forgot to update this place, and so have added plenty more for both Male and Female. Check them out. I'll keep this updated with what I hope to be doing, and what I've made already. I would also like feedback about them, since I'm a recent spriter and all. :p