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Whats going on with my tileset?

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Level 90
My terrain tileset .. it's not working. Everytime I test play my character can't walk through it. I'm using the ultimate tileset.

My passability on it is - O
My Directional Pass on it has all of the arrows pointing each way.
My Priority is just a little Dot on it.
My Obscuring is also just a Dot.
My CounterTop is just a little Dot on it.
And last but not least my Terrain on it is 0

Is there anything wrong with it that is causing it not to work ?
I'm just copying the samething Dwarra had on his Ultimate Tileset.
Please someone tell me whats going on ...

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

I love Firerain
Level 97
So Blaze, you put it.
Sorry my thing didn't help you
Arlen is hot.

Level 90
This is gonna be difficult to solve. How bout actually SETTING the passibility! You know, things you cant pass is X, things you can is O!

I love Firerain
Level 97
I told him that.
He said His Things Are on O still he can't pass.
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
God of Dicks
Perhaps your main blank tile (or one of the other blank tiles) is set to X. Check that. If that doesn't seem to be the problem, try going over the empty spaces on the 2nd and 3rd layer with a passable blank tile anyways.

Level 91
Am I still cool?
This is an RMXP glitch. Every once and awhile this will happen and it is impossible to fix. You cannot solve it.
The way I fixed this glitch in my first game(Which got deleted right when I was going to make a backup), was by making a different map with a different name that looks slightly different.

In 2K3, there are a LOT more glitches with tilesets such as-
-The same as above, except no tiles in the tileset will NEVER work, no matter what map or name.
-Random map deleting(A real pain, especially when its a huge map with an incredibly long event in it).
-The game crashing whenever a monster tries to heal itself.
-And much more.

Sorry about your problem, but it has happened to me before too.

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Level 90
Changing the name of the map ..?
And also changing the tileset ...

Well ... I did try changing the tileset but it still didn't work. I kept going over and over with the passability and all of those other things. But I still can't move through that Tile.

So I hope the Glitch will go away soon. If it can that Is ...
But uh .. please people who this also happened to, post how you got it off.

WOW! This is just fu**** jolly great! Now that I did what you told me to it's telling me I need Map I.D. 000

And All I have is Map I.D. 001
So I can't play with out that map!
Now what do I have to do !?

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

Level 90
All I had to do was Delete the Map and do it over. I guess you helped me in a way dragonmagna. Thanks alot. YES!!!! Now I can continue My game. I OVE YOU GUYS!
(Sorry, Excited.)

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

Level 91
Am I still cool?
I'm very sorry. Really. I DID NOT know that anything like that would happen. But maybe I can help you get rid of this problem. Actually, I hope I can help you get rid of this problem because I feel very guilty right now and don't want your game to be ruined. But when exactly, does it ask for map ID 000?
Maybe, you should change the start location... Or something? I don't know how to help you, but a hacker could probably get your game back together. I really am sorry. I didn't know that would happen. Especially since that didn't happen to me.
All I did was make a new map with a different name that looked similar to the one that didn't work and I tried using that new map instead of the non-working one. I don't kow whats wrong with your game or why, but I hope you can get it fixed soon.

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Level 90
Whoa Whoa Dragon, Calm down read the post above yours. You helped me. All I had to do was Delete the map. Thanks alot man.

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

Level 91
Am I still cool?
Quote from: Blaze
Whoa Whoa Dragon, Calm down read the post above yours. You helped me. All I had to do was Delete the map. Thanks alot man.

Hey! Seems as if while I was typing that long speech I typed, you posted right while I was still typing and I didn't bother to check the post. Glad I could help. I felt really bad for a second there. :D  :D  :D  :shock:  :D

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
Heh, well thanks again. I'm glad I got that fixed .. man was that a pain in the @$$

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

Level 90
Oh my God! The problem came back!
I don't know what to do ... The only thing I'm doing is Editing My tilesets. My ultimate Tileset that is. then when I went to test play to see if a certain script worked. It said

File Data/Map000.rxdata not found.
Then when I press ok it closes down the game. God Damn!

What do I have to do ?!
This is the second time this has happened.

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

Level 91
Am I still cool?
Quote from: dragonmagna
I'm very sorry. Really. I DID NOT know that anything like that would happen. But maybe I can help you get rid of this problem. Actually, I hope I can help you get rid of this problem because I feel very guilty right now and don't want your game to be ruined. But when exactly, does it ask for map ID 000?
Maybe, you should change the start location... Or something? I don't know how to help you, but a hacker could probably get your game back together. I really am sorry. I didn't know that would happen. Especially since that didn't happen to me.
All I did was make a new map with a different name that looked similar to the one that didn't work and I tried using that new map instead of the non-working one. I don't kow whats wrong with your game or why, but I hope you can get it fixed soon.

Thats all I can say.

Except, I suggest you don't use that tileset and delete it from your games folder. Make a back-up of it somehwhere and try with a different tileset entirely. You may not be able to use the one you want to use. In my game, that happened when I had a really cool tileset, and it was even more messed up than yours. Using a different tileset fixed that problem for me.

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
Wait a minute. I've figured out my problem. I kept forgetting to put the party start at the map. I'm so sorry for getting you into this trouble man. I'm so dumb!

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

Level 91
Am I still cool?
Quote from: Blaze
Wait a minute. I've figured out my problem. I kept forgetting to put the party start at the map. I'm so sorry for getting you into this trouble man. I'm so dumb!

Okay, glad the problem is over. Now, please stop PMing me.

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
Oh ...
Well alright then ... Sorry!  :|

BlueXx says: Why would i lie to someone as dumb as you?

Kite says: Cuz i'm as dumb as me

BlueXx says: Good point

Level 91
Am I still cool?
Quote from: Blaze
Oh ...
Well alright then ... Sorry!  :|

NP. Its just that you PMed me 3 times, and said "Check my topic", which I would have done eventually anyway. But don't worry about it man, no problem, I don't care.

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!