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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

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Level 87
PotC: At World's End came out last Friday.

I went and saw it yesterday.  For a while I thought I might be able to sit through it without running to the bathroom, but no...it's THREE HOURS long.

It seems like each PotC movie has gotten exponentially longer, more action-packed, and (really really) confusing since the first movie.  I barely managed to follow, but this one made by brain hurt.  Overall, it wasn't terrible...but it's lost it magic since the first movie.  Oh well.

So, has anybody else seen it yet?

I love Firerain
Level 97
I may go and see it after my bro comes.

So, how's the movie except for long?
Arlen is hot.

Level 87
I personally loved it, and didn't think it was too long. Time flew while I was watching it, leaving me to think, "It's done already?!" Then I go online, and people are complaining about how long it is. *shrug*
Can you dig it?

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Was long, But It's Magic Didn't left.
It is Good, and it's Not Confusing, although It Left Many Strings Unexplained...and It's quite Obvious there's gonna be A 4th Sequel...<sigh>

I liked the Battle in the Whirpool the most...=X

Level 91
Personal Text
Yeah It wasnt too long it was long enough.
It left it open to a 4th movie, but if they use their brains they won't.
A 4th one will take the magic away.
Calipso, was dumb it lead up to this big ass thing and it ended up that she had bad crabs.
The battle in the whirlpool kicked ass. I would love to battle like that in a whirlpool,
because you know you are going to die either way so you could go full out.
It'd be fun as.
Seeing Keith Richards (I think thats him, the guy from rolling stones?) as Jacks father was cool.
he made a good Pirate but I would have liked to have seen more of him.
All in all it kicked ass and I would definatly watch it again.

Level 89
Eye of the tiger!
It twas good. I have to say that it didn't seem long at all, until I got out of the cinema and relalised the time. Hahaha. Overall it was a great movie. I had only ever seen the first one and I had to keep asking Jimmy who the characters were, but I found it really easy to understand and very exciting. Calypso sucked. And Depp was brilliant as always. Bloom played the same character as he always does, and Knightley was smoking! I still have yet to watch the entire POTC 2 right through. But planning to do it tonight! They better not kill it with a fourth film. But if they do they better have an excilent script. I think they may be able to keep Sparrow, but the turners will have to go. Apparently Knightly won't sign on for a fourth film. Any who. Great film. A must see if you like Pirates. I give it a 9/10.

"It wasn't me, a racoon jumped through the window, onto the chair, over my shoulder, through the living room and into the kitchen. The racoon stole the cookies from the cookie jar!" - Jerry and Cheese

Level 89
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Project of the Month winner for July 2008Project of the Month winner for May 20072011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2011 Project of the Year2011 Best RPG Maker User (Story)
I thought it was good, but not spetacular. The whirl pool battle scene was really awesome though. My least favourite part was when Calipso turned to 'original form' or something as mentioned earlier, which is just merely an increase in size to a giant that looks exactly the same; I was really expecting something more 'goddess-y'. I guess the crabs made up for it though... everybody loves crabs right?  :P

Art Master
Level 90
Loved it. It was a great film  did not dissapoint me at all.  Sadly, I had a great urge to use the bathroom for over an hour..but I wouldn't go (mostly for the fact that I had just used it and I also did not want to miss the movie). but, all in all it was great. I just hope that they do not ruin it with a 4th movie.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
I got up and ran into the bathroom when Elizabeth was having her speech, I come back and theres these two ships shooting at eachother in a gigantic maelstrom, and I was like "WHYYYYYY!"
Overall it was better than Shrek and Spiderman

Level 87
Heh, I guess I'm the only one who noticed the time while I was watching it.  Although like everyone says, the maelstrom battle was great.

Seeing Keith Richards (I think thats him, the guy from rolling stones?) as Jacks father was cool.
he made a good Pirate but I would have liked to have seen more of him.

I had forgotten about that...yeah, it was Keith Richards, as Captain Teague.  He managed to make every other pirate in the room look like a pansy.

My least favourite part was when Calipso turned to 'original form' or something as mentioned earlier, which is just merely an increase in size to a giant that looks exactly the same; I was really expecting something more 'goddess-y'. I guess the crabs made up for it though... everybody loves crabs right?  :P

I was thinking the EXACT same thing.  That was a pretty boring way to depict a goddess.  They could at least put a glow on her...or something...

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I liked it. I used to say that Pirates was a stupid idea, and wouldn't let myself see any of them. Then I did, and I'm into it. Also, I hope there is a 4th movie. Trilogies are getting lame now because every movie franchise is made into one. It would be nice to see a little change of pace.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Spoiler for This is the ending dont open it unless you have seen it, or are fucking retarded:
Well anyways at the end Barbosa takes the Black Pearl, and the map, and starts to show the crew where the fountain of youth is, except jack cut a huge part out of it, and is currently sailing on a dingy towards the fountain.

 :bean:< Y hello thar chaps, I dare say you should go see the movie if you havent opened the spoiler

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Why would you even waste a post to type the ending? That's pretty lame imo.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
I was showing you why they were going to have a 4th

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Yes, I didn't see the movie, but I read the spoiler....  ;9


But I still want to go see it really really badly!!!!

Level 87
I kneewwww it was 3 hours long lol (my parents gave me a "talk" because I came at 3 in the morning). honesty I didn't think it was that long. But 3 hours was just enough to put that story in. I didn't understand about 25% of it (because my friends were talkin lol). To me the 2nd one was better in terms of story but other than that I give it an 8/10

I love Firerain
Level 97
Reading the spoiler doesn't matter cuz you don't understand what's the fountain and all so it's no big deal.
Arlen is hot.

Level 89
No Cake For you!
Was awesome its no transformers but hey it was fricken sweet :blizj:

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
The movie kicked ass, and i gotta say, best wedding ever  ;8

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
its just a snowboarder. whats wrong with it?
i liked those two weird guys (i dont know their names) who did weird stuff like looking under people's pants in that singapore palace  ;D
other than that, i guess the movie was ok

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
It's the best movie ever. :tpg: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 88
wrath of winter
My fellow senior from hgih school has an idea for the 4th movie:

Jack finds the fountain of youth, spends a long time there, finds his way to North America, and becomes Johnny Depp.

I don't think there can be an effective fourth.  All the loose ends that could've continued the series for a while were tied up.  I won't tell about the ending for those who haven't seen it yet (but should cuz it's frickin' AWESOME), but there's really nothing left of the series without introducing more stuff, and that'll just make it go downhill cuz it gets dragged out.  A change of pace would be nice, true, but they tied up pretty much everything they needed to.  What was left isn't enough for a "final" fourth movie as everyone wants.  Unless it's a short little TV special that only lasts an hour...

BUT THE MOVIE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!  I seriously cannot wait til the DVDs come out.

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