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Kaizoku Project

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Level 88
Hi! This is my new pirate game project which, of course, will be about pirates and stuff. I haven't really thought up that much yet as I just came up with the idea. However, I would love help with piraty sprites as pirate flags, editted ship tilesets and character sprites. Thanks, however, for all help I may get during the games production.

Spoiler for Edits:
  • Pirate becomes Kaizoku! 2007-06-08
  • The project starts up. 2007-05-27

Spoiler for Latest News:
  • Pirate becomes Kaizoku! 2007-06-08
   -Pirate Project becomes Kaizoku Project. It's still just a working title, but I think Kaizoku sound so much better!
   Btw, kaizoku is japanese for pirate, if you didn't know that, already...

  • The project starts up. 2007-05-27
   -Yep, that's right. The project is now started and I will soon begin looking for team members and develope the game's custom resources.
   Btw, the title, 'Pirate Project', is not the official title - it's just a in-work title! Just so there will be no confusion about the, for now, horrible name.  xP
Spoiler for Archived News:
  None yet...

Spoiler for Recruitment:
If you wish to join us today, send a pm or post in this thread! Tell me what position you want (mapper, scripter, etc...) and how much time you can dedicate to 'Pirate Project' and maybe give some example of former work. However, we need...

 ...mappers who can create good-looking maps and ships with the custom resources that we will have to get. It's important that the job is done great and it really gives this piraty feeling.
 ...spriters who can create custom pirate sprites due that there aren't that much pirate sprites out there, as I can see. We also need help creating custom tilesets and facesets.
 ...scripters is one of the most important positions in a game production as a game will need lots of scripts and I totally suck at that point.
 ...musicians that can create piraty BGMs and BGS' and stuff like that. This is an important part of a game!
 ...resourcers that can get all other important resources that none of the above does take care of.
 ...anything else that can be done in the game production that I can't take care of.
Spoiler for Team:
The current team is made up by these important people:

 -Martin, production leader. Mapper, spriter and resourcer.
 None more for the moment...
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 10:06:01 PM by Kesshomaru »

Rukinet. - the dot's included!

Pure Awesome.
Level 87
Narrowing Fabrications of an Elusive Mind
Lol, I'm working on a pirate themed game as well...

Level 88

Rukinet. - the dot's included!

Level 88
A pirate's life for me
That makes three of us, mates. Why don't we all team up? Lol

Oh well don't use "Pirate goes on adventure to find treasure" story, I already had that one.
Good luck wit' yer projects mate. Especially wit' findin' the custom resources.

The new generation will go to the distance... Will the distance between us smallen?

Level 88

Rukinet. - the dot's included!

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Wow...everyone is doing pirate games now( I started! Lol...Black Rose Ocean)

Hope this will go well. Good luck.

Level 88
Black Rose Ocean is a pirate game!? And you made it!? Wow... I haven't been paying attention to much at all, lately... ^^'

Rukinet. - the dot's included!

Level 88
A pirate's life for me
No I'm the king of pirates :P

The new generation will go to the distance... Will the distance between us smallen?

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Black Rose Ocean is a pirate game!? And you made it!? Wow... I haven't been paying attention to much at all, lately... ^^'

Yeah. And Im still working on it. It would probably take time to finish it.

Level 87
I WAS making a pirate game so can I help you guys Im real good at making good outdoor maps

Level 90
Good luck, my game is 1/4 pirate themed so it'll be good to see how yours differs from mine =D


Level 88
okay, qwertyuiopboy... (what a name... -__-'' it's difficult O:O)
 you used some special tileset back then? if so, tell me and where I can get it!  :blizj:

however, wanna be a mapper, then!? :)

Rukinet. - the dot's included!

Level 87
I want to map but I use the tileset xp comes with

Level 88
so what special features you have except this being a pirate game???

like what battle system

a few screenshots of what you have done say mapping/ sprites/ title menu nad etc

Level 89
Let's attack agressively.
Arrrr, so mate, your makin a pirate game, eh? Har Har Har, well eye wish ye luck, and ye should put some screenshot mate, so we can see how yer game is going.

Level 88
pirate  :lol:

points at image



Level 88
@dollmage: I haven't actually started up to much with the game yet besides from a little planning as my website needs a hell lot of work right now... check it out at http://gamertag.co.nr/ if you want!

Rukinet. - the dot's included!

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
I suggest you do not hire dollmage as a spriter or w/e. You can see by his work that they're good, but what if he's not here? UH oh. XD

No I'm the king of pirates :P
I am the king of pirates. I own one piece.

Anyways, I could take role as an eventer although most of my things are quite crude and inefficient.... I also can't spend much time but if you have a request, I could make a new project, game disk it and then send it to you (if I have finished it). Also, I would need PMs for requests (if you accept me) because I might not check up here often.

Level 90
Let me be the first to say...

@Dollmage: That sprite is kickass! <3


Level 88
ehhh what you mean not always here? :blizj:

i dont sprite for payment i sprite for fun  :blizj: