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Simple Script Shop

Started by Rune, May 26, 2007, 11:12:37 PM

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School for me doesn't start till late september.


I need that script, still no response?
Huge sig is huuuuge.


Sorry matey, :'(
I can't do that, a) because i'm a lot busier now, and b) I'm not that advanced, sorry ;9

Someone shoot me please?
Your conscience.


Oh, nevermind about it, I got it covered.

But if you look at this script request thread I posted, that would be useful, and rather simple in my eyes.
Huge sig is huuuuge.


damn... i put my work on hold waiting for you to get back from camping, only to be told that im screwed....  ;9


Quote from: swiftdeathsk on August 13, 2007, 12:12:56 PM
damn... i put my work on hold waiting for you to get back from camping, only to be told that im screwed....  ;9

Hey, I can't do much about it
sorry that I can't help.

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Quote from: NAMKCOR on August 13, 2007, 01:56:50 PM
Quote from: swiftdeathsk on August 13, 2007, 12:12:56 PM
damn... i put my work on hold waiting for you to get back from camping, only to be told that im screwed....  ;9

Hey, I can't do much about it
sorry that I can't help.

dont worry about it...  ;)

i was just in a pissy mood when i posted that. i understand completely, although i am bummed about it.


Does anybody know of any scripts like these:
A script that shows your current equipment inside a little 29x29 box?
A script that lets you change weapons in battle.


29x29 box??!?!?!! Wth? Aren't icons 24x24? ><

Karo Rushe

Can you guiys make a working Pokemon Battle System by any chance? If not, it's ok  ;9 I'll cotinue searching if it's complex.


Quote from: mastermoo420 on August 15, 2007, 05:32:26 PM
29x29 box??!?!?!! Wth? Aren't icons 24x24? ><

Yeah, they are, but I want them inside a bigger box to make them look cool. (Like in the 2D zeldas)

modern algebra

Yeah, but you have 5 pieces of equipment  :police:


Huge sig is huuuuge.

modern algebra


modern algebra


I think I have the wrong idea of what you are asking. Design please?

Karo Rushe

Question, is this still open for Request? and if by chance, is NAMKOR still Campign? >_<;;

I want an Edit of the Default Battle system...

Here's the Mock-Up:


DAS, check I recall someone did something just like that.

You are using one character though, since there's no way you can fit four battlers in to that tiny box.

Karo Rushe

Actually, there are Four Battlers, but they're Small since they'd be Ripped Sprites sets.

Something like this


Quote from: modern algebra on August 16, 2007, 04:01:11 AM

I think I have the wrong idea of what you are asking. Design please?

Yeah, this is a mock up of what it should sorta look like:

1 = Head
2 = Weapon
3 = Body
4 = Shield
5 = Accessory[/spoiler]

And....the little block thing, is what they should go in, 30x30.

modern algebra

So you want this to be shown on the map? Or somewhere else? Of which actor? In what location on the screen?


DAS, that's not a simple script at all, you'd need to edit a bunch of battle system classes (battle system classes are the hardest things to edit) as well as making all the menus. Try posting a topic in the request forum but I highly doubt anyone will do it, sideview systems are much more popular.

Karo Rushe

 :( I would like to use a Side-View Battle system...but I hate that when I use the spells...It goes Off-screen...

Most of them aren't Compatibable with Blizz's Scripts...-___-;;

So I thought of a Front View =/

Unless those two problems could be solved...


@SJR - I can't promise anything, but, i'll try
Your conscience.


Quote from: modern algebra on August 25, 2007, 06:25:58 AM
So you want this to be shown on the map? Or somewhere else? Of which actor? In what location on the screen?

On the map.
Actor number one.
?.? Just where I put them or something like it?

Karo Rushe

I only need the Battle Menu, I found the Script to put those Battlers infront  :mad: Falcon Was right!!!!!!! Over 20 Pages down in RMXORG!!!!!!!|

Want it like a Final Fantasy but without the Bar for the RTBA...Want the Bar for "Soul-Rage" =) The very template given serves as example >.>;;