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Out-of-Body Experiences

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I had one one night, and it freaked me out pretty bad for a month.

I woke up in bed, and looked at the clock on my nightstand. It said 2:00 am exactly. I got out of bed to get a glass of water, and when I turned back to my bed, I could see myself still lying in it. I thought I was dreaming, and shook myself awake. When I woke up, the clock said 4:00 am on the dot. I got up, turned on the light, and once again I was still in bed. I woke up again, and then I could feel myself being pulled toward the window, and I was freaking out by this point. Next time I woke up, it was almost 7 am, and I just lay in bed until my alarm went off.

Anyone else ever have one?

Level 91
God of Dicks

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
When I played on the school basketball team, I remember I got a rebound over a gigantic guy, who grabbed at my legs. I landed head first, and I could see myself getting up

Level 87
It sounds very scary. Though, it's something I wish I could experience, because while scary, it at the same time sounds awesome. >_>
Can you dig it?

Level 89
No Cake For you!
wow creepy I've had some pretty weird dreams almost like foresight 5 days before my bro bought a ps2 i dreamt i was playing it this also happened with getting my game cube....... i thought it was strange. :-\

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
wow creepy I've had some pretty weird dreams almost like foresight 5 days before my bro bought a ps2 i dreamt i was playing it this also happened with getting my game cube....... i thought it was strange. :-\

i havnt had many wierd dreams....but my friend dreamed that barny ate some kids....

You're talking about dreams though, and that's not what an OBE is.

FURRY 4 LIFE. Here kitty kitty kitty....
Level 87

the 1st time idk much about its like my first memory or something but what happened was this:

i was about 6 months old lying in a cradle and i could see my dad leaning over me i was behind him looking down on both of us

this may have been a dream i really don't have any idea its too vauge

the 2nd time:

i was layin in my bed listening to the radio when i started feeling all floaty and i kept my eyes closed for a while and soon its like i wasn't even in my room anymore everything was really soft and it felt all peaceful and perfect then i became aware of this feeling and started thinking about it and it felt like i was falling suddenly and i opened my eyes and i was about 2 inches from the roof i never actually saw myself but i coninued to fall and about 3/4 of a sec after i was by the roof i was back on the bed staring up at the celing and lisening to the radio
"screaming out the mating call. i've become the lord of love"

caramelldansen forever!

Level 90
Skilled Scripter, Shitty Mapper, Decent Writer.
wow creepy I've had some pretty weird dreams almost like foresight 5 days
I've had things like that occur through out my life. You end up with this really strong sense of dejavu from the ones that you recall fairly well enough to realize where you were but not what you were doing.

You're talking about dreams though, and that's not what an OBE is.
Aye. =( It would be scary as shit to have an OBE but I still want one...as long as it isn't the permanent one called death.

Level 87
Well let's see closest thing I could relate to that is some creepy dream I had a long time ago. I used to live in a 17 floor building on the top floor and 1 night I had a dream I jumped out of my window and when I was about to hit the floor it's like I fell back in my body. And it was nighttime in my dream and when I woke up it was time for school...wierd eh?

Level 88
I had one one night, and it freaked me out pretty bad for a month.

I woke up in bed, and looked at the clock on my nightstand. It said 2:00 am exactly. I got out of bed to get a glass of water, and when I turned back to my bed, I could see myself still lying in it. I thought I was dreaming, and shook myself awake. When I woke up, the clock said 4:00 am on the dot. I got up, turned on the light, and once again I was still in bed. I woke up again, and then I could feel myself being pulled toward the window, and I was freaking out by this point. Next time I woke up, it was almost 7 am, and I just lay in bed until my alarm went off.

Anyone else ever have one?
feel more like "lakbay diwa" i dont know what they call it in english but its the part when your spirit leave's your body temporarily (was it astral projection 4got >.<)

Level 90
(it's been awhile since anyone has posted in this one)
But yeah this is also known as astral projection. It's really not that scary, then again I practice it and a few times have had success. I wasn't terrified or anything but it was something I expected, seeing your own body, the only thing is I have a problem of flying to random places really fast that I over excite myself and wake up.

Practicing Astral projection (some consider it sin which I don't see why) can really quite literally explore your horizons. But I found that it clears my mind when I do it and I just feel overall good, with no worries. And it feels good to be without a body. But eh. haha

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Ever heard of...

Well, I will translate from Swedish

"Sleep paralyze"?

It has happend to me some times. I like the body is sleeping, but you are awake, You can't moce, and starts to panic, and you still  can't move.

One time, I couldn't breath from my mouth, I could only breath from my nose.

Level 90
Yeah I experienced that as well, sleep paralysis can definitely be scary. You can actually still dream while in it and because of your panic you can generate some pretty sadistic things.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Shiver me timbers!
I ne'er had any.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
I almost had that. I kinda went elsewhere and yeah. My only Out-of-Body experience was I'm just kinda imaginative and I imagined myself looking at me while my other me was on a birdy.

Level 87
I take my body everywhere I go.

Level 102
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I wish I could say that I've never had something like this happen to me.

When I was really young, every night I saw myself floating to the ceiling. And when I looked down, I saw my body. Although it could have been a continuous dream, just like a lady poking my eye. O_O I hated the eye poking dream.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Sleep paralysis sucks. I hate when you know you're sleeping, and want to wake up, but you can't move. The shitty part is that you keep dreaming that you're getting up, only to realize that you're still lying there. I've heard something about the "Old Hag" dreams too. Supposedly they have been recorded going back very far in history, and result in sleep paralysis.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Oh, I remember a weird dream where I slept, I slept in that dream, and did that over and over. After a while, I decided to wake up and after I woke up, I was still in a dream. I kept on doing that 'till I really woke up after weird experiences. What's an "Old Hag" dream?

Level 88
This is also called Astral projection(I think)
Few people have claimed that they can do this any time they feel like it.
It allows them to fly to the spirit realm or something.

Level 91
GIMP 2.3.18 bitches!
OMG  I used to have these all the time.  It would kind scare me but I was cool with it really.  This is how it went.  I would be kinda floating in the dream and feel as if I were waking up.  I would suddenly start falling rapidly.  I would start to see myself in my bed sleeping and I was falling towards myself and then the moment I hit myself.  I wake up.  Scared me everytime.  It was like a thrill ride.  I love it! lol
Go suck a lemon! lol